Nom du fichier : Red Dead Redemption - PS3 - Auteur : ANO - [PS3] |
Cheat mode When you purchase a newspaper always check the bottom right for the codes. There may also be others throughout the paper. Enter the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat option. Note: Enabling cheat codes will prevent the game from being saved and will not allow achievements or trophies from becoming unlocked. Effect / Code ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Who? (become a nobody) HUMILITY BEFORE THE LORD Jack Attack (turn John into Jack, his son) OH MY SON, MY BLESSED SON Decrease bounty THEY SELL SOULS CHEAP HERE Old School (sepia graphics) THE OLD WAYS IS THE BEST WAYS Money (+$500) THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL, WE THANK YOU! Gun Set 1 IT'S MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT Gun Set 2 (Buffalo rifle, sawed-off shotgun, semi-auto pistol, Schofield revolver, Winchester repeater, fire bottle x3) I'M AN AMERICAN. I NEED GUNS Infinite ammo ABUNDANCE IS EVERYWHERE Infinite horse stamina MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES Infinite Dead Eye I DON'T UNDERSTAND INFINITY Invincibility HE GIVES STRENGTH TO THE WEAK Horse (spawn horse) BEASTS AND MAN TOGETHER Lewis & Clark (all areas unlocked) YOU GOT YOURSELF A FINE PAIR OF EYES Diplomatic Immunity (no bounty/wanted level) I WISH I WORKED FOR UNCLE SAM Sharp Dressed Man (Gentleman's suit) DON'T YOU LOOK FINE AND DANDY Treasure Hunter outfit YOU THINK YOU TOUGH, MISTER? Easy experience Play in online Free Roam mode. Find a gang hideout and kill all the enemies, as well as the reinforcements that appear. Loot the bodies to get money and ammunition, then leave the hideout. After a short amount of time the enemies will respawn, allowing you to repeat the process as many times as desired. Unlimited fame and honor Go to Thieves' Landing and buy the elegant suite. Go in the saloon and play poker ($25). Get caught cheating by pulling the arrow to one side. You will have to duel someone. Shoot the gun out of their hand for extra fame and honor. Note: When you do this, the bullet may bounce off and hit someone else. They will start shooting at you. To make this easier, buy the house in town to save the game and get others off your back. There Will Be Blood reference The town of Plainview is a reference to the movie There Will Be Blood main character Daniel Plainview, played by Daniel Day Lewis. Take note of all the oil rigs. Trophies Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation3 trophy rewards. High Roller (Bronze): Win over 2000 chips in a hand of Poker. No Dice (Bronze): Complete a game of Liar's Dice without losing a single die. What About Hand Grenades? (Bronze): Get a ringer in a game of Horseshoes. Fightin' Around the World (Bronze): Knock someone out in melee in every saloon in the game in Single Player. Strange Things are Afoot (Bronze): Complete a task for Stranger. Buckin' Awesome (Bronze): Break the Kentucky Saddler, the American Standard bred, and the Hungarian Half-bred. Clemency Pays (Bronze): Capture a bounty alive. Exquisite Taste (Bronze): Purchase a rare weapon from a gunsmith. Bearly Legal (Bronze): Kill and skin 18 grizzly bears. He Cleans Up Well! (Bronze): Obtain the Elegant Suit. More than a Fistful (Bronze): Earn $10,000 in Single Player. Frontiersman (Bronze): Obtain Legendary rank in any Single Player Ambient Challenge. Man of Honor / Chivalry's Dead (Bronze): Attain highest Fame rank and either highest Honor rank or lowest Honor rank. Gold Medal (Bronze): Earn a Gold Medal Rank for a combat mission in Single Player. On the Trail of de Vaca (Bronze): Uncover every location on the map in Single Player. Friends in High Places (Bronze): Use a pardon letter with more than $5000 bounty in Single Player. Bullseye (Bronze): Get 250 headshots in any game mode. Unnatural Selection (Bronze): Kill one of every animal species in the game in any game mode. Slow on the Draw (Bronze): Get 10 assists in a single Hideout in a public Free Roam session. Hit the Trail (Bronze): Get from Blackwater to Escalera before sundown in a public Free Roam session. Posse Up! (Bronze): Create a posse and get the maximum number of members. Most Wanted (Bronze): Become a Public Enemy for 10 minutes and escape alive in a public Free Roam session. Red Dead Rockstar (Bronze): Kill a Rockstar or someone with this Trophy in a public multiplayer match Austin Overpowered (Silver): Complete Twin Rocks, Pike's Basin, and Gaptooth Breach Hideouts in Single Player. Evil Spirits (Silver): Complete Tumbleweed and Tesoro Azul Hideouts in Single Player. Instinto Asesino (Silver): Complete Fort Mercer and Nosalida Hideouts in Single Player. People are Still Strange (Silver): Complete 15 tasks for Strangers. The Gunslinger (Silver): Score a headshot on any enemy using Expert targeting mode. Mowing Them Down (Silver): Kill 500 enemies with a mounted weapon in any game mode. In a Hail of Bullets (Silver): Kill 500 enemies with any pistol or revolver in any game mode. Long Arm of Marston (Silver): Kill 500 enemies with any rifle, repeater, or shotgun in any game mode. Have Gun Will Travel (Silver): Complete all Hideouts in a single public Free Roam session. The Quick and Everyone Else... (Silver): Be the top scoring player in any three consecutive FFA games in public matches. How the West Was Won (Silver): Reach the top rank for multiplayer experience. Go Team! (Silver): Be on the winning team for four consecutive victories in any team based game in public matches. Redeemed (Gold): Attain 100% in the Single Player Game Completion stat. Legend of the West (Platinum): You've become a true legend of the west! Additionally there are twelve secret trophies. Secret trophy (Unknown): Unknown. Secret trophy (Unknown): Unknown. Secret trophy (Unknown): Unknown. Secret trophy (Unknown): Unknown. That Government Boy (Bronze): Complete "Exodus in America". Land of Opportunity (Bronze): Complete "The Assault on Fort Mercer". Sons of Mexico (Bronze): Complete "The Gates of El Presidio". No More Fancy Words (Bronze): Complete "An Appointed Time". A Savage Soul (Bronze): Complete "At Home with Dutch". The Benefits of Civilization (Bronze): Complete "And the Truth Will Set You Free". Into the Sunset (Bronze): Complete "The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed". Nurture or Nature? (Gold): Complete "Remember My Family". |
Vue : 5239 fois |
Mise à jour : 2010.05.26 |
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