Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered - PS4

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered - PS4
Nom du fichier : Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered - PS4 - Auteur : ANO - [PS4]

Intel Cheats
You can unlock cheats by finding the required number of Intel Laptops that are hidden throughout the single-player campaign.

2 - COD Noir (adds a black-and-white filter)
4 - Photo Negative (inverts color palette)
6 - Super Contrast (greatly increased color contrast)
8 - Ragtime Warfare (adds black-and-white filter and piano soundtrack)
10 - Cluster Bombs (grenades explode into a pile of grenades that also then explode)
15 - A Bad Year (enemies explode into tires once killed)
20 - Slow Motion (tap the melee button to initiate "bullet time" effect)
30 - Infinite Ammo (never run out of bullets)
30 - Zakhaev's Sons (all enemies are Zakhaev, with a rocket launcher)
30 - Explosive Lemons (grenades are lemons)
30 - Melon Head (enemies' heads are watermelons that burst apart when shot)

Various Trophies
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

Trophy How to unlock Type

Best of the Best Beat IW best time on the Ship Training course in 'F.N.G.' (15.1 sec). Silver
Bird on the Ground Shoot down an enemy helicopter with an RPG in the single player campaign. Bronze
Dancing in the Dark Kill the power. Bronze
Daredevil Kill an enemy while blinded by a flashbang in the single player campaign. Bronze
Death From Above Operate an AC-130 gun ship. Bronze
Deep and Hard Complete the game on Hardened or Veteran difficulty. Gold
Desert Storm Find the Desert Eagle in 'Crew Expendable' and kill 5 enemies with it. Bronze
Desperate Measures Corner Zakhaev's Son. Bronze
Dogs. I Hate Dogs. Kill 20 attack dogs with a knife. Bronze
Down Boy Down Survive a dog attack. Bronze
Earn a Winged Dagger Complete 'F.N.G.'. Bronze
Explosion Man Kill 20 enemies with explosives in a single level. Bronze
Eyes and Ears Find 30 enemy intel items. Bronze
Feel the Heat Kill all 4 tanks on the overpass with the Javelin missile in 'The Bog'. Bronze
Flyswatter Destroy 8 enemy helicopters in 'Heat'. Bronze
Four of a Kind Kill 4 enemies in a row with headshots in the single player campaign. Bronze
Ghillies In The Mist Complete 'All Ghillied Up' without alerting any enemies. Bronze
Just another day at the office Earn all available trophies for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered. Platinum
Look Sharp Find 15 enemy intel items. Bronze
Make the Jump Infiltrate a cargo ship. Bronze
Man of the People Save the farmer. Bronze
Man versus Machine Alert the enemy helicopter in 'All Ghillied Up' and take it down. Bronze
Master Ninja Complete any level using only the knife to kill enemies. Silver
Mile High Club Sky dive to safety on Veteran difficulty. Silver
New Squadron Record Complete the cargo ship mockup in less than 19 seconds. Bronze
No Rest for the Weary Stab an injured crawling enemy. Bronze
Piggyback Ride Carry Cpt. MacMillan to safety. Bronze
Reinforcement Denied Kill at least 3 rappelling enemies in a single rope. Bronze
Rescue Roycewicz Save Pvt. Roycewicz on the stairs. Bronze
Retro Shooter Complete any level without reloading your weapon (excluding 'The Coup' and 'Aftermath'). Bronze
Roadkill Kill 2 enemies by blowing up a car in the single player campaign. Bronze
Save the Bacon Protect 'War Pig', the Abrams tank. Bronze
Straight Flush Kill 5 enemies with one shot while in the AC-130 gunship. Bronze
The Bog Complete 'The Bog' and 'War Pig' on Veteran difficulty. Silver
The Escape Complete 'Hunted' and 'Death From Above' on Veteran difficulty. Silver
The First Horseman Complete 'Shock and Awe' on Veteran difficulty. Silver
The Fourth Horseman Complete 'Game Over' on Veteran difficulty. Silver
The Man in the High Tower Find and use the hidden cache in 'Heat'. Bronze
The Package Complete 'Crew Expendable' on Veteran difficulty. Silver
The Rescue Complete 'Blackout' on Veteran difficulty. Silver
The Search Complete 'Charlie Don't Surf' on Veteran difficulty. Silver
The Second Horseman Complete 'Safehouse' on Veteran difficulty. Silver
The Shot Complete 'All Ghillied Up' and 'One Shot, One Kill' on Veteran difficulty. Silver
The Third Horseman Complete 'Heat' and 'The Sins of the Father' on Veteran difficulty. Silver
The Ultimatum Complete 'Ultimatum', 'All In', and 'No Fighting in the War Room' on Veteran difficulty. Silver
Three of a Kind Kill 3 enemies in a row with your knife in the single player campaign. Bronze
Time Paradox (secret) Kill Makarov and complete your mission Bronze
Weapon Master Get a kill with each type of handheld gun, explosive and launcher in the single player campaign. Silver
Win the War Complete the game on any difficulty. Bronze
Wrong Number Find Al-Asad's safehouse. Bronze
Your Show Sucks Destroy all the TVs showing Al-Asad's speech. Bronze

Vue : 3773 fois
Mise à jour : 2019.09.02

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