Nom du fichier : Heroes of Might & Magic 5 All Access Cheat - Auteur : FAN - [PC] |
Heroes of Might and Magic 5. Normal to Collectors Edition Patch, 10000 Creatures, & All Access Cheat. This release contains the following: 1. Normal to Collectors Edition Update - 4 Extra Single Player Missions - 1 Extra Artifact Available in Single Player Missions 2. Campaign Cheat - Every Hero starts with an amount of 10.000 of every Creature in his or her army. 3. All Campaigns and Sub Missions accessible. How to use: 1. Unrar 4f-homm5.rar into your installation directory. This enables the Normal to Collectors Edition Update and Campaign Cheat. If you don't want to use the Campaign Cheat, delete/don't extract: \data\Maps\Scenario 2. Copy the "Heroes of Might and Magic V" directory to |
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print ('Combat script start'); SetGameVar('WasMageCombat', 'true'); print(WasMageCombat); print ('Combat script end'); |
Great_Army = 150 + GetDifficulty()*100; --print (Great_Army); SetGameVar('WasMageCombat', 'nil'); BorderNotSeen = true; Hero_at_the_Gate_of_Utopia = nil; function SetWizCombatScript (newHero) SetHeroCombatScript (newHero, '/Maps/SingleMissions/SM3/WizardHeroScript.xdb#xpointer(/Script)'); print ('Hero script added to', newHero); end; function Check_AttackWizard () while 1 do if (GetGameVar('WasMageCombat')=='true') then SetObjectiveState('Prim2',OBJECTIVE_FAILED); print ('!you loose again'); StartDialogScene("/DialogScenes/Single/SM3/R3/DialogScene.xdb#xpointer(/DialogScene)"); Loose (); break; end; sleep(); end end; ----------------------------------------BORDER SCRIPT ----------------- function See_Border () while 1 do if (IsObjectVisible(PLAYER_1, 'CentralBorder')) and BorderNotSeen then StartDialogScene("/DialogScenes/Single/SM3/R2/DialogScene.xdb#xpointer(/DialogScene)"); SetObjectiveState('Sec1',OBJECTIVE_ACTIVE); BorderNotSeen = nil; break; end; sleep(); end end; Trigger (OBJECT_CAPTURE_TRIGGER,'CentralBorder', 'BorderCaptured'); function BorderCaptured (OldOwner, NewOwner) if OldOwner == PLAYER_2 and NewOwner == PLAYER_1 then SetGameVar('WasMageCombat', 'true'); end; end; Trigger (REGION_ENTER_AND_STOP_TRIGGER, 'Central_Border_Left', 'ScareThem'); --GetPlayerHeroes(playerID); function ScareThem (Hero_at_the_Gate) local TotalArmy=0; for i = CREATURE_PEASANT,(CREATUR...... |
HERO_NAME = "Christian" SetPlayerStartResource(PLAYER_1,ORE,0); SetPlayerStartResource(PLAYER_1,WOOD,0); SetPlayerStartResource(PLAYER_1,CRYSTAL,0); SetPlayerStartResource(PLAYER_1,GEM,0); SetPlayerStartResource(PLAYER_1,SULFUR,0); SetPlayerStartResource(PLAYER_1,MERCURY,0); function DifficultyDependency() if GetDifficulty() == DIFFICULTY_NORMAL then SetPlayerStartResource(PLAYER_1,GOLD,10000); print("Difficulty level is normal."); else if GetDifficulty() == DIFFICULTY_HARD then SetPlayerStartResource(PLAYER_1,GOLD,5000); print("Difficulty level is hard."); else if GetDifficulty() == DIFFICULTY_HEROIC then SetPlayerStartResource(PLAYER_1,GOLD,1000); print("Difficulty level is heroic."); end; end; end; end; function PlayerWin() while 1 do sleep(10); if (IsObjectInRegion(HERO_NAME,"end") == true) then SetObjectiveState("HeroSurvive", OBJECTIVE_COMPLETED); sleep(5); SetObjectiveState("PlayerWin", OBJECTIVE_COMPLETED); sleep(5); Win(0); break; end; end; end; Trigger( PLAYER_REMOVE_HERO_TRIGGER, PLAYER_1, "LostHero" ); function LostHero( HeroName ) if ( HeroName == HERO_NAME ) then SetObjectiveState("HeroSurvive", OBJECTIVE_FAILED); sleep (10); Loose(); end; end; Trigger( OBJECT_TOUCH_TRIGGER , "red" , "redkey" ); function redkey() SetObjectiveState('first', OBJECTIVE_ACTIVE); Trigger(OBJECT_TOUCH_TRIGGER,"red" , "redquest"); -- AddHeroCreatures(HE...... |
function objective1() StartDialogScene("/DialogScenes/Single/SXL1/R1/DialogScene.xdb#xpointer(/DialogScene)"); SetObjectiveState("obj1", OBJECTIVE_ACTIVE); SetObjectiveState("st_obj", OBJECTIVE_ACTIVE); end; function disactivation() SetObjectEnabled("portal", nil); SetObjectEnabled("seer_hut", nil); SetObjectEnabled("dragon_guardian", nil); SetObjectEnabled("key_tent", nil); SetObjectEnabled("observer", nil); SetRegionBlocked("special_for_akimovs_cheat", true, PLAYER_1); end; function SXL1R4_SXL1R5() if GetObjectiveState("obj2")==OBJECTIVE_UNKNOWN then sleep(2); StartDialogScene("/DialogScenes/Single/SXL1/R4/DialogScene.xdb#xpointer(/DialogScene)"); elseif GetObjectiveState("obj2")==OBJECTIVE_ACTIVE then sleep(2); StartDialogScene("/DialogScenes/Single/SXL1/R5/DialogScene.xdb#xpointer(/DialogScene)"); end; OpenCircleFog(142, 139, GROUND, 14, PLAYER_1); Trigger(OBJECT_TOUCH_TRIGGER, "observer", nil) end; ----------- Objective 2 ----------- function SXL1R2_objective2() local p_ore = GetPlayerResource(PLAYER_1, ORE); SetPlayerResource(PLAYER_1, ORE, p_ore + 5) SetObjectiveState("st_obj", OBJECTIVE_COMPLETED); sleep(3); SetObjectiveState("obj2", OBJECTIVE_ACTIVE); sleep(5); StartDialogScene("/DialogScenes/Single/SXL1/R2/DialogScene.xdb#xpointer(/DialogScene)"); sleep(3); Trigger(OBJECT_TOUCH_TRIGGER, "seer_hut", "SXL1R2_objective2_complete"); end; --SXL1R2_SXL1R3-- function SXL1R2_objective2_c...... |
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Téléchargé : 6932 fois |
Mise à jour : 1970.01.01 |