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Nom du fichier : Loaded - Auteur : ANO - [PSX]

Maximum firepower:
Press Start during game play for the options menu. Hold down L1 + L2 for ten seconds. Note: In the PAL version of the game, hold L2 + R2 for ten seconds. Keep those buttons held and press Down, Right, Down, Right, Triangle. The extra option "Power" will appear to confirm correct code entry. Select it to set your gun's firepower to maximum.

Ammunition refill:
Press Start during game play for the options menu. Hold down L1 + L2 for ten seconds. Note: In the PAL version of the game, hold L2 + R2 for ten seconds. Keep those buttons held and press Down, Right, Circle, Left, Right, Circle. The extra option "Ammo" will appear to confirm correct code entry. Select it to increase your ammunition up to a 32,000 round limit. However, the game may display problems if 15,000 rounds are exceeded.

Health refill:
Press Start during game play for the options menu. Hold down L1 + L2 for ten seconds. Note: In the PAL version of the game, hold L2 + R2 for ten seconds. Keep those buttons held and press Right(2), Left, Down(2), Up, Triangle, Circle. The extra option "Health" will appear to confirm correct code entry. Select it to refill the life bar.

Extra lives:
Press Start during game play for the options menu. Hold down L1 + L2 for ten seconds. Note: In the PAL version of the game, hold L2 + R2 for ten seconds. Keep those buttons held and press Left, Down, Right, Triangle, Square, X, Circle.

Extra smart bombs:
Press Start during game play for the options menu. Hold down L1 + L2 for ten seconds. Note: In the PAL version of the game, hold L2 + R2 for ten seconds. Keep those buttons held and press R1, R2, X, Triangle, Square, Circle, R1, R2, Circle(2), Square.

Level skip:
Press Start during game play for the options menu. Hold down L1 + L2 for ten seconds. Note: In the PAL version of the game, hold L2 + R2 for ten seconds. Keep those buttons held and press X, R1, Triangle, R1, Square, Circle, R2(2), X, Square, Triangle, X.

Level select:
Press Start during game play for the options menu. Hold down L1 + L2 for ten seconds. Note: In the PAL version of the game, hold L2 + R2 for ten seconds. Keep those buttons held and press Up, Right, Down, Left, Triangle, Circle, X, Square, X, Triangle, Square, Circle.

God mode:
Press Start during game play on level one to display the options menu. Hold down L1 + L2 for ten seconds. Note: In the PAL version of the game, hold L2 + R2 for ten seconds. Keep those buttons held and press Square, Down(2), Square, Down(2), Circle. A rectangle will appear in the top left corner to confirm correct code entry. Unlimited smart bombs, ammunition, lives and the level skip features will be enabled.

Hint: Walking corpse:
Enter the Health refill code to enable the "Health" on the options menu. Pause the game immediately after dying, and before regenerating. Use the "Health" option to refill the life bar. Your character can now move around as a splattered corpse, totally invulnerable to enemies. However, since your own actions are limited, this trick is of limited value. However, it is an interesting thing to try on level 6 or during a two player game.

Vue : 5116 fois
Mise à jour : 2004.02.11

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