SD Gundam Generation-F

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SD Gundam Generation-F
Nom du fichier : SD Gundam Generation-F - Auteur : ANO - [PSX]

View movies and unlock Turn A Gundam senario
Unlock Turn A Gundam missions:

To unlock the 2 missions from Turn A Gundam simply complete all the other campaigns. Once this campaign is complete you'll see the staff roll and at the end the code to play as Phoenix Gundam.

View Movies

Once all the campaigns are complete, go to the option mode and load your completed game data. You will see a new option at the bottom of the menu which will take you to a screen with three G-Generation logos. (One for G-Generation, one for Zero and one for F)

To watch films from G-Generation and G-Generation Zero you must have the game discs, but you can view all the movies.

For G-Generation F you must have unlocked the movie to watch it.

In-game reset:
Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Select + Start during game play.

Quick resume:
If you have used the in-game reset code, press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Select + Circle at the opening screen to quickly resume your previously saved game.

Pilots, Warships, and Mobile Suits:
A large amount of Capital (Credits) is recommended for some of the following. After successfully entering the code for the MS, WS, and character, you will need to buy (or rent in the character's case) the unit just as you would normally do when buying something new from your factory. Each card begins with a two-digit number. That number represents the tech level you must be at before you can use the code.

Adin Banet 01-9473641
Amuro Ray (FG) 01-6082101
Anabel Gato 01-8310728
Bright Noah (FG) 01-1923545
Char Aznabel 01-9703447
Cristina McKenzie 01-8637059
Domon Kashu 01-1129228
Dozul Zabi 01-8451489
Duo Maxwell 01-7996330
Elpi Puru 01-1138530
Four Murasame 01-2751798
Gaia 01-6531615
General Rebil 01-2867933
Giren Zabi 01-3667060
Haman Khan (Z) 01-0182687
Heero Yui 01-5140390
Judo Ashta 01-4099031
Kamiyu Bidan 01-0065880
Kou Uraki 01-8530872
Kyoda Shiro 01-1826628
Lalah Sun 01-6050208
Ma Kube 01-4130176
Matilda Ajiyan 01-4531573
Paptimus Sirocco 01-1890880
Quatro Bagina 01-3499923
Roran Zeack 01-4055888
Schwarz Breuder 01-1880549
Seila Mas 01-6295212
Toho Fuhai Master Asia 01-6122131
Zechs Marquiz 01-4860231

Adorastea (Flight) 08-8831162
Adorastea (Land) 08-1716277
Ahgama 05-5199414
Ajax 07-0014149
Albion 05-7232836
Angel Hairo 10-5400385
Asubite 07-9115748
Bandaru 07-2461377
Bapua 01-9816660
Baruji 09-0332343
Big Tore 01-3374341
Chibe 02-3343645
Colony Laser (X) 10-4967757
Colony Laser (Z) 10-3818261
Columbus 01-4964062
Dabude 02-0660637
Dogos Gia 07-4007237
Doros 08-0719702
Dorowa 08-9947398
Gau 01-0894672
Granshario 08-4042933
Gunperi 01-1294171
Guwanban 08-5174479
Gwadan 05-6536154
Gwadan 08-5181672
Gyaropu 01-1873130
Janudaruku 07-4756796
Jupitoris 09-7250728
Jupitoris 9 09-8932620
Kairasgiri 10-3551921
Mad Angler 03-3844129
Mazeran 02-8037176
Midea 01-4990708
Musai 01-9926183
Musai (0083) 02-5990708
Neru Ahgama 06-2402075
Peace Million 07-1974551
Ra Kairam 07-0346491
Reurura 09-2365094
Rinhose Jr. 07-5100116
Sadaran 07-8205148
Salamis 01-1127794
Sanshibal 03-2188415
Sobura 09-9009269
Solar Ray 10-3789955
Solar System 10-9213055
Solar System II 10-7778258
Soreiyu 09-2887521
Ucon U99 02-7333165
White Base 03-3349300
Zamus Garu 09-4642915

Mobile Units
61 Tank 01-8549484
Aeris 02-1822566
Agai 01-9034791
Agugai 01-4977504
Aizaku 02-0250038
Alpha Aziel 10-1843612
Altron Gundam 08-0902058
Apsalas II 05-0335948
Aqua GM 01-2388480
Ashima (MA) 05-7529931
Ashima (MS) 05-3076613
Azam 05-3199542
Ball 01-0316189
Ball Kai 01-5678535
Bau 05-3633828
Bazam 03-8218929
Biguro 05-1135266
Bigzam 10-8974908
Blue Destiny 1 02-1439811
Blue Destiny 2 04-1608282
Bolt Gundam 08-8439842
Borinook Samaan 07-6139262
Bound Dog 07-6724617
Burao Buro 05-8755732
Char's Custom Gelgog 04-8340512
Char's Custom Rig Dom 03-1996067
Char's Custom Zaku II 02-6011306
Char's Custom Zugok 04-0350853
Cima's Gustom Gelgog M 05-0910378
Core Booster 02-1818987
Core Fighter 01-4100469
Crossbone Gundam X 1 (Mant) 08-6205508
Crossbone Gundam X1 Kai 08-8834681
Crossbone Gundam X2 08-0936807
Crossbone Gundam X2 Kai 08-0612372
Crossbone Gundam X3 08-0564891
Death Army 02-0052586
Death Body 02-1642000
Death Navy 02-0979470
Desert Zaku 02-0749378
Devil Gundam 10-6769192
Devil Gundam Jr. 10-2747348
Dije 06-5046456
Dobenwolf 08-8306578
Dom 02-2326011
Dom Tropen 03-1695853
Dop 01-4044199
Doragosu 01-6023856
Doraisen 05-9572313
Doratsue 01-3308157
Dowaji 03-8437040
Dozul's Custom Zaku II 05-2508606
Dragon Gundam 06-7176383
Elmeth 05-4137976
EWAC Nero 01-3173629
EWAC Nero 03-3173629
Ex-S Gundam 08-4633332
Ez-8 03-5100212
FA Gundam 04-7954392
FA Gundam Mk II 05-6820518
FAZZ 08-7954392
First Ball 01-1365532
G Defensor 02-1659629
G Falcon DX 09-9161836
G Falcon GX 07-0033228
G Fighter 02-4628020
G-3 Gundam 03-7190600
Ga Zoum 03-2178008
Gaia's Custom Zaku I 01-2837371
Galbady B 03-0077159
Gatoru 01-9055184
Gato's Custom Gelgog 04-0005752
Gaza C 02-9700273
Gaza C Kai 02-3400635
Gaza D 02-8414046
Gaza L 07-2568183
Gaza R 07-1169811
Gebra Tetra 05-3278798
Gelgog 03-3306531
Gelgog Cannon 03-8556134
Gelgog J 03-6903460
Gelgog M 03-2212151
Gemaruku 08-3741157
Gira Doga 04-7742285
Gira Doga Psychommu 06-4698757
GM 01-6775363
GM Cannon 01-2391878
GM Cannon II 02-0248402
GM Commando 02-7462364
GM Commando 02-9462364
GM Custom 02-5649898
GM Custom (Burning type) 04-0400215
GM II 02-6867186
GM III 02-2313652
GM Kai 02-6124348
GM Quail 02-0626081
GM Sniper Custom 02-3302186
GM Sniper II 02-2741241
God Gundam 09-9806039
Gok 02-1727467
Gouf 02-8695079
Gouf Flight type 02-5107182
Gouf Heavy Armor 02-2996887
Gouf Heavy Armor 02-2996887
GP01 05-6521703
GP01-Fb 05-3013219
GP02A 05-0601262
GP03-D 10-1208186
GP03-S 05-4629017
Grand Dundam 10-5615084
Grand Master Gundam 10-9211171
Gun Cannon 02-2986852
Gun Cannon Heavy Armor 02-7449040
Gunda Ashutaron 07-1570510
Gundam 03-7799496
Gundam (Headless) 03-7314814
Gundam Airmaster 06-7430784
Gundam Akueriasu 08-1336252
Gundam Berufegoru 08-0709082
Gundam Deathscythe 07-5730686
Gundam Deathscythe Hell 08-8471208
Gundam D-Hell Custom 08-5132352
Gundam DX 09-8693474
Gundam Epyon 10-6828631
Gundam F 91 09-1631518
Gundam F90 07-2227132
Gundam F90 II 08-6464711
Gundam Geminas 02 06-5872578
Gundam Heavy Arms 07-3598494
Gundam Heavyarms Custom 08-7025099
Gundam Heavyarms Kai 08-8775719
Gundam Leopard 06-1689007
Gundam MA Mode 03-3504223
Gundam Maxter 06-1564107
Gundam MK II 05-5132151
Gundam Mk II (Titans) 05-8373034
Gundam Mk III 06-2837654
Gundam MK-IV 07-7700212
Gundam Natac 08-2438132
Gundam NT-1 04-2584061
Gundam NT-1 FA 05-8349849
Gundam Pixy 02-6081061
Gundam Rose 05-9389532
Gundam Sandrock 07-7261411
Gundam Sandrock Custom 08-6446274
Gundam Sandrock Kai 08-1984225
Gundam Spiegel 08-9335495
Gundam Virsago 07-6874170
Gundam Virsago Chest Break 09-8135277
Gundam X 07-0722075
Guntank 02-8534393
Guntank II 02-9442306
Guraburo 05-1082789
Gyaburan 06-8378845
Gyaburan Kai 04-4722253
Gyan 03-3652610
Gyunei's Custom Jagd Doga 07-4179251
Halo 08-4178728
Hanburabi 05-3930173
Hanma Hanma 08-6332393
High Mobility Zaku 01-6460103
Higok 03-3209077
Hizaku (Federation) 03-2595885
Hizaku (Titans) 03-6006784
Hizaku Custom 03-5296820
Hyaku Shiki 06-2466718
Hyaku Shiki Kai 07-0128703
I (Kusi) Gundam 10-8080815
Ifrit 02-0261995
Ifrit Kai 03-1229780
Jamal Fin (MA) 05-1614772
Jamal Fin (MS) 05-7294767
Jegan 03-0858162
Jegan Heavy Armor 03-7608475
Jegan Kai 04-3161567
Kapool 05-6040313
Kempher 03-6619715
Knight Gundam 07-0979376
Kowloon Gundam 07-1434656
Land Battle GM 02-1933095
Land Battle Gundam 03-8867676
Leo 01-6897228
Ma Kube's Custom Gouf 03-6261271
Marasai 03-6376751
Mass Product Gun Cannon 02-7427604
Mass Product Guntank 01-6304692
Mass Product Qubeley 05-5358483
Mass Product Z Gundam 04-7714609
Mass Product ZZ Gundam 06-2835060
Master Gundam 10-8321772
Matsunaga's Custom High Mobility Zaku II 02-6949999
Mazera Attack 01-2075677
Messara 07-6602001
Metasu (MA) 03-8603768
Metasu (MS) 03-2049786
Nemo 02-0270171
Nemo III 04-2428538
Neo Gundam 08-9773228
Nero 03-7864998
Noie Jill 10-5455632
Noie Jill II 10-7906117
Nu Gundam 09-1445906
Paburiku 01-7062519
Palas Athena 07-9973958
Perfect Gundam 08-1226536
Perfect Ziong 07-6327233
Phoenix Gundam 10-2163744
Powered GM 02-9016528
Proto Z Gundam 05-9462450
Prototype Gundam 02-8052746
Prototype Psycho Gundam 07-7053109
Prototype Qubeley 05-0180184
Prototype ZZ Gundam 08-4927315
Psycho Doga 07-7133774
Psycho Gundam (MA) 10-5320513
Psycho Gundam (MS) 10-6568194
Psycho Gundam Mk II (MA) 10-1911327
Psycho Gundam Mk II (MS) 10-8907991
Psycho Gundam Mk III 10-3949940
Psycho Halo 10-6131565
Psychommu High Mobility Operation Zaku 02-7686318
Psychoro Gundam 10-6788059
Qubeley 07-0057686
Qubeley Mk II (Puru type) 07-3956156
Queen Mantha 10-8210999
Raideen's Custom High Mobility Zaku II 02-0793825
Ral's Custom Zaku I 02-5723292
ReGZ 07-9993816
ReGZ Custom 08-9664229
Rig Diaz 05-6946505
Rig Dom 02-2565593
Rig Dom II 03-5049241
Rigerugu 07-3083061
Rising Gundam 07-1990796
Rugen 01-3154536
S Gundam 08-2919622
Sazabi 09-5626435
Seiba Fish 01-7051806
Shenlong Gundam 07-0935513
Shining Gundam 09-4109796
Stark Jegan 05-6420418
Super Gundam 06-9302018
Tallgeese 08-6013239
Tallgeese II 09-5264361
Tallgeese III 09-2185173
The O 08-8660039
Turn X Gundam 10-2234979
Turned A Gundam 10-9764039
Val Valo 06-9258547
Victory Gundam 05-6227707
W Gundam 10-7428057
W Gundam (Bird Mode) 10-1554208
W Gundam Zero 10-0064526
W Zero Custom 10-0343058
Z Gundam 07-1770919
Z Gundam (Wave Rider) 07-8051150
Z II 07-0341484
Z Plus (C type) 07-1559653
Z Zaku 07-1748393
Zaku Cannon 01-6370384
Zaku Flipper 01-1436255
Zaku I 01-0003543
Zaku II F 01-2381054
Zaku II F (Leader Type) 01-4909401
Zaku II J 01-0053139
Zaku II J (Kimberlight) 01-7828945
Zaku II Kai 02-1600734
Zaku III 07-7731446
Zaku III Kai 08-9880942
Zaku Marina 02-6574392
Zaku Marine 01-1902893
Zaku Minelayer 01-1129602
Zaku Strong Observer 01-5563631
Zaku Tank 01-1639417
Zakurelo 02-9098251
Zamel 03-1930745
Zeg Ain 03-6298683
Zeg Tsuvai 05-5567860
Ziong 05-4020222
Ziong Head 05-8993519
Zog 04-8310271
Zugok 02-1520767
Zugok 03-0215666
Zugok E 03-7346581
Zusa 04-6248326
Zusa 04-6278326
ZZ Gundam 09-9860158
ZZ Gundam (G-fortress) 09-1171849
ZZ Gundam-FA 10-2176439

Vue : 9121 fois
Mise à jour : 2004.02.25

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