Platoon Save Game Cheats

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Platoon Save Game Cheats

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Name of the file: Platoon Save Game Cheats - Author: FRED - [PC]

[World : cWorld]
	LevelID = "LEVEL_1"
	TextureName = "gfx\terrain\level_01\"
	DetailName = gfx/terrain/vegyesdetail.tga
	MapName = "gfx\terrain\level_01\level_01_minimap.tga"
	NorthDirection = "1,0,0"
	GameTime = 0
	StartingMissionObjectives = ""
	WatchedHeroName = "ush_Lionsdale_sq1"
	SquadPlayerControlEnabled = 1
	ShowWaypoints = 0
	GodMode = 1
	VMLogEnabled = 0
	DebugMode = 0
	ScriptRunningEnabled = 1
	EmperorMode = 1
	NoDamage = 0
	FOWEnabled = 1
	DrawBorder = 0
	BorderWidth = 45
	StaminaDisabled = 0
	Grid = 0
	AmbientColor = "90,90,90"
	PanelColor = "64,64,64,255"

	[MissionObjectives : cActiveMissionObjectives]
		ForceCompleted = 0
		ForceFailed = 0

		[Objectives *]

	[CameraController : cCameraController]
		DistanceTarget = 152.2212219
		RotateTarget = 3515.357666
		PitchTarget = 72.7936096
		PosTarget = "145.2516174,171.2718048,1.114094"
		BorderLimit = 1
		FreeCameraMode = 0

	[FOWManager : cFOWManager]
		Level0 = 0
		Level1 = 96
		Level2 = 255
		RefreshDistance = 1

	[TerrainShader : cTerrainShader]

	[PlantBender : cPlantBender]
		Strength = 100
		Speed = 1
		WindFrequency = 12
		MinimumAmplitude = 0.33
		DefaultDamping = 0.92
		Iterations = 3
		TableLength = 2000
		WindDirection = "1,0,0"

	[Weather : cWeather]

		[Fog : cWeatherFog]
			Enable = 0
			Color = "255,255,206,255"
			NearDistance = 0
			FarDistance = 600


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[World : cWorld]
	LevelID = "LEVEL_2"
	TextureName = "gfx\terrain\level_02\"
	DetailName = gfx/terrain/vegyesdetail.tga
	MapName = "gfx\terrain\level_02\level_02_minimap.tga"
	NorthDirection = "1,0,0"
	GameTime = 0
	StartingMissionObjectives = ""
	WatchedHeroName = "ush_Lionsdale_sq1"
	SquadPlayerControlEnabled = 1
	ShowWaypoints = 0
	GodMode = 1
	VMLogEnabled = 0
	DebugMode = 0
	ScriptRunningEnabled = 1
	EmperorMode = 1
	NoDamage = 0
	FOWEnabled = 1
	DrawBorder = 0
	BorderWidth = 45
	StaminaDisabled = 0
	Grid = 0
	AmbientColor = "90,90,90"
	PanelColor = "163,108,75,255"

	[MissionObjectives : cActiveMissionObjectives]
		ForceCompleted = 0
		ForceFailed = 0

		[Objectives *]

	[CameraController : cCameraController]
		DistanceTarget = 17.8331795
		RotateTarget = -12144.2148438
		PitchTarget = 59.8243332
		PosTarget = "218.3297882,278.3104858,3.5106308"
		BorderLimit = 1
		FreeCameraMode = 0

	[FOWManager : cFOWManager]
		Level0 = 0
		Level1 = 96
		Level2 = 255
		RefreshDistance = 1

	[TerrainShader : cTerrainShader]

	[PlantBender : cPlantBender]
		Strength = 100
		Speed = 1
		WindFrequency = 12
		MinimumAmplitude = 0.33
		DefaultDamping = 0.92
		Iterations = 3
		TableLength = 2000
		WindDirection = "1,0,0"

	[Weather : cWeather]

		[Fog : cWeatherFog]
			Enable = 1
			Color = "230,155,106,255"
			NearDistance = 0
			FarDistance = 6......

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[World : cWorld]
	LevelID = "LEVEL_3"
	TextureName = "gfx\terrain\level_03\"
	DetailName = gfx/terrain/vegyesdetail.tga
	MapName = "gfx\terrain\level_03\level_03_minimap.tga"
	NorthDirection = "1,0,0"
	GameTime = 0
	StartingMissionObjectives = ""
	WatchedHeroName = "ush_Lionsdale_sq1"
	SquadPlayerControlEnabled = 1
	ShowWaypoints = 0
	GodMode = 1
	VMLogEnabled = 0
	DebugMode = 0
	ScriptRunningEnabled = 1
	EmperorMode = 1
	NoDamage = 0
	FOWEnabled = 1
	DrawBorder = 0
	BorderWidth = 45
	StaminaDisabled = 0
	Grid = 0
	AmbientColor = "90,90,90"
	PanelColor = "64,64,64,255"

	[MissionObjectives : cActiveMissionObjectives]
		ForceCompleted = 0
		ForceFailed = 0

		[Objectives *]

	[CameraController : cCameraController]
		DistanceTarget = 134.0782013
		RotateTarget = 24444.9394531
		PitchTarget = 56.9701538
		PosTarget = "270.6270752,226.7078094,0.0204476"
		BorderLimit = 1
		FreeCameraMode = 0

	[FOWManager : cFOWManager]
		Level0 = 0
		Level1 = 96
		Level2 = 255
		RefreshDistance = 1

	[TerrainShader : cTerrainShader]

	[PlantBender : cPlantBender]
		Strength = 100
		Speed = 1
		WindFrequency = 12
		MinimumAmplitude = 0.33
		DefaultDamping = 0.92
		Iterations = 3
		TableLength = 2000
		WindDirection = "1,0,0"

	[Weather : cWeather]

		[Fog : cWeatherFog]
			Enable = 1
			Color = "251,249,217,255"
			NearDistance = 0
			FarDistance = 650......

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[World : cWorld]
	LevelID = "LEVEL_4"
	TextureName = "gfx\terrain\level_04\"
	DetailName = gfx/terrain/vegyesdetail.tga
	MapName = "gfx\terrain\level_04\level_04_minimap.tga"
	NorthDirection = "0,1,0"
	GameTime = 0
	StartingMissionObjectives = ""
	WatchedHeroName = "ush_Lionsdale_sq1"
	SquadPlayerControlEnabled = 1
	ShowWaypoints = 0
	GodMode = 1
	VMLogEnabled = 0
	DebugMode = 0
	ScriptRunningEnabled = 1
	EmperorMode = 1
	NoDamage = 0
	FOWEnabled = 1
	DrawBorder = 0
	BorderWidth = 30
	StaminaDisabled = 0
	Grid = 0
	AmbientColor = "90,90,90"
	PanelColor = "64,64,64,255"

	[MissionObjectives : cActiveMissionObjectives]
		ForceCompleted = 0
		ForceFailed = 0

		[Objectives *]

	[CameraController : cCameraController]
		DistanceTarget = 64.2639618
		RotateTarget = 17479.2832031
		PitchTarget = 39.1875954
		PosTarget = "41.5002365,11.9667578,0.108334"
		BorderLimit = 1
		FreeCameraMode = 0

	[FOWManager : cFOWManager]
		Level0 = 0
		Level1 = 96
		Level2 = 255
		RefreshDistance = 1

	[TerrainShader : cTerrainShader]

	[PlantBender : cPlantBender]
		Strength = 100
		Speed = 1
		WindFrequency = 12
		MinimumAmplitude = 0.33
		DefaultDamping = 0.92
		Iterations = 3
		TableLength = 2000
		WindDirection = "1,0,0"

	[Weather : cWeather]

		[Fog : cWeatherFog]
			Enable = 1
			Color = "255,253,221,255"
			NearDistance = 0
			FarDistance = 700


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[World : cWorld]
	LevelID = "LEVEL_5"
	TextureName = "gfx\terrain\level_05\"
	DetailName = gfx/terrain/vegyesdetail.tga
	MapName = "gfx\terrain\level_05\"
	NorthDirection = "-1,0,0"
	GameTime = 0
	StartingMissionObjectives = ""
	WatchedHeroName = "ush_Mitchells_sq1"
	SquadPlayerControlEnabled = 1
	ShowWaypoints = 0
	GodMode = 1
	VMLogEnabled = 0
	DebugMode = 0
	ScriptRunningEnabled = 1
	EmperorMode = 1
	NoDamage = 0
	FOWEnabled = 1
	DrawBorder = 0
	BorderWidth = 45
	StaminaDisabled = 0
	Grid = 0
	AmbientColor = "90,90,90"
	PanelColor = "64,64,64,255"

	[MissionObjectives : cActiveMissionObjectives]
		ForceCompleted = 0
		ForceFailed = 0

		[Objectives *]

	[CameraController : cCameraController]
		DistanceTarget = 73.1326904
		RotateTarget = -7889.7685547
		PitchTarget = 49.2673264
		PosTarget = "371.1551819,317.5730286,0.0008921"
		BorderLimit = 1
		FreeCameraMode = 1

	[FOWManager : cFOWManager]
		Level0 = 0
		Level1 = 96
		Level2 = 255
		RefreshDistance = 1

	[TerrainShader : cTerrainShader]

	[PlantBender : cPlantBender]
		Strength = 100
		Speed = 1
		WindFrequency = 12
		MinimumAmplitude = 0.33
		DefaultDamping = 0.92
		Iterations = 3
		TableLength = 2000
		WindDirection = "1,0,0"

	[Weather : cWeather]

		[Fog : cWeatherFog]
			Enable = 1
			Color = "255,255,255,255"
			NearDistance = 0
			FarDistance = 800......

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[World : cWorld]
	LevelID = "LEVEL_6"
	TextureName = "gfx\terrain\level_06\"
	DetailName = gfx/terrain/vegyesdetail.tga
	MapName = "gfx\terrain\level_06\level_06_minimap.tga"
	NorthDirection = "1,0,0"
	GameTime = 0
	StartingMissionObjectives = "clear the ruins"
	WatchedHeroName = "ush_Lionsdale_sq1"
	SquadPlayerControlEnabled = 1
	ShowWaypoints = 0
	GodMode = 1
	VMLogEnabled = 0
	DebugMode = 0
	ScriptRunningEnabled = 1
	EmperorMode = 1
	NoDamage = 0
	FOWEnabled = 1
	DrawBorder = 0
	BorderWidth = 30
	StaminaDisabled = 0
	Grid = 0
	AmbientColor = "70,70,70"
	PanelColor = "64,64,64,255"

	[MissionObjectives : cActiveMissionObjectives]
		ForceCompleted = 0
		ForceFailed = 0

		[Objectives *]

	[CameraController : cCameraController]
		DistanceTarget = 35.708744
		RotateTarget = -5671.324707
		PitchTarget = 59.5941811
		PosTarget = "466.0531006,43.6887665,1.9660349"
		BorderLimit = 1
		FreeCameraMode = 0

	[FOWManager : cFOWManager]
		Level0 = 0
		Level1 = 96
		Level2 = 255
		RefreshDistance = 1

	[TerrainShader : cTerrainShader]

	[PlantBender : cPlantBender]
		Strength = 100
		Speed = 1
		WindFrequency = 12
		MinimumAmplitude = 0.33
		DefaultDamping = 0.92
		Iterations = 3
		TableLength = 2000
		WindDirection = "1,0,0"

	[Weather : cWeather]

		[Fog : cWeatherFog]
			Enable = 0
			Color = "255,255,255,255"
			NearDistance = 100

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[World : cWorld]
	LevelID = "LEVEL_7"
	TextureName = "gfx\terrain\level_07\"
	DetailName = gfx/terrain/vegyesdetail.tga
	MapName = "gfx\terrain\level_07\level_07_minimap.tga"
	NorthDirection = "1,0,0"
	GameTime = 0
	StartingMissionObjectives = ""
	WatchedHeroName = ""
	SquadPlayerControlEnabled = 1
	ShowWaypoints = 0
	GodMode = 1
	VMLogEnabled = 0
	DebugMode = 0
	ScriptRunningEnabled = 1
	EmperorMode = 1
	NoDamage = 0
	FOWEnabled = 1
	DrawBorder = 0
	BorderWidth = 30
	StaminaDisabled = 0
	Grid = 0
	AmbientColor = "80,80,80"
	PanelColor = "64,64,64,255"

	[MissionObjectives : cActiveMissionObjectives]
		ForceCompleted = 0
		ForceFailed = 0

		[Objectives *]

	[CameraController : cCameraController]
		DistanceTarget = 103.9492264
		RotateTarget = -1720.1401367
		PitchTarget = 57.1079903
		PosTarget = "155.1842346,90.7586899,0"
		BorderLimit = 1
		FreeCameraMode = 0

	[FOWManager : cFOWManager]
		Level0 = 0
		Level1 = 160
		Level2 = 255
		RefreshDistance = 1

	[TerrainShader : cTerrainShader]

	[PlantBender : cPlantBender]
		Strength = 100
		Speed = 1
		WindFrequency = 12
		MinimumAmplitude = 0.33
		DefaultDamping = 0.92
		Iterations = 3
		TableLength = 2000
		WindDirection = "1,0,0"

	[Weather : cWeather]

		[Fog : cWeatherFog]
			Enable = 0
			Color = "129,255,255,255"
			NearDistance = -50
			FarDistance = 200

		[Rain : cWea......

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[World : cWorld]
	LevelID = "LEVEL_8"
	TextureName = "gfx\terrain\level_08\"
	DetailName = gfx/terrain/vegyesdetail.tga
	MapName = "gfx\terrain\level_08\level_08_minimap.tga"
	NorthDirection = "-1,0,0"
	GameTime = 0
	StartingMissionObjectives = ""
	WatchedHeroName = ""
	SquadPlayerControlEnabled = 1
	ShowWaypoints = 0
	GodMode = 1
	VMLogEnabled = 0
	DebugMode = 0
	ScriptRunningEnabled = 1
	EmperorMode = 1
	NoDamage = 0
	FOWEnabled = 1
	DrawBorder = 0
	BorderWidth = 45
	StaminaDisabled = 0
	Grid = 0
	AmbientColor = "60,60,60"
	PanelColor = "64,64,64,255"

	[MissionObjectives : cActiveMissionObjectives]
		ForceCompleted = 0
		ForceFailed = 0

		[Objectives *]

	[CameraController : cCameraController]
		DistanceTarget = 38.7127419
		RotateTarget = 9863.5117188
		PitchTarget = 43.9981537
		PosTarget = "199.8363495,27.5676651,0.3613317"
		BorderLimit = 1
		FreeCameraMode = 0

	[FOWManager : cFOWManager]
		Level0 = 0
		Level1 = 96
		Level2 = 255
		RefreshDistance = 1

	[TerrainShader : cTerrainShader]

	[PlantBender : cPlantBender]
		Strength = 100
		Speed = 1
		WindFrequency = 12
		MinimumAmplitude = 0.33
		DefaultDamping = 0.92
		Iterations = 3
		TableLength = 2000
		WindDirection = "1,0,0"

	[Weather : cWeather]

		[Fog : cWeatherFog]
			Enable = 1
			Color = "222,237,254,255"
			NearDistance = 0
			FarDistance = 400

		[Rain : ......

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[World : cWorld]
	LevelID = "LEVEL_9"
	TextureName = "gfx\terrain\level_09\"
	DetailName = gfx/terrain/vegyesdetail.tga
	MapName = "gfx\terrain\level_09\level_09_minimap.tga"
	NorthDirection = "-1,0,0"
	GameTime = 0
	StartingMissionObjectives = "find POW"
	WatchedHeroName = ""
	SquadPlayerControlEnabled = 1
	ShowWaypoints = 0
	GodMode = 1
	VMLogEnabled = 0
	DebugMode = 0
	ScriptRunningEnabled = 1
	EmperorMode = 1
	NoDamage = 0
	FOWEnabled = 1
	DrawBorder = 0
	BorderWidth = 45
	StaminaDisabled = 0
	Grid = 0
	AmbientColor = "90,90,90"
	PanelColor = "64,64,64,255"

	[MissionObjectives : cActiveMissionObjectives]
		ForceCompleted = 0
		ForceFailed = 0

		[Objectives *]

	[CameraController : cCameraController]
		DistanceTarget = 39.1361504
		RotateTarget = 21568.5117188
		PitchTarget = 50.9950752
		PosTarget = "233.7707367,161.3961792,0.0003335"
		BorderLimit = 1
		FreeCameraMode = 0

	[FOWManager : cFOWManager]
		Level0 = 0
		Level1 = 96
		Level2 = 255
		RefreshDistance = 1

	[TerrainShader : cTerrainShader]

	[PlantBender : cPlantBender]
		Strength = 100
		Speed = 1
		WindFrequency = 12
		MinimumAmplitude = 0.33
		DefaultDamping = 0.92
		Iterations = 3
		TableLength = 2000
		WindDirection = "1,0,0"

	[Weather : cWeather]

		[Fog : cWeatherFog]
			Enable = 1
			Color = "240,255,220,255"
			NearDistance = 0
			FarDistance = 750


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[World : cWorld]
	LevelID = "LEVEL_11"
	TextureName = "gfx\terrain\level_11\"
	DetailName = gfx/terrain/vegyesdetail.tga
	MapName = "gfx\terrain\level_11\level_11_minimap.tga"
	NorthDirection = "1,0,0"
	GameTime = 0
	StartingMissionObjectives = ""
	WatchedHeroName = ""
	SquadPlayerControlEnabled = 1
	ShowWaypoints = 0
	GodMode = 1
	VMLogEnabled = 0
	DebugMode = 0
	ScriptRunningEnabled = 1
	EmperorMode = 1
	NoDamage = 0
	FOWEnabled = 1
	DrawBorder = 0
	BorderWidth = 45
	StaminaDisabled = 0
	Grid = 0
	AmbientColor = "80,80,80"
	PanelColor = "64,64,64,255"

	[MissionObjectives : cActiveMissionObjectives]
		ForceCompleted = 0
		ForceFailed = 0

		[Objectives *]

	[CameraController : cCameraController]
		DistanceTarget = 72.3239441
		RotateTarget = -242.5998535
		PitchTarget = 36.3673325
		PosTarget = "48.5273628,153.2783356,6.3080893"
		BorderLimit = 1
		FreeCameraMode = 0

	[FOWManager : cFOWManager]
		Level0 = 0
		Level1 = 96
		Level2 = 255
		RefreshDistance = 1

	[TerrainShader : cTerrainShader]

	[PlantBender : cPlantBender]
		Strength = 100
		Speed = 1
		WindFrequency = 12
		MinimumAmplitude = 0.33
		DefaultDamping = 0.92
		Iterations = 3
		TableLength = 2000
		WindDirection = "1,0,0"

	[Weather : cWeather]

		[Fog : cWeatherFog]
			Enable = 1
			Color = "149,150,151,205"
			NearDistance = -50
			FarDistance = 300


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Trainers City

[World : cWorld]
	LevelID = "LEVEL_12"
	TextureName = "gfx\terrain\level_12\"
	DetailName = gfx\terrain\
	MapName = "gfx\terrain\level_12\level_12_minimap.tga"
	NorthDirection = "1,0,0"
	GameTime = 0
	StartingMissionObjectives = ""
	WatchedHeroName = "us_Elias_sq2"
	SquadPlayerControlEnabled = 1
	ShowWaypoints = 0
	GodMode = 1
	VMLogEnabled = 0
	DebugMode = 0
	ScriptRunningEnabled = 1
	EmperorMode = 1
	NoDamage = 0
	FOWEnabled = 1
	DrawBorder = 0
	BorderWidth = 45
	StaminaDisabled = 0
	Grid = 0
	AmbientColor = "80,80,80"
	PanelColor = "64,64,64,255"

	[MissionObjectives : cActiveMissionObjectives]
		ForceCompleted = 0
		ForceFailed = 0

		[Objectives *]

	[CameraController : cCameraController]
		DistanceTarget = 64.8448257
		RotateTarget = 2901.876709
		PitchTarget = 45.0011711
		PosTarget = "413.4545288,226.7191772,0.1696164"
		BorderLimit = 1
		FreeCameraMode = 0

	[FOWManager : cFOWManager]
		Level0 = 64
		Level1 = 128
		Level2 = 255
		RefreshDistance = 1

	[TerrainShader : cTerrainShader]

	[PlantBender : cPlantBender]
		Strength = 100
		Speed = 1
		WindFrequency = 12
		MinimumAmplitude = 0.33
		DefaultDamping = 0.92
		Iterations = 3
		TableLength = 2000
		WindDirection = "1,0,0"

	[Weather : cWeather]

		[Fog : cWeatherFog]
			Enable = 1
			Color = "128,128,128,255"
			NearDistance = 0
			FarDistance = 300


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Trainers City

[World : cWorld]
	LevelID = "LEVEL_15"
	TextureName = "gfx\terrain\level_15\"
	DetailName = gfx/terrain/vegyesdetail.tga
	MapName = "gfx\terrain\level_15\level_15_minimap.tga"
	NorthDirection = "-1,0,0"
	GameTime = 0
	StartingMissionObjectives = ""
	WatchedHeroName = "ush_Mitchells_sq1"
	SquadPlayerControlEnabled = 1
	ShowWaypoints = 0
	GodMode = 1
	VMLogEnabled = 0
	DebugMode = 0
	ScriptRunningEnabled = 1
	EmperorMode = 1
	NoDamage = 0
	FOWEnabled = 1
	DrawBorder = 0
	BorderWidth = 45
	StaminaDisabled = 0
	Grid = 0
	AmbientColor = "80,80,80"
	PanelColor = "64,64,64,255"

	[MissionObjectives : cActiveMissionObjectives]
		ForceCompleted = 0
		ForceFailed = 0

		[Objectives *]

	[CameraController : cCameraController]
		DistanceTarget = 89.9531097
		RotateTarget = 1015.9719849
		PitchTarget = 38.1969032
		PosTarget = "109.05867,6.3022499,0.1578181"
		BorderLimit = 1
		FreeCameraMode = 0

	[FOWManager : cFOWManager]
		Level0 = 0
		Level1 = 96
		Level2 = 255
		RefreshDistance = 1

	[TerrainShader : cTerrainShader]

	[PlantBender : cPlantBender]
		Strength = 100
		Speed = 1
		WindFrequency = 12
		MinimumAmplitude = 0.33
		DefaultDamping = 0.92
		Iterations = 3
		TableLength = 2000
		WindDirection = "1,0,0"

	[Weather : cWeather]

		[Fog : cWeatherFog]
			Enable = 1
			Color = "138,190,253,255"
			NearDistance = 0
			FarDistance = 600


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Pour activer le mod god et affiche tous les viet sur la map  
il faut extraire les fichiers joints 
dans le dossier suivant C:\Program Files\Monte Cristo\Platoon\Levels

...You will find the rest of this information in: lisez moi.txt,

if you download this file:
Trainers City

	█     █     █     █ █ ███ █     █     █     ████    █ █     █ ███ █
	███ ███ ███ █ ███ █ █  ██ █ █████ ███ █ ████████ ████ ███ ████ █ ██
	███ ███     █     █ █ █ █ █    ██     █     █  █ ████ ███ █████ ███
	███ ███ ██ ██ ███ █ █ ██  █ █████ ██ ██████ ████ ████ ███ █████ ███
	███ ███ ███ █ ███ █ █ ███ █     █ ███ █     ████    █ ███ █████ ███

	              -=[TCY eST FIERE dE vOUS PRESENTEr:]=-
   . platoon - Trainer                                            .

    Concepteur            : fred52            
    Soumis par            : 
    Contact               :  
    Version du jeu        : toutes versions version fr        
    taille                : 17 Ko
    Date de Conception    : 08/Fevrier/2003
    Type                  : Trainer

    Type: [X] Trainer
	   [ ] Cheat Codes
          [ ] Sauvegardes du jeu         
          [ ] Editeur
          [ ] Solution/FAQ        
          [ ] Guide de Strategie               
          [ ] Manuel - Cartes de reference
          [ ] Patch 

    Logiciel : platoon - ╕ MONTECRISTO


...You will find the rest of this information in: Tcy.nfo,

if you download this file:
Trainers City

[World : cWorld]
	TextureName = "gfx\terrain\tutorial\"
	DetailName = gfx/terrain/vegyesdetail.tga
	MapName = gfx\terrain\tutorial\tutorial_minimap.tga
	NorthDirection = "-1,0,0"
	GameTime = 0
	StartingMissionObjectives = ""
	WatchedHeroName = ""
	SquadPlayerControlEnabled = 1
	ShowWaypoints = 0
	GodMode = 1
	VMLogEnabled = 0
	DebugMode = 0
	ScriptRunningEnabled = 1
	EmperorMode = 1
	NoDamage = 0
	FOWEnabled = 1
	DrawBorder = 0
	BorderWidth = 45
	StaminaDisabled = 0
	Grid = 0
	AmbientColor = "80,80,80"
	PanelColor = "64,64,64,255"

	[MissionObjectives : cActiveMissionObjectives]
		ForceCompleted = 0
		ForceFailed = 0

		[Objectives *]

	[CameraController : cCameraController]
		DistanceTarget = 24.4879189
		RotateTarget = -6622.9643555
		PitchTarget = 50.5799065
		PosTarget = "130.9968872,228.9993744,4.6915536"
		BorderLimit = 1
		FreeCameraMode = 0

	[FOWManager : cFOWManager]
		Level0 = 0
		Level1 = 160
		Level2 = 255
		RefreshDistance = 1

	[TerrainShader : cTerrainShader]

	[PlantBender : cPlantBender]
		Strength = 100
		Speed = 1
		WindFrequency = 12
		MinimumAmplitude = 0.33
		DefaultDamping = 0.92
		Iterations = 3
		TableLength = 2000
		WindDirection = "1,0,0"

	[Weather : cWeather]

		[Fog : cWeatherFog]
			Enable = 0
			Color = "129,255,255,255"
			NearDistance = -50
			FarDistance = 200


...You will find the rest of this information in:,

if you download this file:
Trainers City

█     █     █     █ █ ███ █     █     █     ████    █ █     █ ███ █
███ ███ ███ █ ███ █ █  ██ █ █████ ███ █ ████████ ████ ███ ████ █ ██
███ ███     █     █ █ █ █ █    ██     █     █  █ ████ ███ █████ ███
███ ███ ██ ██ ███ █ █ ██  █ █████ ██ ██████ ████ ████ ███ █████ ███
███ ███ ███ █ ███ █ █ ███ █     █ ███ █     ████    █ ███ █████ ███

File download at Trainers City - The Bible Trainers -
Retreive others trainers, Cheats, editors, save games and much more

...You will find the rest of this information in: Trainers.nfo,

if you download this file:
Trainers City

Name of the zip file:

File size: 16 869 octets

Downloads: 5007 times
Updated: 2003.02.09

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