Midnight Club : Street Racing - Guide

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Midnight Club : Street Racing - Guide

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Nom du fichier : Midnight Club : Street Racing - Guide - Auteur : FEA - [PSX]

"Capture the Flag" Guide
FINAL VERSION - May 3, 2001
Copyright (C) 2000 Jamie Stafford


Jamie Stafford/Wolf Feather

This guide may ONLY be posted on FeatherGuides, GameFAQs.com,
PSXCodez.com, Cheatcc.com, Absolute-PlayStation.com,
InsidePS2Games.com, CheatPlanet.com, The Cheat Empire,
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0.) About This Guide
1.) Introduction
2.) Rules
3.) Tips for Beginners
4.) Advanced Challenges
5.) Good All-around Vehicles to Use
6.) Is Rockstar Games Reading This?
7.) Thanks
8.) Contact Information


0.) About This Guide

First, I humbly apologize if this guide reads like an academic paper
:-(   I know I have been in Academia too long!!!

The information contained in this file is primarily based upon one
player versus the CPU, the way I usually play "Capture the Flag."

Thanks to those who have e-mailed me with questions and notes of
appreciation.  That has really meant a lot to me, especially as this
was the first game guide I wrote.


1.) Introduction

MIDNIGHT CLUB: STREET RACING has two main mode......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Midnight Club Capture the Flag Driving Guide - FINAL VERSION.txt,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : feamcsrgui.zip
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...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Trainers.nfo,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : feamcsrgui.zip
Trainers City

Drive On USS Enterprise
Choose the NewYork map. From the starting point, go forward one block, take a right, take the second left, go on block, take a soft right. Go as fast can for one block. Then, go straight through the stoplight, into the building that sits beside the water, up the ramp, and into the opening in the side of the aircraft carrier. A ramp at the far end of the hangar leads to the top of the ship.

Use Dune Buggy from Smuggler's Run
Insert a memory card with a saved game from Smuggler's Run to use the Dune Buggy from that game. -From: ironhelix@home.com

Manhattan police
Successfully complete Manhattan level 10 in Head-2-Head mode.

London police
Successfully complete London level 10 in Head-2-Head mode.

All Cruseros
Successfully complete Manhattan levels 1, 4, and 7 in Head-2-Head mode.

All Jones
Successfully complete Manhattan levels 2, 5, and 8 in Head-2-Head mode.

All Piranha
Successfully complete Manhattan levels 3, 6, and 9 in Head-2-Head mode.

All PTs
Win the 1st, 4th, and 7th Head-2-Head races.

All Modicums
Win the 3rd, 6th, and 9th Head-2-Head races.

All Ascents
Win the 2nd, 5th, and 8th Head-2-Head races.

Manhattan bonus cars
Win the 12th, 13th, and 14th waypoint races in London in arcade mode.

London bonus cars
Win the 12th, 13th, and 14th waypoint races in New York in arcade mode.

Bonus cars
Look for red dots that appear on various levels. Place your car on the dot until a gurgling sound is heard to unlock a new car. Some of the dots can be found at the following locations:

Go near the center of the map. The dot is inside the Parliament building (block building with pillars on the outside). Drive through the window to get inside.

Find the reddish building with advertisements and an animated screen on it. Also, there is a box that almost looks like a padded cell in the middle of the street near it. Find the ramp leading up along the side of the building. Before you exit the ramp, you should be going approximately 30 to 45 mph (depending on the weight of your car). After hitting the roof immediately slam on the brakes. The dot should be to the right of you.

Find the strange turn near the Parliament building. Climb up a ramp, then jump to the left or the right, but do not fall off. Turn around to find the dot.

Once you start in London, make a 180 degree turn and head towards the blue blinking "Speed" sign. Go into the ramp at full speed. Go over on to the next roof and hit the brakes. Then, make a left turn and you will see the dot.

New York
Go near the park above the big tunnel. The dot is on top of a roof that you need to jump to reach.

Go near the aircraft carrier. The dot is inside the second story of a building that you need to jump to enter.

Nom du fichier zip: feamcsrgui.zip

Taille du fichier : 5 647 octets

Téléchargé : 4581 fois
Mise à jour : 2004.02.17
Vue : 4581 fois
Mise à jour : 2004.02.17

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