Nom du fichier : Half-Life 2 : The Orange Box - Xbox 360 - Auteur : ANO - [XBOX360] |
Half-Life 2: Restore health: Press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A during game play to regain 25 points of health. Half-Life 2: Full ammunition: Press Y, B, A, X, RB, Y, X, A, B, RB during game play. Portal: Create box: Press Down, B, A, B, Y, Down, B, A, B, Y during game play. Portal: Fire energy ball: Press Up, Y(2), X(2), A(2), B(2), Up during game play. Portal: Fire rocket projectile: Press Up, Y(2), B(2), A(2), X(2), Up during game play. Portal: Portalgun ID 0: Press Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Y(2) during game play. Portal: Portalgun ID 1: Press Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, X(2) during game play. Portal: Portalgun ID 2: Press Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, A(2) during game play. Portal: Portalgun ID 3: Press Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, B(2) during game play. Portal: Portal placement anywhere: Press Y, A, B, A, B, Y(2), A, Left, Right during game play. Portal: Upgrade Portalgun: Press X, B, LB, RB, Left, Right, LB, RB, LT, RT during game play. Achievements: Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points. Bone Breaker (5 points): Kill 30 enemies with thrown physics objects. Deadly Harvest (5 points): Kill an enemy by planting a hopper mine. Hack Attack! (5 points): Kill five enemies with a Manhack. Hot PotatOwned (10 points): Kill a Combine soldier with his own grenade. Conservationist (5 points): Kill five enemies with the same energy ball. Think Fast! (10 points): Kill an Elite Soldier with his own energy ball. Grave Robber (5 points): Steal a Zombine's grenade. Zombie-que (5 points): Use flares to light 15 zombies on fire. Malcontent (5 points): Escape the apartment block raid. What cat? (5 points): Break the mini-teleporter in Kleiner's lab. Trusty Hardware (5 points): Get the crowbar. Barnacle Bowling (5 points): Kill five barnacles with one barrel. Anchor's Aweigh! (5 points): Get the airboat. Heavy Weapons (5 points): Get the airboat's mounted gun. Vorticough (13 points): Discover the hidden singing vortigaunt cave in chapter Water Hazard. Revenge! (10 points): Destroy the hunter-chopper in Half-Life 2. Blast from the Past (10 points): Find the HEV Suit Charger faceplate in Eli's scrapyard. Zero-Point Energy (5 points): Get the Gravity Gun in Black Mesa East. Two Points (2 points): Use DOG's ball to make a basket in Eli's scrapyard. Zombie Chopper (25 points): Play through Ravenholm using only the Gravity Gun. OSHA Violation (5 points): Kill 3 enemies using the crane. Targetted Advertising (5 points): Pin a soldier to the billboard in chapter Highway 17. One Man Army (5 points): Destroy six gunships in Half-Life 2. Keep Off the Sand! (20 points): Cross the antlion beach in chapter Sandtraps without touching the sand. Bug Hunt (10 points): Use the antlions to kill 50 enemies. Flushed (5 points): Kill an enemy with a toilet. Warden Freeman (10 points): Survive the second turret standoff in Nova Prospekt. "Radiation Levels Detected" (5 points): Get through the toxic tunnel under City 17 in Half-Life 2. Plaza Defender (10 points): Survive the generator plaza standoff in chapter Anticitizen One. Counter-Sniper (5 points): Kill all of the snipers in City 17. Fight the Power (10 points): Shut down the supression device by disabling its generators. Giant Killer (10 points): Survive the rooftop strider battle in the ruins of City 17. Lambda Locator (15 points): Find all lambda caches in Half-Life 2. Watch Your Head! (5 points): Make it to the bottom of the Citadel's main elevator shaft in one piece. Containment (5 points): Contain the Citadel core. Pacifist (10 points): Contain the Citadel core without killing any stalkers. Car Crusher (5 points): Use the cars to squash 15 antlions in Episode One. Elevator Action (10 points): Survive long enough to get on the parking garage elevator. Live Bait (10 points): Help Alyx snipe 30 enemies in Episode One. Attica! (5 points): Destroy the gunship in the hospital attic. Citizen Escort (15 points): Don't let any citizens die when escorting them to the escape train. Escape From City 17 (20 points): Escape City 17 with Alyx. The One Free Bullet (40 points): Beat Episode One firing exactly one bullet. Grenade, crowbar, rocket, and Gravgun kills are okay!. Acid Reflex (5 points): Kill an acid antlion worker. Get Some Grub (20 points): Squish every antlion grub in Episode Two. Pinata Party (5 points): Find and break every web cache in Episode Two. Into the Breach (5 points): Help Griggs and Sheckley hold off the antlion invasion inside the mine shaft. Hit and Run (5 points): Run over 20 enemies with the car in Episode Two. Puttin' On a Clinic (15 points): Defeat the chopper in Episode Two without any misses. Cache Checker (10 points): Find every radar cache in chapter Under The Radar. Gordon Propelled Rocket (5 points): Unlock the rocket launcher lambda cache in chapter Under The Radar. Pedal to the Metal (5 points): Beat DOG in a race to the White Forest base. Little Rocket Man (30 points): Send the garden gnome into space. Neighborhood Watch (35 points): Save all buildings outside the missile silo from destruction. Payback (10 points): Kill a Hunter with its own flechettes. Lab Rat (5 points): Acquire the fully powered Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device. Fratricide (5 points): Do whatever it takes to survive. Partygoer (5 points): Make the correct party escort submission position decision. Heartbreaker (10 points): Complete Portal. Terminal Velocity (5 points): Fall 30,000 feet. Long Jump (5 points): Jump 300 feet. Cupcake (10 points): Beat two Portal advanced maps. Fruitcake (20 points): Beat four Portal advanced maps. Vanilla Crazy Cake (30 points): Beat all six Portal advanced maps. Basic Science (10 points): Earn bronze medals on all Portal challenges. Rocket Science (20 points): Earn silver medals on all Portal challenges. Aperture Science (40 points): Earn gold medals on all Portal challenges. Turret (5 points): Accumulate 10 turret kills with a single turret. Nemesis (5 points): Get five revenge kills. Hard to Kill (10 points): Get five kills in a row without dying. Master of Disguise (15 points): Trick an opposing medic into healing you. With Friends Like these.. (10 points): Play in a game with seven or more players from your friends list. Dynasty (10 points): Win 20 games. Hardcore (15 points): Accumulate 1000 total kills. Powerhouse Offense (5 points): Win 2Fort with a shutout. Lightning Offense (10 points): Win Well in 5 minutes or less. Relentless Offense (20 points): Win Hydro without giving up a capture. Impenetrable Defense (10 points): Successfully defend Dustbowl without giving up a capture. Impossible Defense (30 points): Successfully defend Gravel Pit without giving up a capture. Head of the Class (5 points): Play a complete round with every class. World Traveler (5 points): Play a complete game on every map. Team Doctor (5 points): Accumulate 25000 heal points as a Medic. Flamethrower (5 points): Set five enemies on fire in 30 seconds. Atomizer (10 points): Disintegrate 15 soldiers by throwing them into a Combine ball field. Follow Freeman (10 points): Gain command of a squad of rebels in the uprising. Grey Matter (5 points): Get 25 headshots as a Sniper. Camera Shy (5 points): Detach security cameras from the walls. Friendly Fire (5 points): Knock down a turret with another turret. Additionally there are eleven secret achievements, ten of which are currently unknown. Defiant Achievement (5 points): At the beginning of Half-Life 2 where the carbine cop asks you to pick up the can, pick it up and hit him with it. |
Vue : 7899 fois |
Mise à jour : 2007.10.14 |
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