Spider-Man 2

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Spider-Man 2
Nom du fichier : Spider-Man 2 - Auteur : ANO - [XBOX]

Defeating Rhino
When Rhino tries to hit you, there will be a flash above Spider-Man's head. Press B when this happens. When Rhino stops spinning, he will be dizzy. Punch him until he recovers, then he will charge at you. Jump over him. Do not punch or web him. If you web him you will get hurt. If you punch him it will not have any affect because there is metal around his body.

Programmer Save
When starting a new game, enter HCRAYERT as a name ('Treyarch' spelled backwards), then go back and enter any name of your choice. The game will start in progress, with over 40% completion, 201,000 Hero points, with Swing Speed and Web Zip upgrades, and 'Big Game Hunter', 'Alien Buster', 'Shock Absorber', and 'Tentacle Wrangler' ranks.

Vue : 13364 fois
Mise à jour : 2004.07.01

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