FIFA 2001: Major League Soccer FAQ

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FIFA 2001: Major League Soccer FAQ

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Nom du fichier : FIFA 2001: Major League Soccer FAQ - Auteur : OPA - [PSX]

FIFA Soccer World Championship (FIFA 2001) v .5
By: Ian Ferguson (with much help)

Quick warning.  This is pretty much, if not completely, a translation guide 
only.  If you are looking for secrets, codes, etc. I dont have any.  If i find 
any, or am told any, they will be promptly added.  I just havnt found any yet.  

Dont sue me, i come in peace.

Revison History:
5/31/00: First version of the FAQ, thrown together quickly for those in need of 
basic help.
6/7/00: Major makeover, gobs and gobs of new info.

Next Update:
Next update i will add a teams list, Team Managment translation, Training 
translation and any secrets i may have found. 

Contributions mean a lot to me, and without the help of these people this would 
still be close to its original form.

YUJING FUN - Sent me almost all of the menu translations, without which, i would 
still be stumbling around in most of the menu's.  
DOM - gathered odds and ends on the rest of the controls from his/her 
WATERMELON - His info will be in the next update..

If theres anyone i missed, sorry.  Write me and let me know.  Again, thanks to 
all of you.

Table Of Contents:
I.    Main Title Screen Translation(including icon bar)
II.   Translation/Explanation of Main Menu Icon Bar and Related Screens   
III.  Exhibition Translation
IV.   World Cup Tran......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : fifa_2001_psx.txt,

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...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Trainers.nfo,

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EA all-star team
At the team selection screen, highlight the Arsenal team, then hold Circle and press Start to play as the EA all-star team

Bypass opposing players
Pause the game, go to the options menu and choose "Side Select". Switch to the opposing team and resume the game. Get the ball with a defender or attacker, then hold R1 and shield it. Keep R1 held, and pause the game. Go to "Side Select" and switch back to your original team. Whenever that player gets the ball, he will shield it, allowing you to pass him and score.

Nom du fichier zip:

Taille du fichier : 4 060 octets

Téléchargé : 6553 fois
Mise à jour : 1970.01.01
Vue : 6553 fois
Mise à jour : 1970.01.01

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