Nom du fichier : Fighter Within - Xbox One - Auteur : ANO - [XBOXONE] |
Achievements Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points. A champion is born (10 points): You have completed the first Chapter of Initiation mode. Phoenix versus Dragon (10 points): You have completed the second Chapter of Initiation mode. Forbidden chapter (10 points): You have completed the third Chapter of Initiation mode. The Phœnix rises from the ashes. Always. (10 points): You have completed the fourth Chapter of Initiation mode. The book of Ki (20 points): You have completed the fifth Chapter of Initiation mode. Seeking truth (10 points): You have completed the Arcade Mode with Matt. Wazup amigo (10 points): You have completed Arcade mode with DJ Joao. Pride goes before the fall. (10 points): You have completed Arcade mode with Vince. The prison from which no one escapes (10 points): You have completed Arcade mode with Maze. Voodoo spirits, help me! (10 points): You have completed Arcade mode with Loa. Brave heart (10 points): You have completed Arcade mode with Færgas. Muay boran (10 points): You have completed Arcade mode with Chayan. Hasta la Victoria (10 points): You have completed Arcade mode with J-Gun. Like embers in ashes (10 points): You have completed Arcade mode with Sabina. Too feminine for you? (10 points): You have completed Arcade mode with Vân. He likes to preach. I like to punch! (10 points): You have completed Arcade mode with Mia. The eagle cannot catch a fly (10 points): You have completed Arcade mode with Yu Bei. The way of the fighter (20 points): You have completed Arcade mode with every character. Expert (10 points): You have won 20 fights in Solo mode. Master (10 points): You have won 50 fights in Solo mode. Master of the living room (20 points): You have won 30 fights in local multiplayer mode. Shifu of the living room (20 points): You have won 300 fights in local multiplayer mode. Featherweight (10 points): You have won 10 fights by KO. Middleweight (10 points): You have won 50 fights by KO. Heavyweight (20 points): You have won 300 fights by KO. Bouncer (10 points): You have won 10 fights by Ring Out. Mover (10 points): You have won 50 fights by Ring Out. Ring out lover (20 points): You have won 300 fights by Ring Out. Cross-country champion (10 points): You won a match in each arena. Universal champion (10 points): You won a match with each fighter. Yellow belt (10 points): You are now a yellow belt. Orange belt (10 points): You are now an orange belt. Green belt (10 points): You are now a green belt. Blue belt (10 points): You are now a blue belt. Brown belt (10 points): You are now a brown belt. Black belt (10 points): You are now a black belt. Black belt 2nd dan (10 points): You are now a black belt 2nd dan. Black belt 3rd dan (10 points): You are now a black belt 3rd dan. Black belt 4th dan (10 points): You are now a black belt 4th dan. Black belt 5th dan (10 points): You are now a black belt 5th dan. White and red 6th dan belt (10 points): You are now a white and red 6th dan belt. White and red 7th dan belt (10 points): You are now a white and red 7th dan belt. White and red 8th dan belt (10 points): You are now a white and red 8th dan belt. Red belt 9th dan (10 points): You are now a white and red 9th dan belt. Sensei (20 points): You are now a red belt 10th dan. Combo harvester (10 points): You have performed 10 Combos. Super combo (10 points): You have performed 100 Combos. Epic combo (10 points): You have performed 1000 Combos. In your face! (10 points): You have performed 5 Auto Counters. Get off me! (10 points): You have performed 50 Auto Counters. Absolute defense (10 points): You have performed 500 Auto Counters. I catch you and I throw you (10 points): You have performed 5 Throws. Flying around the world (10 points): You have performed 50 Throws. Kiss my feet (10 points): You have performed 500 Throws. My first counter (10 points): You have performed a Counter. The art of counter (10 points): You have performed 10 Counters. A genius for counter (10 points): You have performed 100 Counters. Ki-ssential (10 points): You have used the first Ki Cell 10 times. Ki-boxing (10 points): You have used the first Ki Cell 300 times. Ki-ki Dee (10 points): You have used the first Ki Cell 1000 times. King of the Swingers (10 points): You have performed 10 Ki Short Range Swaps. Doo-swappa-doo (10 points): You have performed 100 Ki Short Range Swaps. Swapaholic (10 points): You have performed 500 Ki Short Range Swaps. Slam bang (10 points): You have performed 10 Ki Short Range Slams. Slamboozle (10 points): You have performed 100 Ki Short Range Slams. Slam-a-lama-ding-dong (10 points): You have performed 500 Ki Short Range Slams. Ki-sters of mercy (10 points): You have performed 10 Ki Long Range Attacks. A Ki up the ass! (10 points): You have performed 100 Ki Long Range Attacks. Ki-assitude (10 points): You have performed 500 Ki Long Range Attacks. Mix it up (10 points): You have performed 10 Ki Long Range Swaps. Swap master (10 points): You have performed 100 Ki Long Range Swaps. Swap n spit (10 points): You have performed 500 Ki Long Range Swaps. Slampatchity (10 points): You have performed 10 Ki Long Range Slams. Slambammed (10 points): You have performed 100 Ki Long Range Slams. Slamdog Millionaire (10 points): You have performed 500 Ki Long Range Slams. My first pole dance (10 points): You have used a Pole. Dirty dancer (10 points): You have used a Pole 10 times. Pole-cat (10 points): You have used a Pole 100 times. Fantastick (10 points): You have used a stick. Stick 'em up (10 points): You have used a stick 10 times. Stick action (10 points): You have used a stick 100 times. Pole-ice brutality (10 points): You performed 1 close combat attack on pole (Combo / Counter / Auto Counter / Throw). North pole (10 points): You performed 10 close combat attacks on pole (Combo / Counter / Auto Counter / Throw). Pole-dink (10 points): You performed 1 special Ki attack on pole (Back Move / Front Move / Swap / Slam). Pole-hogger (10 points): You performed 10 special Ki attacks on pole (Back Move / Front Move / Swap / Slam). Exit strategy (10 points): You performed 10 Finishing moves. The fat lady sings (10 points): You performed 50 Finishing moves. Top Finisher (5 points): You won by KO against a yellow belt in less than 30 seconds. Lightspeed KO (5 points): You won by KO against an orange belt in less than 20 seconds. Exit music (5 points): You put your green belt opponent in Ring Out in less than 30 seconds. Ding-dong (5 points): You put your blue belt opponent in Ring Out in less than 20 seconds. Counter-strike (5 points): You defeated your blue belt opponent with Counters only. Slam dunk (5 points): You won a match against a black belt opponent thanks to a slam. Eleventh hour (5 points): You put your yellow belt opponent in Ring Out with 10% left on your life bar. Shepherd's delight (5 points): You put your black belt opponent in Ring Out with a stick. Who's next? (5 points): You won 3 matches in a row against a yellow belt opponent. Unbeatable (5 points): You won 10 matches in a row against an orange belt opponent. Invincible (5 points): You won 20 matches in a row against a green belt opponent. 11th dan (5 points): You have defeated a red belt 10th dan opponent. |
Vue : 5352 fois |
Mise à jour : 2013.12.10 |
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