Tenchu : Wrath of Heaven

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Tenchu : Wrath of Heaven
Nom du fichier : Tenchu : Wrath of Heaven - Auteur : ANO - [PSX]

Hidden level:
Press Up, Down, Right, Left, X(3) at the title screen to unlock the level used in the game's demo.

Increase Items
At the Item Selection Screen hold R2 + L2 while pressing:
Square, Square, Square, Up, Left, Down, Right.

Restore Health
Pause game and then press:
Up, down, Right, Left, Square, Square, Square.

Unlock all Characters
At the Title Screen press:
L1, R2, L2, R1, Right, Left, L3, R3
Note: L3 + R3 means press the analog sticks.

Unlock all Items
At the Item Selection screen hold R1 + L1 while pressing:
Up, Square (x2), Left, Square(x2), Down, Square(x2), Right, Square(x2).

Unlock All Layouts
At the Mission Selection Screen press:
R3, L3, R2, L2, R1, L1
Note: R3 + L3 means press down on the analog sticks.

Unlock All Missions
At the Mission Selection Screen press:
L1, R1, L2, R2, Right, Square, L3, R3
Note: L3 + R3 means press the analog sticks.

Unlock Bonus Stage
At the Title Screen press:
L1, Up, R1, Down, L2, Right, R2, Left
Alternatively beat the game with all three characters.

Unlock Demo Level
At the ''Start Screen'' press:
Up, Down, Right, Left, X, X, X.
You will now be able to play the level that was available on the free Demo disc prior to the game's release.

Turn Special Abilities On/Off
Pause the mission (by pressing START). Hold down L1 and L2 and press Up, Up, Down, Down. Release L1 and L2 and press Square, Square, R1, R2.

Unlimited Item Capacity
At the item selection screen. Hold down L1, L2, R1, R2 and press Down, Square, Square, Up, Left, Down, Right, Down, Up, Right, Down, Left. You are still restricted to carrying 6 different items, but you can choose any amount of them you want to.

Show Score
Pause the mission (by pressing START). Now use the controller plugged in to your 2nd port and press Right, Right, Left, Left. While you play you can watch your score and time.

Increase Score
Pause the mission (by pressing START). Now use the controller plugged in to your 2nd port.
Hold down L1 and R1 and press Right, Right, Left, Left.
100 points will be added to your score.

Vue : 8536 fois
Mise à jour : 2004.02.25

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