Mortal Kombat : Armageddon

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Mortal Kombat : Armageddon
Nom du fichier : Mortal Kombat : Armageddon - Auteur : ANO - [XBOX]

Taven's Armor
Do various tasks in Konquest mode to find Taven's Armor.Taven's Chestplate Defeat Sub-Zero in the Lin Kuei Palace.
Taven's Gauntlets Found in the Netherrealm in the area when you jump down after the fiery meteor falls from the sky.

Konquest Mode Super Moves
Powerful moves unlocked by Taven throughout Konquest Mode.Super Move: Ground Pound Defeat Jarek in the first training obelisk.
Super Move: Fire Ball Get to the fourth area of the Tekunin Warship.
Super Move: Escape Move Defeat Frost in the Lin Kuei Palace.
Super Move: Time Stop After you enter the Red Dragon Caverns go foward until the fork and take the right path, then move foward into the green light coming from the sky.

Kreate-A-Kharacter Unlockables
Each of the following are unlocked in Konquest Mode.Elder Gods Male Armor: Glove Inside of a golden chest after the second fallen log and to the right in Botan Jungle.
Elder Gods Male Armor: Belt Inside of a golden chest to the right after you open the first door in the Tekunin
Elder Gods Female Armor: Cape Inside a golden chest which is in the area after you meet and defeat Sonya.
Elder Gods Female Armor: Belt Inside a golden chest in a locked gate in Arctika after the second obelisk which opens after you defeat the Tengu Ninjas.
Elder Gods Male Armor: Torso After you defeat the Tengu Leader go foward and break open the discolored wall on the right in the blade trap area.
Elder Gods Female Armor: Boots After the shadow stalkers, break the cracked wall to the left and travel down to the right aclove where you will find the golden chest with it inside
Elder Gods Male Armor: Boots After the shadow stalkers, break the second cracked wall on the right and travel down to the end and open the golden chest in the left aclove.
Elder Gods Female Armor: Torso Open the golden chest which is located in the right path of the fork in the Red Dragon Caverns.
Elder Gods Female Armor: Legs Open the golden chest which is in the cave that gets opened after you defeat the undead of the Netherrealm after you get your gauntlets.

Each of the following soundtracks are found in Konquest Mode in the shape of musical notes.Botan Jungle Track Tune Get the musical note which is located to the left before the second fallen log in Botan Jungle.
Bo'Rai Cho's Brewery Tune Is located after the bridge and in the cave to the right in the Botan Jungle.
Tekunin Warship Tune Get the musical note in the area where you get attacked by Black Dragon Thug's in the Botan Jungle.
Subway Fight Tune Get the musical note after you defeat Sonya Blade in Arctika.
Lumbermill Fight Tune Get the musical note after the second crusher when you return to Arctika after the second obelisk.
Arctika Tune As you enter the second area of the Lin Kuei Temple Entrance destroy the discolored wall on the right.
Lin Kuei Raceway Tune Get the musical note which is located near the entrance in the final area of Arctika after you defeat the Lin Kuei Warriors and Archers.
Lin Kuei Palace Tune Get the musical note which is in the Lin Kuei Palace directly to your left after you punch down the Ice Door.
The Lost Pyramid Tune Found behind an explosive barrel in the battle after you gain the Supermove: Time Stop.
Outworld Refinery Tune Get the musical note behind you after you fight Drahmin in the Netherrealm.
Meteor Storm Fight Tune Get the musical note after you defeat the Undead Revenants for the first time in the Netherrealm, jump down the left most cliff instead of the right.
Reptile's Lair Fight Tune Get the musical note in the hallway right before the final room of the Red Dragon Caverns. It is found behind a grouping of three blue barrels.

Alternate Costumes
All of the following are unlocked in konquest mode, usually found in a hidden chest.Kira's Alternate Costume Step on the second Giant Spider in Botan Jungle and open the chest that appears.
Kobra's Alternate Costume In an invisable chest behind the first monoth in the Botan Jungle.
Kung Lao's Alternate Costume Found in a chest to the right after you enter the Temple of Argus.
Ermac's Alternate Costume Found in a chest by the left wall in the room where you get attacked by the Red Commandos for
Kano's Alternate Costume In an invisable chest to the left as you enter the last room of the Temple of Argus.
Hsu Hao's Alternate Costume In a chest on the right walkway after you wake up on the Tekunin Warship.
Hotaru's Alternate Costume In a chest close to the wall in the second room of the Tekunin Warship.
Cyrax's Alternate Costume Kill all of the enemies in the third room of the Tekunin Warship and open the chest that
Baraka's Alternate Costume Kill all of the enemies in the final room of the Tekunin Warship and open the cheast that
Jax's Alternate Costume Once you enter Arctika turn around and go to the left to find an invisable chest.
Johnny Cage's Alternate Costume Defeat the Tengu Guards at the beginning of Arctika and open the chest that appears.
Ashrah's Alternate Costume Defeat the Ice Beast you encounter in Arctika and open the chest that appears.
Sonya's Alternate Costume In an invisalbe chest to the left of the gate in the area after you defeat Sonya.
Kenshi's Alternate Costume Defeat all of the Tengu Ninjas with the given sword in Arctika.
Kitana's Alternate Costume Perform a Fatality on Wi Lae, leader of the Tengu Ninjas.
Rain's Alternate Costume Open the chest at the end of the area in Arctika where you are attacked by Red Dragon Spies and before you meet Rain.
Darrius' Alternate Costume Open the chest behind a discolored wall at the begininig of the Lin Kuei Temple where you are being attacked by Archers.
Dairou's Alternate Costume Open the chest at the end of the second ice hallway at the beginning of the Lin Kuei Temple Entrance.
Kai's Alternate Costume In an invisible chest behind a breakable discolored wall to the right as you enter the third area of the Lin Kuei Temple Entrance.
Fujin's Alternate Costume Defeat all of the Red Dragon Ninjas at the beginning of the Charred Mountain.
Jade's Alternate Costume Defeat all of the Lin Kuei at the very beginning of the Lin Kuei Palace and open the chest that appears.
Jarek's Alternate Costume Open the right chest in the room where you fight with the Ice Sephter.
Frost's Alternate Costume Break all of the tombs lining the wall in the room where you meet Frost and open the chest that appears.
Sub-Zero's Alternate Costume Open the chest to the right of the statue of Taven's mother after your fight with Sub-Zero.
Noob Saibot's Alternate Costume Defeat all of the Shadow Ninjas the first time you encounter then in the Lin Kuei Palace and open the chest that appears.
Stryker's Alternate Costume Break the wall on the right of the hallway after the Shadow Stalkers. Travel to the end of it and open the chest in the left aclove.
Smoke's Alternate Costume Defeat Smoke and open the chest with it inside that appears.
Mavado's Alternate Costume Inside an invisible chest on the left part of the room where you do battle after you recieve the Supermove: Time Stop.
Motaro's Alternate Costume After the third training obelisk, during the time you must gather crystals go to the left side of this area and open the chest there.
Reptile's Alternate Costume Defeat the Hybrid Dragons you encounter in the Red Dragon Caverns and open the chest that
Quan Chi's Alternate Costume Step on the rat in the tunnel after you travel through Door A1 in the Red Dragon Caverns. Open the chest that appears
Nitara's Alternate Costume After you defeat the Undead Revenants for the first time in the Netherrealm, jump down the left most cliff instead of the right. Open the nearby chest
Drahmin's Alternate Costume In the Netherrealm after you defeat Drahmin, shoot down the bat creature over the nearby cliff and open the chest that appears.
Sareena's Alternate Costume Defeat Kai, Serenna, and Jatakka and open the chest that appears.
Shinnok's Alternate Costume Once you get to the area in the Netherrealm with the falling rocks go to the leftmost side and open the chest that you find there.
Sindel's Alternate Costume Complete the third training obelisk.

Krypt Kodes
Enter at the ? in the krypt.Unlocks Lin Kuei Palace Tune white, left, B, A, white, forward
Unlocks Comcept Art Pyramid of Argus A, Right trigger, Right trigger, white, up, up
Unlocks Concept Art Firewall arean up, X, Right trigger, white, B, Right trigger
Unlocks Concept Art Pyramid of Argus Y, left, left, A, down, B
Unlocks Concept Art Ed Boon Drawing Right trigger, left, up, B, white, Right trigger
Unlocks Concept Art Mileena's car design white, forward, up, Right trigger, Y, up
Unlocks Concept Art Sektor's Pulse Blade white, Right trigger, left, A, up, Right trigger
Unlocks Concept Art Unused Konquest Trap B, white, Y, down, B, left
Unlocks Concept Art Early Taven up, A, white, down, white, A
Unlocks Concept Art Blaze Right trigger, Y, white, white, Right Trigger, X
General Reiko's map room arena white, Y, Right trigger, up, A, A
Unlocks Pyramid of Argus arena Right trigger, Right trigger, X, A, white, up
Unlocks Red dawn arena B, Right trigger, up, X, B, down
Unlocks Shinnok's spire arena left, left. B, up, Y, Right Trigger
Unlocks Nethership Interior Arena Right trigger, left, left, down, Right trigger, X
Unlocks Falling Cliffs Arena white, B, X,A, B, Y
Unlocks Frost's alternate costume down, white, Rright trigger, Right trigger, B, white
Unlocks Shang Tsung's alternate costume Right trigger, left, up, B, up, white
Unlocks Drahmin's alternate costume white, right, A, white, up, up
Unlocks Nitara's alternate costume down, Right trigger, up, Rright trigger, Right trigger, right
Unlocks Daegon Right Trigger, Right Trigger, Y, down, down, X
Unlocks Taven Right trigger, Left, white, up, B, down
Unlocks Blaze Y, X, left, Right trigger, left, B
Unlocks Meat up, X, X, B, B, up
Unlocks Tekunin Warship Music up, B, Right trigger, Right trigger, Right trigger, A
Unlocks Pyramid of Argus Music down, left, white, white, up, Right trigger
Unlocks Armory Music A, X, left, Y, X, A
Unlocks Armageddon Promo Movie up, up, down, up, white, A
Unlocks Motor Gameplay Movie Y, up, white, Right trigger, Right trigger, white
Unlocks Ed boon drawing Right trigger, left, up, B, white, Right trigger

Konquest Mode Unlockable
+20,000 Koins Obtain 20 Relics in Konquest Mode.

Unlockable Arenas
Artika Arena Beat all 7 trials in Artika Obliesk
Pyramid of Argus Arena Collect 40 Relics in Konquest Mode
The Krypt Collect 60 Relics in Konquest Mode
Netherrealm Cliffs Defeat Drahmin in Konquest Mode.

Unlockable Characters
The Relic items needed to unlock Meat, Daegon and Blaze are found all throughout the Konquest Mode.Unlock Blaze Collect 50 Relic items in Konquest Mode
Unlock Daegon Collect 30 Relic items in Konquest Mode
Unlock Meat Collect 10 Relic items in Konquest Mode
Unlock Taven Complete Konquest Mode

Vue : 20945 fois
Mise à jour : 2006.10.21

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