Platoon Save Game Cheats

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Platoon Save Game Cheats

IMPORTANT : Merci de cocher la case et de cliquer sur télécharger pour activer le téléchargement !
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Information :

Si vous avez un message d'avertissement venant de votre navigateur, merci de l'ignorer. Ils (Googlebot) pensent à tort que certains fichiers dans notre section Trainers ont "un contenu malveillant" et ont décidé d'afficher au hasard des messages d'avertissement lors du téléchargement de fichiers. Les trainers sont des programmes résidant en mémoire qui modifient le comportement d'un jeu. Votre logiciel antivirus peut les détecter comme des logiciels malveillants (virus, vers, chevaux de Troie, robots, etc...). C'est presque toujours une fausse alerte. Si vous avez le moindre doute allez sur cette page avant : ALERTE AUX VIRUS ? Si vous rencontrez des difficultés avec le site web ou un fichier, lisez d'abord le HELP PAGE

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Nom du fichier : Platoon Save Game Cheats - Auteur : FRED - [PC]

[World : cWorld]
	LevelID = "LEVEL_1"
	TextureName = "gfx\terrain\level_01\"
	DetailName = gfx/terrain/vegyesdetail.tga
	MapName = "gfx\terrain\level_01\level_01_minimap.tga"
	NorthDirection = "1,0,0"
	GameTime = 0
	StartingMissionObjectives = ""
	WatchedHeroName = "ush_Lionsdale_sq1"
	SquadPlayerControlEnabled = 1
	ShowWaypoints = 0
	GodMode = 1
	VMLogEnabled = 0
	DebugMode = 0
	ScriptRunningEnabled = 1
	EmperorMode = 1
	NoDamage = 0
	FOWEnabled = 1
	DrawBorder = 0
	BorderWidth = 45
	StaminaDisabled = 0
	Grid = 0
	AmbientColor = "90,90,90"
	PanelColor = "64,64,64,255"

	[MissionObjectives : cActiveMissionObjectives]
		ForceCompleted = 0
		ForceFailed = 0

		[Objectives *]

	[CameraController : cCameraController]
		DistanceTarget = 152.2212219
		RotateTarget = 3515.357666
		PitchTarget = 72.7936096
		PosTarget = "145.2516174,171.2718048,1.114094"
		BorderLimit = 1
		FreeCameraMode = 0

	[FOWManager : cFOWManager]
		Level0 = 0
		Level1 = 96
		Level2 = 255
		RefreshDistance = 1

	[TerrainShader : cTerrainShader]

	[PlantBender : cPlantBender]
		Strength = 100
		Speed = 1
		WindFrequency = 12
		MinimumAmplitude = 0.33
		DefaultDamping = 0.92
		Iterations = 3
		TableLength = 2000
		WindDirection = "1,0,0"

	[Weather : cWeather]

		[Fog : cWeatherFog]
			Enable = 0
			Color = "255,255,206,255"
			NearDistance = 0
			FarDistance = 600


...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans :,

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Trainers City

[World : cWorld]
	LevelID = "LEVEL_2"
	TextureName = "gfx\terrain\level_02\"
	DetailName = gfx/terrain/vegyesdetail.tga
	MapName = "gfx\terrain\level_02\level_02_minimap.tga"
	NorthDirection = "1,0,0"
	GameTime = 0
	StartingMissionObjectives = ""
	WatchedHeroName = "ush_Lionsdale_sq1"
	SquadPlayerControlEnabled = 1
	ShowWaypoints = 0
	GodMode = 1
	VMLogEnabled = 0
	DebugMode = 0
	ScriptRunningEnabled = 1
	EmperorMode = 1
	NoDamage = 0
	FOWEnabled = 1
	DrawBorder = 0
	BorderWidth = 45
	StaminaDisabled = 0
	Grid = 0
	AmbientColor = "90,90,90"
	PanelColor = "163,108,75,255"

	[MissionObjectives : cActiveMissionObjectives]
		ForceCompleted = 0
		ForceFailed = 0

		[Objectives *]

	[CameraController : cCameraController]
		DistanceTarget = 17.8331795
		RotateTarget = -12144.2148438
		PitchTarget = 59.8243332
		PosTarget = "218.3297882,278.3104858,3.5106308"
		BorderLimit = 1
		FreeCameraMode = 0

	[FOWManager : cFOWManager]
		Level0 = 0
		Level1 = 96
		Level2 = 255
		RefreshDistance = 1

	[TerrainShader : cTerrainShader]

	[PlantBender : cPlantBender]
		Strength = 100
		Speed = 1
		WindFrequency = 12
		MinimumAmplitude = 0.33
		DefaultDamping = 0.92
		Iterations = 3
		TableLength = 2000
		WindDirection = "1,0,0"

	[Weather : cWeather]

		[Fog : cWeatherFog]
			Enable = 1
			Color = "230,155,106,255"
			NearDistance = 0
			FarDistance = 6......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans :,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier :
Trainers City

[World : cWorld]
	LevelID = "LEVEL_3"
	TextureName = "gfx\terrain\level_03\"
	DetailName = gfx/terrain/vegyesdetail.tga
	MapName = "gfx\terrain\level_03\level_03_minimap.tga"
	NorthDirection = "1,0,0"
	GameTime = 0
	StartingMissionObjectives = ""
	WatchedHeroName = "ush_Lionsdale_sq1"
	SquadPlayerControlEnabled = 1
	ShowWaypoints = 0
	GodMode = 1
	VMLogEnabled = 0
	DebugMode = 0
	ScriptRunningEnabled = 1
	EmperorMode = 1
	NoDamage = 0
	FOWEnabled = 1
	DrawBorder = 0
	BorderWidth = 45
	StaminaDisabled = 0
	Grid = 0
	AmbientColor = "90,90,90"
	PanelColor = "64,64,64,255"

	[MissionObjectives : cActiveMissionObjectives]
		ForceCompleted = 0
		ForceFailed = 0

		[Objectives *]

	[CameraController : cCameraController]
		DistanceTarget = 134.0782013
		RotateTarget = 24444.9394531
		PitchTarget = 56.9701538
		PosTarget = "270.6270752,226.7078094,0.0204476"
		BorderLimit = 1
		FreeCameraMode = 0

	[FOWManager : cFOWManager]
		Level0 = 0
		Level1 = 96
		Level2 = 255
		RefreshDistance = 1

	[TerrainShader : cTerrainShader]

	[PlantBender : cPlantBender]
		Strength = 100
		Speed = 1
		WindFrequency = 12
		MinimumAmplitude = 0.33
		DefaultDamping = 0.92
		Iterations = 3
		TableLength = 2000
		WindDirection = "1,0,0"

	[Weather : cWeather]

		[Fog : cWeatherFog]
			Enable = 1
			Color = "251,249,217,255"
			NearDistance = 0
			FarDistance = 650......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans :,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier :
Trainers City

[World : cWorld]
	LevelID = "LEVEL_4"
	TextureName = "gfx\terrain\level_04\"
	DetailName = gfx/terrain/vegyesdetail.tga
	MapName = "gfx\terrain\level_04\level_04_minimap.tga"
	NorthDirection = "0,1,0"
	GameTime = 0
	StartingMissionObjectives = ""
	WatchedHeroName = "ush_Lionsdale_sq1"
	SquadPlayerControlEnabled = 1
	ShowWaypoints = 0
	GodMode = 1
	VMLogEnabled = 0
	DebugMode = 0
	ScriptRunningEnabled = 1
	EmperorMode = 1
	NoDamage = 0
	FOWEnabled = 1
	DrawBorder = 0
	BorderWidth = 30
	StaminaDisabled = 0
	Grid = 0
	AmbientColor = "90,90,90"
	PanelColor = "64,64,64,255"

	[MissionObjectives : cActiveMissionObjectives]
		ForceCompleted = 0
		ForceFailed = 0

		[Objectives *]

	[CameraController : cCameraController]
		DistanceTarget = 64.2639618
		RotateTarget = 17479.2832031
		PitchTarget = 39.1875954
		PosTarget = "41.5002365,11.9667578,0.108334"
		BorderLimit = 1
		FreeCameraMode = 0

	[FOWManager : cFOWManager]
		Level0 = 0
		Level1 = 96
		Level2 = 255
		RefreshDistance = 1

	[TerrainShader : cTerrainShader]

	[PlantBender : cPlantBender]
		Strength = 100
		Speed = 1
		WindFrequency = 12
		MinimumAmplitude = 0.33
		DefaultDamping = 0.92
		Iterations = 3
		TableLength = 2000
		WindDirection = "1,0,0"

	[Weather : cWeather]

		[Fog : cWeatherFog]
			Enable = 1
			Color = "255,253,221,255"
			NearDistance = 0
			FarDistance = 700


...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans :,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier :
Trainers City

[World : cWorld]
	LevelID = "LEVEL_5"
	TextureName = "gfx\terrain\level_05\"
	DetailName = gfx/terrain/vegyesdetail.tga
	MapName = "gfx\terrain\level_05\"
	NorthDirection = "-1,0,0"
	GameTime = 0
	StartingMissionObjectives = ""
	WatchedHeroName = "ush_Mitchells_sq1"
	SquadPlayerControlEnabled = 1
	ShowWaypoints = 0
	GodMode = 1
	VMLogEnabled = 0
	DebugMode = 0
	ScriptRunningEnabled = 1
	EmperorMode = 1
	NoDamage = 0
	FOWEnabled = 1
	DrawBorder = 0
	BorderWidth = 45
	StaminaDisabled = 0
	Grid = 0
	AmbientColor = "90,90,90"
	PanelColor = "64,64,64,255"

	[MissionObjectives : cActiveMissionObjectives]
		ForceCompleted = 0
		ForceFailed = 0

		[Objectives *]

	[CameraController : cCameraController]
		DistanceTarget = 73.1326904
		RotateTarget = -7889.7685547
		PitchTarget = 49.2673264
		PosTarget = "371.1551819,317.5730286,0.0008921"
		BorderLimit = 1
		FreeCameraMode = 1

	[FOWManager : cFOWManager]
		Level0 = 0
		Level1 = 96
		Level2 = 255
		RefreshDistance = 1

	[TerrainShader : cTerrainShader]

	[PlantBender : cPlantBender]
		Strength = 100
		Speed = 1
		WindFrequency = 12
		MinimumAmplitude = 0.33
		DefaultDamping = 0.92
		Iterations = 3
		TableLength = 2000
		WindDirection = "1,0,0"

	[Weather : cWeather]

		[Fog : cWeatherFog]
			Enable = 1
			Color = "255,255,255,255"
			NearDistance = 0
			FarDistance = 800......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans :,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier :
Trainers City

[World : cWorld]
	LevelID = "LEVEL_6"
	TextureName = "gfx\terrain\level_06\"
	DetailName = gfx/terrain/vegyesdetail.tga
	MapName = "gfx\terrain\level_06\level_06_minimap.tga"
	NorthDirection = "1,0,0"
	GameTime = 0
	StartingMissionObjectives = "clear the ruins"
	WatchedHeroName = "ush_Lionsdale_sq1"
	SquadPlayerControlEnabled = 1
	ShowWaypoints = 0
	GodMode = 1
	VMLogEnabled = 0
	DebugMode = 0
	ScriptRunningEnabled = 1
	EmperorMode = 1
	NoDamage = 0
	FOWEnabled = 1
	DrawBorder = 0
	BorderWidth = 30
	StaminaDisabled = 0
	Grid = 0
	AmbientColor = "70,70,70"
	PanelColor = "64,64,64,255"

	[MissionObjectives : cActiveMissionObjectives]
		ForceCompleted = 0
		ForceFailed = 0

		[Objectives *]

	[CameraController : cCameraController]
		DistanceTarget = 35.708744
		RotateTarget = -5671.324707
		PitchTarget = 59.5941811
		PosTarget = "466.0531006,43.6887665,1.9660349"
		BorderLimit = 1
		FreeCameraMode = 0

	[FOWManager : cFOWManager]
		Level0 = 0
		Level1 = 96
		Level2 = 255
		RefreshDistance = 1

	[TerrainShader : cTerrainShader]

	[PlantBender : cPlantBender]
		Strength = 100
		Speed = 1
		WindFrequency = 12
		MinimumAmplitude = 0.33
		DefaultDamping = 0.92
		Iterations = 3
		TableLength = 2000
		WindDirection = "1,0,0"

	[Weather : cWeather]

		[Fog : cWeatherFog]
			Enable = 0
			Color = "255,255,255,255"
			NearDistance = 100

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans :,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier :
Trainers City

[World : cWorld]
	LevelID = "LEVEL_7"
	TextureName = "gfx\terrain\level_07\"
	DetailName = gfx/terrain/vegyesdetail.tga
	MapName = "gfx\terrain\level_07\level_07_minimap.tga"
	NorthDirection = "1,0,0"
	GameTime = 0
	StartingMissionObjectives = ""
	WatchedHeroName = ""
	SquadPlayerControlEnabled = 1
	ShowWaypoints = 0
	GodMode = 1
	VMLogEnabled = 0
	DebugMode = 0
	ScriptRunningEnabled = 1
	EmperorMode = 1
	NoDamage = 0
	FOWEnabled = 1
	DrawBorder = 0
	BorderWidth = 30
	StaminaDisabled = 0
	Grid = 0
	AmbientColor = "80,80,80"
	PanelColor = "64,64,64,255"

	[MissionObjectives : cActiveMissionObjectives]
		ForceCompleted = 0
		ForceFailed = 0

		[Objectives *]

	[CameraController : cCameraController]
		DistanceTarget = 103.9492264
		RotateTarget = -1720.1401367
		PitchTarget = 57.1079903
		PosTarget = "155.1842346,90.7586899,0"
		BorderLimit = 1
		FreeCameraMode = 0

	[FOWManager : cFOWManager]
		Level0 = 0
		Level1 = 160
		Level2 = 255
		RefreshDistance = 1

	[TerrainShader : cTerrainShader]

	[PlantBender : cPlantBender]
		Strength = 100
		Speed = 1
		WindFrequency = 12
		MinimumAmplitude = 0.33
		DefaultDamping = 0.92
		Iterations = 3
		TableLength = 2000
		WindDirection = "1,0,0"

	[Weather : cWeather]

		[Fog : cWeatherFog]
			Enable = 0
			Color = "129,255,255,255"
			NearDistance = -50
			FarDistance = 200

		[Rain : cWea......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans :,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier :
Trainers City

[World : cWorld]
	LevelID = "LEVEL_8"
	TextureName = "gfx\terrain\level_08\"
	DetailName = gfx/terrain/vegyesdetail.tga
	MapName = "gfx\terrain\level_08\level_08_minimap.tga"
	NorthDirection = "-1,0,0"
	GameTime = 0
	StartingMissionObjectives = ""
	WatchedHeroName = ""
	SquadPlayerControlEnabled = 1
	ShowWaypoints = 0
	GodMode = 1
	VMLogEnabled = 0
	DebugMode = 0
	ScriptRunningEnabled = 1
	EmperorMode = 1
	NoDamage = 0
	FOWEnabled = 1
	DrawBorder = 0
	BorderWidth = 45
	StaminaDisabled = 0
	Grid = 0
	AmbientColor = "60,60,60"
	PanelColor = "64,64,64,255"

	[MissionObjectives : cActiveMissionObjectives]
		ForceCompleted = 0
		ForceFailed = 0

		[Objectives *]

	[CameraController : cCameraController]
		DistanceTarget = 38.7127419
		RotateTarget = 9863.5117188
		PitchTarget = 43.9981537
		PosTarget = "199.8363495,27.5676651,0.3613317"
		BorderLimit = 1
		FreeCameraMode = 0

	[FOWManager : cFOWManager]
		Level0 = 0
		Level1 = 96
		Level2 = 255
		RefreshDistance = 1

	[TerrainShader : cTerrainShader]

	[PlantBender : cPlantBender]
		Strength = 100
		Speed = 1
		WindFrequency = 12
		MinimumAmplitude = 0.33
		DefaultDamping = 0.92
		Iterations = 3
		TableLength = 2000
		WindDirection = "1,0,0"

	[Weather : cWeather]

		[Fog : cWeatherFog]
			Enable = 1
			Color = "222,237,254,255"
			NearDistance = 0
			FarDistance = 400

		[Rain : ......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans :,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier :
Trainers City

[World : cWorld]
	LevelID = "LEVEL_9"
	TextureName = "gfx\terrain\level_09\"
	DetailName = gfx/terrain/vegyesdetail.tga
	MapName = "gfx\terrain\level_09\level_09_minimap.tga"
	NorthDirection = "-1,0,0"
	GameTime = 0
	StartingMissionObjectives = "find POW"
	WatchedHeroName = ""
	SquadPlayerControlEnabled = 1
	ShowWaypoints = 0
	GodMode = 1
	VMLogEnabled = 0
	DebugMode = 0
	ScriptRunningEnabled = 1
	EmperorMode = 1
	NoDamage = 0
	FOWEnabled = 1
	DrawBorder = 0
	BorderWidth = 45
	StaminaDisabled = 0
	Grid = 0
	AmbientColor = "90,90,90"
	PanelColor = "64,64,64,255"

	[MissionObjectives : cActiveMissionObjectives]
		ForceCompleted = 0
		ForceFailed = 0

		[Objectives *]

	[CameraController : cCameraController]
		DistanceTarget = 39.1361504
		RotateTarget = 21568.5117188
		PitchTarget = 50.9950752
		PosTarget = "233.7707367,161.3961792,0.0003335"
		BorderLimit = 1
		FreeCameraMode = 0

	[FOWManager : cFOWManager]
		Level0 = 0
		Level1 = 96
		Level2 = 255
		RefreshDistance = 1

	[TerrainShader : cTerrainShader]

	[PlantBender : cPlantBender]
		Strength = 100
		Speed = 1
		WindFrequency = 12
		MinimumAmplitude = 0.33
		DefaultDamping = 0.92
		Iterations = 3
		TableLength = 2000
		WindDirection = "1,0,0"

	[Weather : cWeather]

		[Fog : cWeatherFog]
			Enable = 1
			Color = "240,255,220,255"
			NearDistance = 0
			FarDistance = 750


...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans :,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier :
Trainers City

[World : cWorld]
	LevelID = "LEVEL_11"
	TextureName = "gfx\terrain\level_11\"
	DetailName = gfx/terrain/vegyesdetail.tga
	MapName = "gfx\terrain\level_11\level_11_minimap.tga"
	NorthDirection = "1,0,0"
	GameTime = 0
	StartingMissionObjectives = ""
	WatchedHeroName = ""
	SquadPlayerControlEnabled = 1
	ShowWaypoints = 0
	GodMode = 1
	VMLogEnabled = 0
	DebugMode = 0
	ScriptRunningEnabled = 1
	EmperorMode = 1
	NoDamage = 0
	FOWEnabled = 1
	DrawBorder = 0
	BorderWidth = 45
	StaminaDisabled = 0
	Grid = 0
	AmbientColor = "80,80,80"
	PanelColor = "64,64,64,255"

	[MissionObjectives : cActiveMissionObjectives]
		ForceCompleted = 0
		ForceFailed = 0

		[Objectives *]

	[CameraController : cCameraController]
		DistanceTarget = 72.3239441
		RotateTarget = -242.5998535
		PitchTarget = 36.3673325
		PosTarget = "48.5273628,153.2783356,6.3080893"
		BorderLimit = 1
		FreeCameraMode = 0

	[FOWManager : cFOWManager]
		Level0 = 0
		Level1 = 96
		Level2 = 255
		RefreshDistance = 1

	[TerrainShader : cTerrainShader]

	[PlantBender : cPlantBender]
		Strength = 100
		Speed = 1
		WindFrequency = 12
		MinimumAmplitude = 0.33
		DefaultDamping = 0.92
		Iterations = 3
		TableLength = 2000
		WindDirection = "1,0,0"

	[Weather : cWeather]

		[Fog : cWeatherFog]
			Enable = 1
			Color = "149,150,151,205"
			NearDistance = -50
			FarDistance = 300


...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans :,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier :
Trainers City

[World : cWorld]
	LevelID = "LEVEL_12"
	TextureName = "gfx\terrain\level_12\"
	DetailName = gfx\terrain\
	MapName = "gfx\terrain\level_12\level_12_minimap.tga"
	NorthDirection = "1,0,0"
	GameTime = 0
	StartingMissionObjectives = ""
	WatchedHeroName = "us_Elias_sq2"
	SquadPlayerControlEnabled = 1
	ShowWaypoints = 0
	GodMode = 1
	VMLogEnabled = 0
	DebugMode = 0
	ScriptRunningEnabled = 1
	EmperorMode = 1
	NoDamage = 0
	FOWEnabled = 1
	DrawBorder = 0
	BorderWidth = 45
	StaminaDisabled = 0
	Grid = 0
	AmbientColor = "80,80,80"
	PanelColor = "64,64,64,255"

	[MissionObjectives : cActiveMissionObjectives]
		ForceCompleted = 0
		ForceFailed = 0

		[Objectives *]

	[CameraController : cCameraController]
		DistanceTarget = 64.8448257
		RotateTarget = 2901.876709
		PitchTarget = 45.0011711
		PosTarget = "413.4545288,226.7191772,0.1696164"
		BorderLimit = 1
		FreeCameraMode = 0

	[FOWManager : cFOWManager]
		Level0 = 64
		Level1 = 128
		Level2 = 255
		RefreshDistance = 1

	[TerrainShader : cTerrainShader]

	[PlantBender : cPlantBender]
		Strength = 100
		Speed = 1
		WindFrequency = 12
		MinimumAmplitude = 0.33
		DefaultDamping = 0.92
		Iterations = 3
		TableLength = 2000
		WindDirection = "1,0,0"

	[Weather : cWeather]

		[Fog : cWeatherFog]
			Enable = 1
			Color = "128,128,128,255"
			NearDistance = 0
			FarDistance = 300


...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans :,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier :
Trainers City

[World : cWorld]
	LevelID = "LEVEL_15"
	TextureName = "gfx\terrain\level_15\"
	DetailName = gfx/terrain/vegyesdetail.tga
	MapName = "gfx\terrain\level_15\level_15_minimap.tga"
	NorthDirection = "-1,0,0"
	GameTime = 0
	StartingMissionObjectives = ""
	WatchedHeroName = "ush_Mitchells_sq1"
	SquadPlayerControlEnabled = 1
	ShowWaypoints = 0
	GodMode = 1
	VMLogEnabled = 0
	DebugMode = 0
	ScriptRunningEnabled = 1
	EmperorMode = 1
	NoDamage = 0
	FOWEnabled = 1
	DrawBorder = 0
	BorderWidth = 45
	StaminaDisabled = 0
	Grid = 0
	AmbientColor = "80,80,80"
	PanelColor = "64,64,64,255"

	[MissionObjectives : cActiveMissionObjectives]
		ForceCompleted = 0
		ForceFailed = 0

		[Objectives *]

	[CameraController : cCameraController]
		DistanceTarget = 89.9531097
		RotateTarget = 1015.9719849
		PitchTarget = 38.1969032
		PosTarget = "109.05867,6.3022499,0.1578181"
		BorderLimit = 1
		FreeCameraMode = 0

	[FOWManager : cFOWManager]
		Level0 = 0
		Level1 = 96
		Level2 = 255
		RefreshDistance = 1

	[TerrainShader : cTerrainShader]

	[PlantBender : cPlantBender]
		Strength = 100
		Speed = 1
		WindFrequency = 12
		MinimumAmplitude = 0.33
		DefaultDamping = 0.92
		Iterations = 3
		TableLength = 2000
		WindDirection = "1,0,0"

	[Weather : cWeather]

		[Fog : cWeatherFog]
			Enable = 1
			Color = "138,190,253,255"
			NearDistance = 0
			FarDistance = 600


...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans :,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier :
Trainers City

Pour activer le mod god et affiche tous les viet sur la map  
il faut extraire les fichiers joints 
dans le dossier suivant C:\Program Files\Monte Cristo\Platoon\Levels

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : lisez moi.txt,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier :
Trainers City

	█     █     █     █ █ ███ █     █     █     ████    █ █     █ ███ █
	███ ███ ███ █ ███ █ █  ██ █ █████ ███ █ ████████ ████ ███ ████ █ ██
	███ ███     █     █ █ █ █ █    ██     █     █  █ ████ ███ █████ ███
	███ ███ ██ ██ ███ █ █ ██  █ █████ ██ ██████ ████ ████ ███ █████ ███
	███ ███ ███ █ ███ █ █ ███ █     █ ███ █     ████    █ ███ █████ ███

	              -=[TCY eST FIERE dE vOUS PRESENTEr:]=-
   . platoon - Trainer                                            .

    Concepteur            : fred52            
    Soumis par            : 
    Contact               :  
    Version du jeu        : toutes versions version fr        
    taille                : 17 Ko
    Date de Conception    : 08/Fevrier/2003
    Type                  : Trainer

    Type: [X] Trainer
	   [ ] Cheat Codes
          [ ] Sauvegardes du jeu         
          [ ] Editeur
          [ ] Solution/FAQ        
          [ ] Guide de Strategie               
          [ ] Manuel - Cartes de reference
          [ ] Patch 

    Logiciel : platoon - ╕ MONTECRISTO


...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Tcy.nfo,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier :
Trainers City

[World : cWorld]
	TextureName = "gfx\terrain\tutorial\"
	DetailName = gfx/terrain/vegyesdetail.tga
	MapName = gfx\terrain\tutorial\tutorial_minimap.tga
	NorthDirection = "-1,0,0"
	GameTime = 0
	StartingMissionObjectives = ""
	WatchedHeroName = ""
	SquadPlayerControlEnabled = 1
	ShowWaypoints = 0
	GodMode = 1
	VMLogEnabled = 0
	DebugMode = 0
	ScriptRunningEnabled = 1
	EmperorMode = 1
	NoDamage = 0
	FOWEnabled = 1
	DrawBorder = 0
	BorderWidth = 45
	StaminaDisabled = 0
	Grid = 0
	AmbientColor = "80,80,80"
	PanelColor = "64,64,64,255"

	[MissionObjectives : cActiveMissionObjectives]
		ForceCompleted = 0
		ForceFailed = 0

		[Objectives *]

	[CameraController : cCameraController]
		DistanceTarget = 24.4879189
		RotateTarget = -6622.9643555
		PitchTarget = 50.5799065
		PosTarget = "130.9968872,228.9993744,4.6915536"
		BorderLimit = 1
		FreeCameraMode = 0

	[FOWManager : cFOWManager]
		Level0 = 0
		Level1 = 160
		Level2 = 255
		RefreshDistance = 1

	[TerrainShader : cTerrainShader]

	[PlantBender : cPlantBender]
		Strength = 100
		Speed = 1
		WindFrequency = 12
		MinimumAmplitude = 0.33
		DefaultDamping = 0.92
		Iterations = 3
		TableLength = 2000
		WindDirection = "1,0,0"

	[Weather : cWeather]

		[Fog : cWeatherFog]
			Enable = 0
			Color = "129,255,255,255"
			NearDistance = -50
			FarDistance = 200


...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans :,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier :
Trainers City

█     █     █     █ █ ███ █     █     █     ████    █ █     █ ███ █
███ ███ ███ █ ███ █ █  ██ █ █████ ███ █ ████████ ████ ███ ████ █ ██
███ ███     █     █ █ █ █ █    ██     █     █  █ ████ ███ █████ ███
███ ███ ██ ██ ███ █ █ ██  █ █████ ██ ██████ ████ ████ ███ █████ ███
███ ███ ███ █ ███ █ █ ███ █     █ ███ █     ████    █ ███ █████ ███

File download at Trainers City - The Bible Trainers -
Retreive others trainers, Cheats, editors, save games and much more

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Trainers.nfo,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier :
Trainers City

Nom du fichier zip:

Taille du fichier : 16 869 octets

Téléchargé : 5006 fois
Mise à jour : 2003.02.09

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