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Nom du fichier : Fable - Auteur : ANO - [XBOX]

Continuous Play
Watch the credits at the end of the game to continue playing with your character.

Secret Hairstyle
After you fight the Wasp Queen look for a hairstyle card on the bench.

Marry A Man
Eventually you will be able to marry. You can choose a man or a woman.

Bribe Guards
You can pay for the guards "break time" which is a great way to commit crimes without getting caught.

Commit Easier Crimes
Make sure a non player character is NOT looking in your direction when you commit a crime and you'll get away with it.

Pick Locks Of Houses
Wait until late in the evenings or during the night, as the chance of being caught is reduced to an absolute minimum. Pay attention to the Eye of Awareness while committing a crime; as it might prevent you from being caught.

Cause Distractions While Committing Crimes
You'll need to pal around with some sidekicks who will do your dirty work for you. Have the sidekicks fight guards to cause a distraction, which will result in NPC's running away, giving you all the time you need to commit crimes such as stealing etc.

Some food types have special abilities; they might change day to night, improve some of your attributes or change your alignment.

Stealable items can be found in the shops. To attempt to steal them, you can target the item, and then use the "shoplift" expression.

Run To The Demon Door And Back
The character does not run by default. You must press the B button to run. Before you talk to the character that starts the race, be sure you are facing in the direction you need to run. When the timer begins immediately start running and be sure to avoid everyone in your path. Run straight around to where the door is and line yourself up directly down the middle of the rock bridge. As soon as you touch the door (you don't have to select it) push the stick in the opposite direction and you should go straight back across. Then just avoid all people on the way back and as soon as you see the dialog balloon (aiming at the race guy) hit the button to end the challenge.

Gang-Busting Tips
Okay, being surrounded by hordes of enemies is no fun, no matter how strong you are. To kill them all much quicker, several percautions should be taken:

1- Use Enflame to fry all the nearby enemies, giving you a couple of seconds to come back.

2- Do NOT use thetargeting system. Rather than focus on one, its best to just slash wildy at your foes.

3- Always take care of the weaker ones first. They may be weak, but if your sword, axw or hammer is charged up, ready for a flourish, it can be easily broken.

4- Use Assassin's Rush to move out of the fray, and behind an enemy. Kill him, and try to keep from getting surrounded again.

5- The best technique for getting a little space is Force Push (No, not from Star Wars). Ue this to push all the surrounding enemies back.

Ever wonder why you're called a Chicken Chaser?

Not much of a title for an Evil Warlord, or Messiah.

To get a new title, they have special traders found alongs paths, sometimes.

You can get some awsome titles, like Assassin, or Liberator, to "Arseface"

Arseface? Kind of a step down, if you ask me.

Frying Pan
The treasure clues start you on the dock at orchard farm. They lead you through the apple orchard and down the path towards the barn. At the first barn, dig in between the barn wall and the bales of hey to find the Frying Pan

Sword of Aeons
At the end of the game choose to kill your sister. If you watch the credits you will get to continue playing with the sword of Aeons, a massively powerful weapon.

Vue : 10848 fois
Mise à jour : 2004.09.22

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