Legends Reborn: Age of Chance Cheat Codes

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Legends Reborn: Age of Chance Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Legends Reborn: Age of Chance Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Legends Reborn: Age of Chance Cheat Codes

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Legends Reborn: Age of Chance

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Status Effects Guide:
In this quick guide you will find a description of all status
effects (buffs / debuffs) in the game.

- Drag Attacks cost 1 less Energy. Adrenaline is removed if this creature does
not attack this turn. Erases Cripple on application.

Auto Revive
- After receiving fatal damage, this creature is automatically revived for a
percentage of its Max HP at end of turn. Stacks intensity.

- This creature will draw an additional card when it attacks.

Defense Boost
- Increase DEF by 25%. Stacks turns. Erases Break Defense on application.

Dim Armor
- Becomes Radiant Armor at start of turn. Erases all other Armors on application.

- Creature evades all non-critical physical or Hybrid damage. Evade is removed if
this creature attacks or receives damage. Erases Marked on application.

Flame Armor
- When this creature is hit, inflict 10% Burn on attacker. Erases Freeze on
application. Erases all other Armors on application.

Frost Armor
- When this creature is hit, inflict Freeze on attacker. Erases Burn on application.
Erases all other Armors on application.

Hybrid Counterattack
- Next time this creature is hit, it will target the attacker with a Hybrid Attack.

Ignore Defense
- This creature ignores enemy’s DEF on its next Physical attack.

Ignore Resistance
- This creature ignores enemy’s RES on its next Magic attack.

- Cancel the next negative status effect this creature would receive.

Magic Counterattack
- Next time this creature is hit, it will target the attacker with a Magic Attack.

Magic Spike
- Increase MGC by a percentage on your next Magic attack. Stacks intensity.

- Becomes Taunt at start of turn.

Parasitic Armor
- When this creature is attacked, inflict Poison on enemy for 1 turn. Stacks turns.

Physical Attack Spike
- Increase ATK by a percentage on your next Physical Attack. Stacks intensity.

Physical Counterattack
- Next time this creature is hit, it will target the attacker with a Physical Attack.

- This creature gains 70% chance to Critical Hit until next successful critical hit.

Radiant Armor
- When this creature is hit, inflict Blind on the attacker. Becomes Dim Armor when
activated. Erases Paralyze on application. Erases all other Armors on application.

- Heal 10% HP at the start of turn. Erases Poison on application.

Resistance Boost
- Increase RES by 25%. Stacks turns. Erases Break Resistance on application.

- Cancel all damage next time this creature would receive non-status damage,
except for Paralyze.

- Steal some of the opponent’s Energy on this creature’s next successful attack.
Stacks intensity.

- Only creatures with Taunt may be targeted. Becomes Muster when damaged.

- Can not be frozen. Removed at start of turn.

Thorn Armor
- When this creature is hit, the attacker receives damage equal to 50% of its own
ATK, mitigated by its own DEF. Erases all other Armors on application.

- A percentage of damage done by this creature’s next successful attack will be
returned as HP. Stacks intensity.

Void Armor
- When this creature is hit, inflict Paralyze on attacker.
Erases all other Armors on application.

- Creature will automatically trigger a Drag Attack at the beginning of the turn.
Stacks count.

- Next attack will miss a random target. Removed when receiving non-passive status

Break Defense
- DEF reduced to 0. Stacks turns.

Break Resistance
- RES reduced to 0. Stacks turns.

- Percentage of Max HP received as Damage on next attack. Stacks intensity. Erases
Frost Armor on application. Spreads to neighboring creatures at end of turn.

Card Block
- When the next card would be drawn from this creature deck, remove Card Block instead.

- Non-Berserk Attacks will target random enemies. Removed when successfully striking
selected target or receiving non-passive status damage.

- Drag Attacks cost 1 additional Energy. Removed at end of turn after performing at
least one drag attack. Erases Adrenaline on application.

Energy Bleed
- The owner of this creature will lose 1 Energy at the start of the turn.
Erases Siphon on application.

- Increase DEF and RES by 50%. Cannot attack. Removed when damage is received or
at end of turn. Becomes Thawed when removed. Erases Flame Armor and Evasion on

- Chance of being Critically Hit is doubled. Stacks turns. Erases Defense Boost and
Resistance Boost on application.

- Owner may not play cards on this creature. Removed when receiving non-passive
status damage or when targeted by an opponent action card.

- Critical Hit Chance decreased by 90%. Stacks turns. Erases Pinpoint on application.

- The next time this creature’s passive would activate, remove Paralyze instead and
take 10% Max HP damage.

- At start of turn, this creature is damaged for a percentage of its Max HP. Stacks
intensity. Spreads to neighboring creatures on death.

- At start of turn, this creature is damaged for a percentage of its Max HP and
reduce intensity by 10%. Stacks intensity. Erases Regen on application.

- Area cards affect a creature and its neighbors.

Double Team
- A Double Team Attack allows a creature and one neighboring creature to attack.

- Remove a random Positive Effect from target creature.

Hybrid Attack
- Hybrid Attacks combine a creature’s ATK and MGC stats to do damage, and are
mitigated by both of the enemy’s DEF and RES stats.

Magic Attack
- Magic Attacks use a creature’s MGC stat to do damage, and are reduced by an enemy’s
RES stat.

Magic Boost
- Permanently increases MGC.

Physical Attack
- Physical Attacks use a creature’s ATK stat to do damage, and are reduced by an
enemy’s DEF stat.

Physical Attack Boost
- Permanently increases ATK.

- Remove a random Negative Effect from target creature.

Triple Team
- A Triple Team Attack allows a creature and its neighbors to attack.

Weaken Magic
- Permanently decrease MGC.

Weaken Strength
- Permanently decrease ATK.

View: 1323 times
Updated: 2023.04.22

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