Nom du fichier : Star Wars Episode III : Revenge of The Sith - Auteur : ANO - [XBOX] |
All Powers and Moves Enter the password JAINA at the codes screen. All Story Stages Enter the password KORRIBAN at the codes screen. Infinite Force Enter the password KAIBURR at the codes screen. Infinite Health Enter the password XUCPHRA at the codes screen. Quick Health and Force Regain Enter the password BELSAVIS at the codes screen. All Arenas Unlocked Enter the password TANTIVEIV at the codes screen. All Bonus Stages Enter the password NARSHADDAA at the codes screen. All Concept Art Enter the password AAYLASECURA at the codes screen. All Duel Characters Enter the password ZABRAK at the codes screen. All Movies Unlocked Enter the password COMLINK at the codes screen. Death Star multi-player level Successfully complete mission 17 in story mode. Earning Experience Points You earn experience points by killing enemies. If your skill meter rating is above "Fair" your experience points will be multiplied: Fair - 1x (base) :: Good - 1.5x :: Impressive - 2x :: Masterful - 3x. Below is a list of the base points earned by killing the listed enemies. Use your skill meter multiplyer to determine how many real experience points you earn. Warning: The following list may contain spoilers. Enemy Killed Points Earned (base) Battledroid 200 Battledroid Captain 300 Battledroid Sniper 300 Super Battledroid 400 Buzz Droid 200 Buzz Droid Dispenser 400 Crab Droid 3000 Destroyer Droid 500 Flying Battledroid 500 Blue Grapple Droid 600 Red Grapple Droid 800 Clone Trooper 300 Clone Sniper 400 Clone Heavy Gunner 500 Clone Blaze Trooper 700 Clone AT-ST Walker 900 Clone Assassin 1000 Count Dooku 20000 Grievious Bodyguard 1250 General Grievous 20000 Jedi Sniper 600 Jedi Knight 800 Jedi Brute 1000 Neimoidian Guard 350 Neimoidian Scout 500 Neimoidian Brute 1000 Padawan 400 Mace Windu 22500 Serra 10000 Cin Drallig 15000 Anakin 25000 Small Turret 750 Banking Clan Cruiser 5000 Jedi Starfighter 1000 Clone Truck Cannon 1000 Defeated Clone Truck 2000 Clone Gunship 7500 Neimoidian Shuttle 7500 Earning Skill Points You earn skill points by hitting your opponent or forcing them to block attacks. Attack Points Earned Critical Attack (hit) 30 Critical Attack (blocked) 15 Deflected Projectile (hit) 15 Deflected Projectile (blocked) 5 Enhanced Strong Attack (hit) 25 Enhanced Critical Attack (hit) 35 Enhanced Light Attack (hit) 15 Force Attack (hit) 15 Force Attack (blocked) 10 Light Attack (hit) 10 Light Attack (blocked) 5 Strong Attack (hit) 20 Strong Attack (blocked) 10 Thrown Object (hit) 25 Kill Rating You earn skill points for killing enemies, and the number of points you earn depends on how full your skill meter is when you kill them. Skill Meter % Rating 0-34% Fair 35-69% Good 70-99% Impressive 100% Masterful Losing Skill Points As time passes without you attacking enemies, you lose skill points. The number of points you lose per second increases as more and more time passes. Time Laps Points Lost 1-10 seconds 10 11-20 seconds 20 21-30 seconds 30 31+ 40 You will also lose skill points by being attacked. Attack Points Lost Critical Attack (hit) 60 Critical Attack (blocked) 60 Deflected Projectile (hit) 30 Deflected Projectile (blocked) 15 Enhanced Light Attack (hit) 30 Enhanced Critical Attack (hit) 70 Enhanced Strong Attack (hit) 50 Force Attack (hit) 30 Force Attack (blocked) 15 Hazard (hit) 40 Light Attack (hit) 20 Light Attack (blocked) 10 Strong Attack (hit) 40 Strong Attack (blocked) 20 Thrown Object (hit) 50 Multi-player mode characters Successfully complete the following missions in story mode to unlock the corresponding character in multi-player mode: Cin Drallig: Mission 12 Count Dooku: Mission 4 Darth Vader: Mission 17 General Grievous: Mission 9 Mace Windu: Mission 10 Obi-Wan Kenobi: Mission 17 Serra Keto: Mission 12 |
Vue : 5605 fois |
Mise à jour : 2005.05.19 |
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