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Hot Shots Golf : World Invitational - Vita

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Hot Shots Golf : World Invitational - Vita
Nom du fichier : Hot Shots Golf : World Invitational - Vita - Auteur : ANO - [VITA]

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation Vita trophy rewards.
All our thanks to Everybody's Golfers! (Platinum): Get every trophy.
Overwhelming Power (Bronze): Hit a drive over 350 yards in an official round.
Putting Pro (Bronze): Sink a putt over 15m long in an official round.
Watery Wonder (Bronze): Skip the ball across water three or more times in a row in an official round.
My First Chip-In (Bronze): Perform a chip-in in an official round.
My First Birdie (Bronze): Score a birdie in an official round.
Rockin' Score (Bronze): Score an eagle in an official round.
It's a Miracle! (Silver): Score an albatross in an official round.
Go for the Ace! (Silver): Score an hole-in-one in an official round.
Greased Lightning (Silver): Perform a rising shot in an official round.
Perfect Spiral (Silver): Perform a spiral shot in an official round.
Chaser of the Flame (Silver): Perform a homing shot in an official round.
Daily Participant (Bronze): Enter a Daily Int'l Tournament and complete the round.
Fancy Dresser (Bronze): Purchase a costume.
Absolute Class (Bronze): Purchase a Lv3 club or ball.
Gear Master (Silver): Purchase Lv3 versions of every ball with levels.
True Dedication (Bronze): Raise one character's loyalty to max.
I Love Everybody! (Gold): Raise all characters' loyalty to max.
Courses Complete! (Bronze): Gain membership to every course.
Audiophile (Bronze): Purchase every Music track.
Gear Collector (Bronze): Purchase every type of ball and club.
Art Fancier (Bronze): Purchase every piece of concept art.
SOLD OUT (Gold): Purchase every item in the shop.
Starry Night (Silver): Collect every star in Challenge Mode.
King of Kings (Gold): Collect every crown in Challenge Mode.
Lobby Character Part Collector (Bronze): Collect over 50% of the normal parts.
Lobby Character Part Lover (Silver): Collect over 50% of the special parts.
Lobby Character Part Maniac (Gold): Collect over 50% of the deluxe parts.

Vue : 8807 fois
Mise à jour : 2012.02.20

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