Nom du fichier : Alien : Isolation - Xbox One - Auteur : ANO - [XBOXONE] |
General Tips Sound is huge in this game. Make sure you have the TV cranked up or headphones on so you can listen to the Alien, just as it listens for you. Never run. Ever. The Alien hears louder footsteps, so running is almost always suicide. Avoid fighting other enemies. The Alien isn't the only threat in the game, but stealth is your best approach even against other humans and androids. Watch out for the Alien drool – that means it's in a vent above you. Walking under the Alien guarantees death. The flamethrower and molotov are two of the only items/weapons that work against the Alien. Burning the Alien can often save you from instant death, as it runs away from the fire. Alien: Isolation is very much a trial-and-error kind of game. The Alien will often find you, so it's about adjusting on the fly and doing your best to move quietly at any given moment. Don't feel too bad if you die a lot in the process. Craft items often. You don't want to be holding onto materials for a long time, otherwise it's just a waste. Two simple words: save often. Achievements Awake Complete the first mission Welcome to Sevastopol Complete the second mission A Hunt Begins Complete the third mission You Shouldn't Be There Complete the fourth mission How Do You Feel? Complete the fifth mission Caught in the Trap Complete the sixth mission An Outpost of Progress Complete the seventh mission Shock to the System Use the stun baton Bait Complete the tenth mission Hazard Containment Complete the eleventh mission A Synthetic Solution Complete the twelfth mission Consultation Complete the thirteenth mission Survivor Complete the game on the hardest difficulty setting Ripley, Signing Off Complete the game on any difficulty setting The Missing Collect an ID tag The Taken Collect all ID tags Archivist Collect 10 Nostromo logs in the main campaign Light 'Em Up Use the flamethrower Just Out of Reach Contact your team and escape Comms without being attacked by an android Use With Caution... Use the shotgun Every Bullet Counts Use the revolver Self Defense Kill 10 humans Not a Scratch Escape from android combat without taking damage A Perfect Organism Encounter the Alien in Sevastopol for the first time She's in the Vents... Use the vent system 20 times I Admire Its Purity Detect 30 targets with the motion tracker Build to Survive Construct an item Mercy or Prudence Complete the game without killing any humans Seegson Security Bypass Perform 10 successful hacks Seegson Systems Expert Complete 10 minigames successfully Power Games Access 10 different rewire points A True Engineer Construct one of each craftable item A Record of Disaster Collect an archive log Voices of Sevastopol Collect 100 archive logs Fault Detected Kill an Android Throwing the Switch Complete the fourteenth mission The Message Complete the fifteenth mission Hide. Run. Survive. Complete the fifth mission without being killed by the Alien Transmission Complete the sixteenth mission One Shot Complete the game without dying Free the Torrens Complete the seventeenth mission End of the Hunt Complete the eighteenth mission This Should Work Use the bolt gun My Turn Now Kill an android using only the maintenance jack Retreat From Fire Cause the Alien to retreat using a molotov Back Off Cause the Alien to retreat by using the flamethrower Stunned Knock down a human or stun an android with a non-lethal attack Mind Your Step Navigate Reactor Maintenance without dying 100 Times Too Many Get killed by the Alien 100 times Not the First Turn off the beacon |
Vue : 4675 fois |
Mise à jour : 2014.11.07 |
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