Wayward Cheat Codes

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Wayward Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Wayward Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Wayward Cheat Codes

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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Beginner’s Survival Guide:
Written by Dub

A guide on how to survive early on without spoilers. Useful if you feel like you’re
stuck or that you’re constantly dying.

-=Basic Survival Needs=-
Welcome to Wayward! First and foremost, know that there is a tutorial that is packaged
with the game. To access this, click the message stating “Welcome” on the bottom left
of your screen. It’ll teach you some of the basics, while simultaneously not teaching
you some of the basics. I’d recommend that, for the purposes of this guide, you use it,
mainly for the purposes of familiarising yourself with the controls, how to craft items,
and similar things. In addition, the journal/notes on the top of your screen that your
character writes as you expose yourself to the dangers and goods of this world provide
good but slightly cryptic hints that you need to take into account when traversing these
lands. It’ll have a big red sign on it when your character has experienced something new,
so do keep tabs on this part of the screen.

-=The basics: Food, Water, and the dangerous Reputation mechanic=-
The tutorial is capable of explaining the basics of getting food and water, however, it
fails to explain a mechanic known as “Reputation”. In fact, following the tutorial blindly
will likely result in your death as a result of this mechanic. Reputation is probably
the main cause of death for newer players, once they’ve managed to secure basic food and
water. Essentially, cutting down trees, mining stone, killing peaceful creatures, as well
as crafting combat-related equipment, will lower your reputation. Once the reputation is
in the negative thousands, hostile creatures that you simply cannot defeat yet will
frequent the surface. As such, until you have at least made a full set of armour (That
is not the common bark armour), try to keep the reputation up in the positives. Do not
unnecessarily excavate stone, or chop trees, as it will merely result in your eventual
demise due to coyotes chasing you down in the night. Similarly, try to stay above ground,
as the caves contain creatures, irregardless of your reputation, that you will not survive
against without at least metal armour. In fact, you may even find it easier to sail to
other islands before you slay the creatures of the depths.

The question is, how do you generate food and water without lowering your reputation?
That, I intend on answering right here.

There are three main ways of generating food:
* Hunting
* Fishing
* Farming

Out of these three, the latter two will contribute positively to your reputation (Though
if you hunt spiders or giant rats, you will also gain a reputation from these). To add
to this, farming is dependent on what you manage to find on your island. It is very
likely that farming will not manage to sustain you in the early stages of the game.
Thus, you practically have to turn to fish. Now, how do you do this?

Well, there are two main ways to get started. One is to craft a fishing rod, and the
other is to gather more resources and craft a net. Both tools require you to get certain
resources in order to craft, and while the fishing rod can reach a bit further into the
seas, it has a lot less durability.

The fishing rod requires a bit of string, which can be obtained by stripping a piece of
wood bark into stripped bark, which can then be crafted into a string. It also requires
a needle, which necessitates that you’ve found some bone fragments, that dismantle into
a bone needle. Alternatively, you may have killed a giant rat, which when butchered has
a chance of dropping an animal fang.

The net is similarly complicated, requiring a lot more string, as well as stone. Stone
can be gathered by dismantling any granite that you have mined, or commonly found by
digging up granite tiles.

While you will lose a bit of reputation gathering the resources required, once you
start fishing, you will find that your reputation skyrockets.

Once you have crafted either tool, you can start casting your line or net into the water.
You will mostly find that you catch seaweed. It, as its flavour text suggests, can be
eaten, but it might be better left off as cordage for the future strings that you may
need for any future crafting you may do. Eventually, one of two things will happen: You
either catch a fish, or you spot a shark. If you spot a shark, move to a new location
and continue fishing, as you will probably take heavy casualties attempting to kill
them in this state. If you catch a fish, great! Now you can take it to your campfire
and cook it, and then enjoy a nice and hearty meal.

As a bonus, you may even find that you manage to fish up a piece of armour or two,
or even additional bottles that’ll help you get your water production going.

As you continue fishing, you’ll find that you will have an easier time catching fish.
Eventually, as you obtain several armour pieces, you should make sure to kill any
sharks that spawn as a result of fishing. Killing them improves your reputation and,
once butchered, they’ll yield two pieces of fish filet, which also furthers your
goals of sustaining yourself.

Don’t I need water as well?

Well, yes you do! There are three ways of staying hydrated that I have
discovered so far:
* Eating certain fruits or vegetables (Real-life logic applies here)
* Purifying freshwater
* Distilling seawater

The first option is, much like in the food step, dependent on what you find on
your island, and will likely not be enough to sustain you initially. The second
is similar in that freshwater is very limited, and again dependent on what you
find on your island. Therefore, the final and third step, is what you must do in
order to stay alive any sustained period of time. To do so, you need to create a
still. To do so, you will require some string, some granite, and a stick. This
still requires a lit fire underneath it, and this fire will function for the
purposes of cooking food, and can be lit so long as there’s salt water in the
still, and a container attached to it. Therefore, if you wish to save your reputation,
you may want to pick up and dismantle your campfire from the tutorial section to
obtain the necessary granite.

It might be tempting to create more stills, but it will require multiple water
containers to maintain. Currently, only one crafting route will allow you to create
more early on, which competes with your ability to craft armour to protect yourself.
As well, you need a good chunk of firewood in order to maintain multiple fires,
which results in a lot of negative reputation gain.

What’s next?

Now, you are set with food and water! Make sure to return to these tasks every now
and then, and supplement your food and water production with slain spiders & giant
ats’ meat (Though make sure you make pemmican out of the tainted meat so you don’t
get poisoned eating it), as well as some farming. Once you’ve secured some water
production, look for and dig up some limestone, while simultaneously digging up
some of that shore sand, or dismantling gravel, so that you can look into glass
production. This’ll let you upgrade your water production facility to not require
constant use of fire, while also providing means to create more water containers,
in conjunction with clay.

In order to get started on armour production, head to the next section of this

-=Craft Your Armors=-
Now with basic food and water production set, you will now want to look into the
production of leather armour. You may have already picked up some pieces of leather
armour through fishing, so it is time to now complement these pieces with new armour.

At this point, make sure you’ve created a chest: Dismantle some logs and a stick,
and this recipe shall become visible to you.

Prior to metalworking, there are two main types of armour that you can craft at
this point in time:
* Cloth
* Fur
* Leather

The fur set is the next upgrade to make at this point in time, but none will be
visible without knowing what to dismantle. It is time to get into leatherworking.
Once you’ve killed your first animal with fur (most likely a giant rat that prowled
on you while you were sleeping at night), butcher it to obtain an animal pelt.
Dismantle it to obtain both animal fur, as well as animal hide. You can also kill
goats, rabbits and other animals to obtain their prized fur, but do note that it
comes with a hefty reputation malus. The fur itself can also be worn for a small
defense bonus in the earlygame.

The fur will prove useful in crafting the fur set in conjunction with additional
animal pelts. This set contains three pieces to my knowledge and will prove an
excellent replacement for your currently tattered clothes. Alternatively, you
crafted some fabric using leftover cordage, which you’ve sown into some clothes.
I wouldn’t recommend wasting this fabric on clothes, but you can always dismantle
it back to fabric to later use in other recipes.

While you are gathering animal pelts, you may notice that you’re also obtaining
animal hide from dismantling it. It is currently unusable in its current for
leather and will need to be tanned. To do so, create some tannin powder, crafted
from wood bark in a mortar and pestle. With this tannin powder, you can cure the
leather, thus allowing you to craft leather armor. You can also craft waterskins,
backpacks, and bags with leather, all of which are useful tools to let you carry
more on your expeditions.

A lot of the leather armour will require a fairly high skill level, but do keep
trying as you will eventually succeed in crafting the armor piece. It can always
be repaired later on with a hammer or similar if it is about to break.

Once you’ve armoured yourself, you should be capable of defeating the sharks while
fishing, as well as some of the early enemies that spawn as a result of a negative
reputation. The caves are still dangerous, however, and I’d recommend crafting
some metal armour before you even attempt to kill any of the enemies below ground.

Once you’ve obtained enough pieces of armour, you can now start thinking about
going for some metals. Metalworking as a process requires a kiln, an anvil, the ores
themselves, as well as several flux elements that need to be ground into powders
with a mortar and pestle. Be extremely wary, however: Any metalworking will result
in major negative reputation maluses, and if you do not keep track of your reputation
meter, you may find yourself at the mercy of powerful foes you cannot yet defeat.
You can then also craft more powerful tools, but I’d advise keeping the metals you
craft for armour and weapons only.

At this point, you should now be able to properly explore the world of Wayward.
Good luck with your ventures!

From Rags to Iron (Strategy, Tips and Milestones):
Written by Maugrift

This guide will show you how to easily and consistently acquire a full set of iron
equipment, starting with nothing more than your initial gear. It also offers various
tips for more streamlined play, and lists how to reach every milestone.

This guide assumes a basic understanding of the game, its mechanics, and its interface.
You may benefit from reading the Tips section below before attempting this strategy,
so as to maximize your efficiency.

First, find an area with trees and rocks to gather. Use a branch or other pole to
gather resources and make the following set of tools:

* Stone Axe
* Stone Pickaxe
* Stone Shovel
* Stone Hoe
* Stone Hammer
* Stone Spear

-=Hand Drill=-
If you have enough bark by this point, make some bark armor.

Start exploring your island. Gather as many coconuts as possible to use as a long-term
food source. Any plant that gives both food and water will work, such as apples and
pineapples, but coconuts give the most water out of any of these.

Once you’ve secured a sizable number of coconuts, start searching for a base location.
This should be near trees, rocks, and a cave entrance. The easiest base to make is simply
a walled off tunnel with doors on each end. The larger it is, the greater the chance of
monsters spawning in it is. However, you’ll also want enough space for chests and a coconut

Once your base is built, use any leaves you’ve acquired to craft fertile soil. Set down
some in your base and plant your coconuts in it. 10 trees should be enough to sustain
you. Use cobblestone flooring to build walkways wherever necessary, so that the growth
of coconut trees won’t impede your movement.

Now that you have a stable food and water source, focus on raising your benignity to
lower the difficulty to Easy or Medium. This can be done by tilling several tiles and
planting grass or maple/spruce seeds. Rubbing orbs of influence counterclockwise also
increases your benignity. Do this whenever your reputation gets too low.

Build a furnace, anvil, chests, and optionally a kiln in your base. Start crafting a
set of leather armor, including a backpack. Wearing the backpack is not actually
necessary to gain its weight reduction benefits. Store all tools that won’t be used
for crafting or repair in the backpack.

Search first aboveground and later underground for iron, talc, limestone, and coal.
Turn applicable resources into powders with a mortar and pestle. Build a sand cast
flask and tongs, then start crafting your iron equipment. Start with a sword, as it is
the best general-purpose weapon. Proceed to craft armor, starting with whichever pieces
offer the highest increase in defense. Optionally, replace other stone tools with iron
tools. I’d recommend a hammer, as it can help defeat monsters that are resistant to
slashing and piercing, such as abberant skeletons.

Now you can basically ignore malignity and focus all of your efforts on treasure hunting
or milestone achieving!

* Disable Auto Pickup and Auto Gather. You won’t want to damage your weapon walking
around or be bothered by junk items that you walk over.
* Play with no turn delay and get used to pressing shift to face in different directions.
This will make walking around faster and reduce your risk of making mistakes when
trying to reorient yourself. If you do this, remove the mouse bindings for movement
so you don’t accidentally move by misclicking.
* I recommend mapping Drop All to Ctrl+Shift+Right Click for consistency with Move All
(Ctrl+Shift+Left Click).
* Always leave the inventory tab open, and leave crafting open, at least early on. Equipment
only needs to be open when dealing with slither suckers or deciding which pieces of armor
to make. You can also leave your backpack open too if you have enough screen space, though
opening and closing it are free actions.
* Sort your inventory by weight (descending) and keep sort active. Most important items
will be fairly heavy, and it will also be easier to see what heavy items you can drop
to free up space.

* Quickslot tools instead of equipping them. This way, you can store many tools in a
backpack and reduce their weight. You can also leave your weapon and shield equipped
at all times.
* Don’t bother with bows or slings, as equipping them takes up valuable time in combat.
If you still want a ranged option, practice throwing rocks and carry some around in
your backpack. Spears are heavier and more expensive, but also a more damaging option.
* Store heavier items like logs and large rocks in piles on the ground rather than in
* Always carry some medical items, including bandages or tourniquets to stop bleeding
and medicinal water to cure poison or burning.
* Never underestimate abberant creatures. Even with full iron armor, abberant pirate
ghosts and skeletons can still deal 10 or more damage at a time.
* Get to know the layout of your island so that you can recognize locations on tattered
* Leave boglings alive when possible. They can create swamp tiles that contain peat,
which can be used to craft better bandages.
* Instead of building a raft to navigate the ocean, train swimming. Higher levels can
cause dexerity increases (more stamina capacity) and will drain it more slowly.

View: 972 times
Updated: 2023.01.02

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