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ATV Quad Power Racing 2

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ATV Quad Power Racing 2
Nom du fichier : ATV Quad Power Racing 2 - Auteur : ANO - [PSX]

Various Cheats

Enter the following names for your profile name to get the desired cheats:


DOUBLEBARREL - Get Challenges

ROADKILL - Get All Tracks

BUBBA - Get all riders


FIDDLERSELBOW - Get all Tricks

GINGHAM - Max out Stats

Win ATC and other ATV`s
Win at least 8 out of 15 races in ARCADE mode. THIS THE ONLY ATV YOU WIN IN THE ARCADE MODE!ALL others ATV`s you win in Career mode.

Easy Turbo
When going off a huge jump do a 360 by pushing the direction stick right or left and do two tricks while doing the 360. The better the tricks the better the boost. If you can get more than two tricks in at that time thought it can help alot more and almost fill your boost totally in one trick.

To get Viper and Dimension
Go to ATV academy (at top). Beat control training and trick training. Go to free-style mode,then it should show the ATVs

Vue : 4169 fois
Mise à jour : 2004.01.20

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