In Cold Blood : Walkthrough

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In Cold Blood : Walkthrough

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Nom du fichier : In Cold Blood : Walkthrough - Auteur : CAR - [PSX]

(Complet Walkthrough)
authorized by Cartman

? Talk to Gregor and ask him to create the diversion ? Follow him up to
the gate house ? While Gregor is distracting the sentry, crouch and walk
towards the main door ? making sure the pacing guard is walking in the
other direction or talking to the smoking guard ? Once inside, turn to
the left and read the notice on Kiefer. Return to previous screen, walk
through the door in the middle of the screen ? Have conversation with
guard, then proceed to the showers (door on the left) ? Stay close to
the cover by the door ? Wait for one of the guards to leave the shower
room, then creep up behind the remaining guard by the lockers and punch
him from behind (do not fire your gun) ? Search body for ammo ? Use lift
in bottom right hand corner to access canteen area ? Ask technicians
about the football match / Kiefer ? Proceed to the far end of the
canteen and use the lift to office 2 ? Knock out guard standing next to
the lift ? Take the door in the middle of the screen, then talk to the
technician by the digger about the American agent. ? Return to previous
location ? Proceed through door on the left (into office 3) ? Proceed
through door on the left (into office 4) ? Interact with the computer
terminal ? look up information on kiefer ? Back into office 3 ? down the
steps and through the door on the right ? Up the stairs, down......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : icb_psx.txt,

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...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Trainers.nfo,

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Nom du fichier zip:

Taille du fichier : 16 559 octets

Téléchargé : 5734 fois
Mise à jour : 2004.02.10

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