Urban Assault (French) Save Game

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Urban Assault (French) Save Game

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secondes avant le téléchargement de votre fichier...Nous préparons votre fichier

Nom du fichier : Urban Assault (French) Save Game - Auteur : YOH - [PC]

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Machine Generated Level Description File             ---

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;       Level Nr :              Debug
;       Name :                  E3 DEMO 1
;       created:                Stefan 'Opti'
;       created am :            21.04.1997
;       upd :                   21.04.1997      
;				09-Feb-98 Bernd MissionBriefingMap aufger?umt
;       Gegner :                Kyterneser, Taerkasten, Mykonier, Sulgogaren
;--- Main Level Info                                      ---
    set  = 6
    sky  = objects/wow5.base
    slot0        = palette/standard.pal
    slot1        = palette/red.pal
    slot2        = palette/blau.pal
    slot3        = palette/gruen.pal
    slot4        = palette/inverse.pal
    slot5        = palette/invdark.pal
    slot6        = palette/sw.pal
    slot7        = palette/invtuerk.pal
    title_default        = DEBUG

;--- Mission Briefing Maps                                ---

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L9999.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

Dans cette sauvegarde.
Tous les niveaux ainsi que le niveau demo et debug.
Le Vaisseau M?re est super puissant.
La resistance a tous les vehicules et tous les b?timents et m?me plus.
de nouveaux vehicules:

Yohan Par?


...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Readme Me!!!.txt,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

    levelnum = 1

        10 10
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
        00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 
        00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 
        00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 
        00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 
        00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 
        00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 
        00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 
        00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 

        10 10
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3f 00 00 
        00 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 

        30 30
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 00 00 ff 00 00 00 00 ff ff 00 00 ff 00 00 
        00 00 ff 00 00 ff ff 00 00 00 00......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : SAVE/Urbanassaultskyblogcom/1.fin,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

modify_vehicle 1
    enable         = 1
    disable        = 2
    disable        = 3
    disable        = 4
    disable        = 5
    disable        = 6
    disable        = 7
    shield         = 35
    energy         = 7500
    num_weapons    = 0
    weapon         = 1
    radar          = 1
    fire_x         = 0.00
    fire_y         = -7.00
    fire_z         = 16.00

modify_vehicle 2
    enable         = 1
    disable        = 2
    disable        = 3
    disable        = 4
    disable        = 5
    disable        = 6
    disable        = 7
    shield         = 60
    energy         = 10000
    num_weapons    = 0
    weapon         = 2
    radar          = 1
    fire_x         = 0.00
    fire_y         = -12.00
    fire_z         = 28.00

modify_vehicle 3
    enable         = 1
    disable        = 2
    disable        = 3
    disable        = 4
    disable        = 5
    disable        = 6
    disable        = 7
    shield         = 75
    energy         = 22000
    num_weapons    = 0
    weapon         = 3
    radar          = 2
    fire_x         = 0.00
    fire_y         = -16.00
    fire_z         = 35.00

modify_vehicle 4
    enable         = 1
    disable        = 2
    disable        = 3
    disable        = 4
    disable        = 5
    disable        = 6
    disable        = 7
    shield         = 40
    energy         = 19000
    num_weapons    = 0
    weapon         = 4

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : SAVE/Urbanassaultskyblogcom/1.rst,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

modify_vehicle 1
    enable         = 1
    disable        = 2
    disable        = 3
    disable        = 4
    disable        = 5
    disable        = 6
    disable        = 7
    shield         = 35
    energy         = 7500
    num_weapons    = 0
    weapon         = 1
    radar          = 1
    fire_x         = 0.00
    fire_y         = -7.00
    fire_z         = 16.00

modify_vehicle 2
    enable         = 1
    disable        = 2
    disable        = 3
    disable        = 4
    disable        = 5
    disable        = 6
    disable        = 7
    shield         = 60
    energy         = 10000
    num_weapons    = 0
    weapon         = 2
    radar          = 1
    fire_x         = 0.00
    fire_y         = -12.00
    fire_z         = 28.00

modify_vehicle 3
    enable         = 1
    disable        = 2
    disable        = 3
    disable        = 4
    disable        = 5
    disable        = 6
    disable        = 7
    shield         = 75
    energy         = 22000
    num_weapons    = 0
    weapon         = 3
    radar          = 2
    fire_x         = 0.00
    fire_y         = -16.00
    fire_z         = 35.00

modify_vehicle 4
    enable         = 1
    disable        = 2
    disable        = 3
    disable        = 4
    disable        = 5
    disable        = 6
    disable        = 7
    shield         = 40
    energy         = 19000
    num_weapons    = 0
    weapon         = 4

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : SAVE/Urbanassaultskyblogcom/11.rst,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

modify_vehicle 1
    enable         = 1
    disable        = 2
    disable        = 3
    disable        = 4
    disable        = 5
    disable        = 6
    disable        = 7
    shield         = 35
    energy         = 7500
    num_weapons    = 0
    weapon         = 1
    radar          = 1
    fire_x         = 0.00
    fire_y         = -7.00
    fire_z         = 16.00

modify_vehicle 2
    enable         = 1
    disable        = 2
    disable        = 3
    disable        = 4
    disable        = 5
    disable        = 6
    disable        = 7
    shield         = 60
    energy         = 10000
    num_weapons    = 0
    weapon         = 2
    radar          = 1
    fire_x         = 0.00
    fire_y         = -12.00
    fire_z         = 28.00

modify_vehicle 3
    enable         = 1
    disable        = 2
    disable        = 3
    disable        = 4
    disable        = 5
    disable        = 6
    disable        = 7
    shield         = 75
    energy         = 22000
    num_weapons    = 0
    weapon         = 3
    radar          = 2
    fire_x         = 0.00
    fire_y         = -16.00
    fire_z         = 35.00

modify_vehicle 4
    enable         = 1
    disable        = 2
    disable        = 3
    disable        = 4
    disable        = 5
    disable        = 6
    disable        = 7
    shield         = 40
    energy         = 19000
    num_weapons    = 0
    weapon         = 4

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : SAVE/Urbanassaultskyblogcom/2.rst,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

modify_vehicle 1
    enable         = 1
    disable        = 2
    disable        = 3
    disable        = 4
    disable        = 5
    disable        = 6
    disable        = 7
    shield         = 35
    energy         = 7500
    num_weapons    = 0
    weapon         = 1
    radar          = 1
    fire_x         = 0.00
    fire_y         = -7.00
    fire_z         = 16.00

modify_vehicle 2
    enable         = 1
    disable        = 2
    disable        = 3
    disable        = 4
    disable        = 5
    disable        = 6
    disable        = 7
    shield         = 60
    energy         = 10000
    num_weapons    = 0
    weapon         = 2
    radar          = 1
    fire_x         = 0.00
    fire_y         = -12.00
    fire_z         = 28.00

modify_vehicle 3
    enable         = 1
    disable        = 2
    disable        = 3
    disable        = 4
    disable        = 5
    disable        = 6
    disable        = 7
    shield         = 75
    energy         = 22000
    num_weapons    = 0
    weapon         = 3
    radar          = 2
    fire_x         = 0.00
    fire_y         = -16.00
    fire_z         = 35.00

modify_vehicle 4
    enable         = 1
    disable        = 2
    disable        = 3
    disable        = 4
    disable        = 5
    disable        = 6
    disable        = 7
    shield         = 40
    energy         = 19000
    num_weapons    = 0
    weapon         = 4

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : SAVE/Urbanassaultskyblogcom/22.rst,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

modify_vehicle 1
    enable         = 1
    disable        = 2
    disable        = 3
    disable        = 4
    disable        = 5
    disable        = 6
    disable        = 7
    shield         = 35
    energy         = 7500
    num_weapons    = 0
    weapon         = 1
    radar          = 1
    fire_x         = 0.00
    fire_y         = -7.00
    fire_z         = 16.00

modify_vehicle 2
    enable         = 1
    disable        = 2
    disable        = 3
    disable        = 4
    disable        = 5
    disable        = 6
    disable        = 7
    shield         = 60
    energy         = 10000
    num_weapons    = 0
    weapon         = 2
    radar          = 1
    fire_x         = 0.00
    fire_y         = -12.00
    fire_z         = 28.00

modify_vehicle 3
    enable         = 1
    disable        = 2
    disable        = 3
    disable        = 4
    disable        = 5
    disable        = 6
    disable        = 7
    shield         = 75
    energy         = 22000
    num_weapons    = 0
    weapon         = 3
    radar          = 2
    fire_x         = 0.00
    fire_y         = -16.00
    fire_z         = 35.00

modify_vehicle 4
    enable         = 1
    disable        = 2
    disable        = 3
    disable        = 4
    disable        = 5
    disable        = 6
    disable        = 7
    shield         = 40
    energy         = 19000
    num_weapons    = 0
    weapon         = 4

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : SAVE/Urbanassaultskyblogcom/25.rst,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

modify_vehicle 1
    enable         = 1
    disable        = 2
    disable        = 3
    disable        = 4
    disable        = 5
    disable        = 6
    disable        = 7
    shield         = 35
    energy         = 7500
    num_weapons    = 0
    weapon         = 1
    radar          = 1
    fire_x         = 0.00
    fire_y         = -7.00
    fire_z         = 16.00

modify_vehicle 2
    enable         = 1
    disable        = 2
    disable        = 3
    disable        = 4
    disable        = 5
    disable        = 6
    disable        = 7
    shield         = 60
    energy         = 10000
    num_weapons    = 0
    weapon         = 2
    radar          = 1
    fire_x         = 0.00
    fire_y         = -12.00
    fire_z         = 28.00

modify_vehicle 3
    enable         = 1
    disable        = 2
    disable        = 3
    disable        = 4
    disable        = 5
    disable        = 6
    disable        = 7
    shield         = 75
    energy         = 22000
    num_weapons    = 0
    weapon         = 3
    radar          = 2
    fire_x         = 0.00
    fire_y         = -16.00
    fire_z         = 35.00

modify_vehicle 4
    enable         = 1
    disable        = 2
    disable        = 3
    disable        = 4
    disable        = 5
    disable        = 6
    disable        = 7
    shield         = 40
    energy         = 19000
    num_weapons    = 0
    weapon         = 4

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : SAVE/Urbanassaultskyblogcom/26.rst,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

modify_vehicle 1
    enable         = 1
    disable        = 2
    disable        = 3
    disable        = 4
    disable        = 5
    disable        = 6
    disable        = 7
    shield         = 35
    energy         = 7500
    num_weapons    = 0
    weapon         = 1
    radar          = 1
    fire_x         = 0.00
    fire_y         = -7.00
    fire_z         = 16.00

modify_vehicle 2
    enable         = 1
    disable        = 2
    disable        = 3
    disable        = 4
    disable        = 5
    disable        = 6
    disable        = 7
    shield         = 60
    energy         = 10000
    num_weapons    = 0
    weapon         = 2
    radar          = 1
    fire_x         = 0.00
    fire_y         = -12.00
    fire_z         = 28.00

modify_vehicle 3
    enable         = 1
    disable        = 2
    disable        = 3
    disable        = 4
    disable        = 5
    disable        = 6
    disable        = 7
    shield         = 75
    energy         = 22000
    num_weapons    = 0
    weapon         = 3
    radar          = 2
    fire_x         = 0.00
    fire_y         = -16.00
    fire_z         = 35.00

modify_vehicle 4
    enable         = 1
    disable        = 2
    disable        = 3
    disable        = 4
    disable        = 5
    disable        = 6
    disable        = 7
    shield         = 40
    energy         = 19000
    num_weapons    = 0
    weapon         = 4

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : SAVE/Urbanassaultskyblogcom/53.rst,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City


...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : SAVE/Urbanassaultskyblogcom/callsign.def,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes
;--- Machine Generated Level Description File             ---
;--- Original Header                                      ---
;   	created:    	STEFAN 'Opti' Karau
;	designed am:	20.09.1996	
;	upd.:		12.03.1998
;	ai tunging:	Stefan 'Opti' Karau
;   	Name :		Central Park
;	12-M?r-98	Stefan: Landschaft ge?ndert
;	23-M?r-98	Stefan: H?henmap korrigiert
;	02-04-98		Stefan: n paar Bits ge?ndert
;	04-APR-98	Bernd: einfacher 
;			Shield KYT von 40 auf 30 runter
;			Energie KYT von 300000 auf 270000 (10 % !)
;			ein paar TABS zurechtger?ckt 
;			nur noch 18 statt 21 vorplatzierter Ghargoils
;			Neuen Himmel
;	06-APR-98	Energy KYT von 270000 auf 250000
;	05-Mai-98	Stefan: Keyword Hilfe
;	11-Mai-98	Stefan: Kraftwerk versetzt
;	12-Mai-98	Stefan: Angriffsgeschwarder am Anfang entfernt
;	20-Mai-98	Stefan: Fahrzeuge entfernt
;	03-06-98	Stefan: Kraftwerk ausgetauscht
;	08-06-98	Stefan: Kraftwerk versetzt
;	16-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;	03-07-98	Stefan: mal wieder Kraftwerk versetzt
;--- Level Info                                                     ---

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L0101.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Machine Generated Level Description File             ---

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;   	created:  	Bernd
;	designed am:	irgendwann 1996	oder 95 oder, oder, ?hmm ... ja
;	last changes:	12.03.1998
;   	Name:  		Virgin Steel
;       	AI-Tuning :  	Steffen Priebus
;	12-M?r-98	Stefan: Landschaft ge?ndert, Kraftwerk versetzt
;	02-04-98		Stefan: n paar Bits ge?ndert
;	04-Apr-98	Bernd: einfacher
;			15 statt 17 vorplatzierter Ghargoils
;			2 statt 4 vorplatzierter Speedies
;			Shield Kyt-Robo von 40 auf 35
;			Kyt-Energy von 400000 (!!!) auf 300000 runter 
;	06-Apr-98q	Kyt-Energy von 300000 auf 280000 runter
;	18-Mai-98	Stefan: kein Robo Angriffsgeschwader mehr
;	20-Mai-98	Stefan: Defense Budget runter
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiancetrack
;--- Level Info                                           ---
;	info:
;	- one Ghorkov-host-station on this city
;	- we know about a power-station on this city
;	- we has indications about data-sets for new vehicles
;	  in this city 
;	- we belive there data-sets in big b......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L0202.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes
;--- Machine Generated Level Description File             ---
;--- Original Header                                      ---
;   	created:    	STEFAN 'Opti' Karau
;	designed am:	07.07.1997
;	updated:		12.03.1998
;	02-04-98		Stefan: n paar Bits ge?ndert
;	04-APR-98	Bernd: einfacher
;			Energie von 420000 (!!!) auf 300000 runter 
;			Shield vom Kyterneser Robo von 40 auf 35 runter
;			vorplatzierte Ghargoil 1 von 8 auf 10, daf?r
;			vorplatzierte Ghargoil 2 von 8 auf 4
;	06-APR-98	Bernd Kyt Energy noch weiter auf 280000 runter
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;--- Level Info                                           ---
;	info:
;	- one Ghorkov-host-station in north of this city
;	- this city has a power-station
;	- we have indications about data-sets for new vehicles
;	  in this city
;	- the tech-center and the power-station are defended
;	  by Ghorkov vehicles
;	- we know about new Ghorkov vehicles
;	primary-goal:
;	- find the power-station and conquer it
;	- conquer the key-sector to open the beangate 
;	- destroy the enemy host-stati......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L0303.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Machine Generated Level Description File             ---

;--- Original Header                                      ---
; 	Name:		Schachbrett - Level
; 	Designed by:	Stefan 'Opti' Karau
; 	Gr?sse:		10
; 	last changes:	10.03.1998
;	27-Feb-98 	Bernd:  Neue Briefing Maps eingebaut
;	02-04-98		Stefan: n paar Bits ge?ndert
;	04-Apr-98	Bernd: Einfacher
;			Kyt-Robo Energy von 380000 auf 340000
;			Kyt-Shield von 40 auf 38
;	08-May-98	Bernd: Neuer Himmel
;	03-06-98	Stefan: Bombe eingebaut
;	05-06-98	Stefan: Bombe Countdown etwas k?rzer
;	08-06-98	Stefan: Bombe raus
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack	
;	02-06-98	Stefan: zus?tzliche Gegnersquadrone
;--- Level Info                                           ---
;	info:
;	- one Ghorkov-host-station on this city
;	- we know about a power-station in this city
;	- attancione in the north standing flak-stations
;	- we know in this city is an information about an new
;	  vehicles
;	- probale is this tech-center in the near from the 
;	  flak-stations 
;	primary-goal:
;	- destroy the flak-stations
;	-......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L0404.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Machine Generated Level Description File          

;--- Original Header                                           ---
;	Levelname: 	Surprise ?
;	Designed by: 	Stefan Warias
;       created: 	03.04.1997
;       upd: 		12.05.98
;	Groesse: 	16x16
;	Gegner: 	Taerkasten, Kyterneser
;	ai-tuning:	Henrik Volkening
;	16-M?r-98	Stefan: mehr Energie f?r Anfangs-Abballer-Robo
;	23-M?r-98	Stefan: H?henmap korrigiert
;	02-04-98		Stefan: n paar Bits ge?ndert
;	03-04-98		Stefan: Anfangs-Abballer-Robo Energie runtergesetzt
;	04-Apr-98	Bernd: Den Anfangs Abballer Robo wieder auf Original-Werte gesetzt
;			Himmel ge?ndert
;	06-APR-98	Bernd Den 2. Kyt von 340000 auf 300000
;	12-mai-98	Steffen - Landschaft ge?ndert
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;--- Level Info	                                          ---
;- 1 Ghorkov-Station in Front of the User-host-station
;- 1 Ghorkov-Station in the east
;- 1 Tearcastic-Station in the north-west
;- 1 Power-Plant in the south-west
;- 2 Tech-upgrades:
;	- shield increase (Fox)
;	- new vehicle (Scou......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L0505.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Machine Generated Level Description File             ---

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;   created :		Stefan 'Opti'Karau   	
;   Name :		Labyrinth klein oder auf der Flucht
;   designed im :	September 1996
;   last changes :	20.05.1998
;   Gegnerrassen : 	Kyterneser
;   Gr??e : 		16
;	12-M?r-98	Stefan: Upgrate Wiesel ge?ndert
;	23-M?r-98	Stefan: H?henmap korrigiert
;	04-APR-98	Bernd: Himmel ge?ndert
;	15-Mai-98	Stefan: Defense delay runter
;	20-Mai-98	Steffen: das eine Kraftwerk um ein Sektor nach unten verschoben
;				 zwei Tekhs in der N?he des Kraftwerks weggenommen
;	16-06-98	Stefan: Tekh steckte im Haus, nun raus
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;--- Level Info                                           ---
;	info:
;	- we knows about one valley there is one power-station
;	- the power-station is saved by heavy tanks, take 
;	  helicopter (when you can) to control this situation
;	- the enemy-station stand by another power-station
;	- be prepared for constant attacks
;	- do it your way 
;	prima......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L1010.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Original Header                                      ---
; 	Designed by :		Andreas Flemming
;	designed am :		irgendwann zwischen 1886 und 1997
; 	last changes :		06.04.1998   (Roboflakupgrate ge?ndert)
;	Gegner :			Kyterneser
;	18-Mai-98		Stefan: Kraftwerke versetzt
;	18-06-98	Stefan: nur weil Jonathan (Microsoft) mich mit den 
;				Missionsbriefingtext gezwungen hat, baue
;				ich heute die Bombe ein !!!!!!
;	19-06-98	Stefan: nochmal die Bombe n bissel ver?ndert, Ambiencetrack
;	02-07-98	Stefan: Bombe und Keysector vertauscht
;	06-jul-98	Bernd: 	Hatte die Briefinbg Map von Drak
;--- Level Info	                                          ---
; info:
;- 1 Ghorkov-Station in the north
;- 2 Tech-Stations (Jaguar shield-increase + Host-Station- 
;  Flak-boost)
;- 3 power-plants
;- in this level the enemy starts to conquer the sectors very
;  quick.
;- After 6 minutes the enemy is able to move to a power-plant
;- After 10 minutes the enemy uses most of the energy to attack
;  the user-host-station
; primary goal:
;- destroy the enemy-power-plants as fast as possible
;- destroy the enemy-host-station
; secondary goal:
;- conquer a ......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L1111.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;       Name         	:  	Dingenskirchen
;	designed by  	:	Stefan 'Opti' Karau   
;       created      	: 	Januar 97 
;       last changes 	:	09.03.98 
;	Gr??e        	:	10x10
;	Gegner       	:	Taerkasten
;	AI-Tuning    	:  	Steffen Priebus
;	27-Feb-98 	Bernd Neue Briefing Maps eingebaut
;	23-M?r-98	Stefan: H?henmap korrigiert
;	08-May-98	Bernd neuer Himmel
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;--- Level Info                                           ---
;	info:
;	- one Taerkast-host-station is in this level
;	- a tech-center is near your station
;	- take care of the leonids
;	- there is no power-station in this level
;	- on one place has the taercastic a kamikaze squadron
;	primary-goal:
;	- survive
;	- destroy the enemy host-station
;	- dont go to the place of the kamikaze squadron
;	secondary-goal:
;       - found the tech-center and conquer it

;--- Main Level Info                                      ---
    set  = 2
    sky  = objects/wowi.base

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L1212.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Machine Generated Level Description File             ---
; Info:
; - two Mykoniac hoststations in this city
; - alos there: Ghorkovs, Taerkasten, Sulgogaren, Black Sect
; - the Ghorkovs has build a ford in the north with incloudet a Studson Bomb (the countdown comes later in the level)
; - the Myconiac has the Parasite (Studson Bomb from beginning on)
; - Taercasten in the middle of the level (not heavy saved) - first going die
; - Sulgogaren on the east hear the Parasite
; - Myconiac and Parasite has ceantral positions on 3 hills without entrace for ground vehicles
; - Black Sect on the south-east heavy saved by Black Sect Flak Stations (User Building with laser shot)
; primary-goal:
; - stopped and destroy the Parasite
; - destroy the enemy host-stations

;--- Original Header                                      ---
; 	Designed by 	Stefan 'Opti' Karau
; 	Gr?sse : 	40 x 32 
; 	Schwierigkeit : am Schwersten
; 	Gegnerrassen : 	alle
; 	designed im:	November 1996
; 	last changes:	23.03.1998
;	09-Feb-98 	Bernd:  MissionBriefingMap aufger?umt
;	19-M?r-98	Stefan: Level weiter vervollst?ndigt
;	23-M?r-98	Stefan: H?henmap korrigiert
;	28-Apr-98	Stefan: Reload Const

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L1515.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;	Name         	:	HARD THING
;	designed by  	:	Stefan 'Opti' Karau
;   	designed im  	:	September 1996
;	last changes 	:	09.03.1998	
; 	Gegner       	:	Kyterneser, Mykonier
;       AI-Tuning    	:  	Steffen Priebus
;	10-Mar-98 	Bernd 	Himmel ausgetauscht
;	04-Apr-98	Bernd 	Himmel ausgetauscht
;	19-Mai-98	Steffen Sectorenverteilung ge?ndert
;	16-06-98	Stefan: Myko bekommt Delay f?r Robo-Angriff, einige Flaks raus
;	17-06-98	Stefan: noch eine Flak weniger
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;--- Level Info                                           ---
;	info:
;	- two enemy host-stations are in this level
;	- two tech-centers are in this level
;	- a weakly guarded power-station is near from your
;	- the mykonian-power-station is unguarded during the first minute (2 wasp are near by) 
;	primary-goal:
;	- found the power-station and conquer it
;	secondary-goal:
;       - found and conquer the tech-centers 
;	- destroy the enemy power-stations
;       - destroy the enemy host-stations

;--- Main Level Info                                      ---......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L2020.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Machine Generated Level Description File             ---

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;	Levelname :		Drak
;	designed by :		Didi
;      	designed am :   	09.07.1997
;	last changes :		10.03.1998
;	Schwierigkeit :		4
;   	Gegner :		Kyt/Taer
; 	ehemals :		Level 93
;	23-M?r-98	Stefan: H?henmap korrigiert
;	08-May-98	Bernd: Himmel ge?ndert
;	18-Mai-98	Stefan: Angriffsbudgets runter, mehr Land
;	11-06-98	Stefan: Kraftwerks-Upgrate n?her User
;	17-06-98	Stefan: noch eine Flak f?r User, Ownerzuweisung ge?ndert
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;	30-06-98	Steffen: Strassenfehler behoben
;	06-jul-98	Bernd	Hatte die Briefing Map von Darkvalley
;--- Level Info                                           ---
;	info: 
;	- we know about two enemy-host-stations
;	- one of this enemys has a new technology
;	- we don't now what this technology is
;	- we konw, this technology needs many areas to work
;	- look for specaly buildings for this machine and
;	  captured this
;	primary-goal:
;	- captured the new technology......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L2121.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;       	Designed by	:	Stefan "Wari"
;       	Level Name   	:  	Mesopotamien
;   		created      	:  	04.04.1997
;       	last changes 	: 	20.03.1998
;       	Gr?sse       	:  	20x20
;       	Gegner       	:  	Taerkasten, Kyterneser
;	12-M?r-98	Stefan: zus?tzliches Upgrate f?e Wiesel
;	20-M?r-98	Stefan: 3 vorplazierte Satteliten raus
;	13-Mai-98	Stefan: Taerkasten Radarstation
;	11-06-98	Stefan: Taerkasten Robodelay h?her
;	17-06-98	Stefan: zweites vorplaziertes Kraftwerk, mehr Land, Delays
;	18-06-98	Stefan: Robo-Angriffs-Delay Taerkasten h?her, neues Kraftwerk
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;	23-06-98	Stefan: Jobauswahl f?r Hetzel etwas runter
;--- Level Info	                                          ---
; info:
;- 1 Ghorkov-Station in the north-west
;- 1 Teartastic-Station in the east
;- 1 Tearcastic-Station in the middle
;- a lot of power-plants
;- 1 stoudson-wave (4 min.) with 3 keysectors
;- The 2 Tearcasts are fighting together against you
;- First the Ghorkovs are very defensive, but after a few minutes
;  they start to atta......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L2222.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Original Header                                      ---
; 		Name		: 	TAERCASTIC
;		designed by	: 	Bernd
;		created       	: 	15.07.1996
;		last changes	: 	09.03.1998
;		AllerWeltsKost. 	: 	10x10 (also mini) 	
;       		AI		: 	Steffen Priebus
;			27-Feb-98 Bernd Neue Briefing Maps eingebaut
;			19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;			23-06-98	Stefan: Jobbudjets etwas runter	
;--- Level Info                                           ---
;	info:
;	- a taerkast host-stations is in this level
;	- a tech-center is in this level
;	- a power-station to conquer is in north-east
;	- the taerkast has a power-station in south-west 
;	primary-goal:
;	- found the power-station and conquer it
;	secondary-goal:
;       	- found and conquer the tech-center 
;	- destroy the enemy power-station
;       	- destroy the enemy host-station
;--- Main Level Info                                      ---
    set  = 5
    sky  = objects/Smod6.base
    slot0        = palette/standard.pal
    slot1        = palette/red.pal
    slot2        = palette/b......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L2323.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Machine Generated Level Description File             ---

;--- Original Header                                      ---
; Designed by : 	Stefan 'Opti' Karau
; Levelgr??e : 		5 
; Schwierigkeit : 	Tutorium
; Gegnerrassen : 	Kyterneser (kann nicht bauen)
; designed am :		Dez. 96
; last changes :	09.02.98
;	09-Feb-98 	Bernd MissionBriefingMap aufger?umt
;	05-Mai-98	Stefan: die neuen Keywords
;	11-Mai-98	Stefan: User Energie auf Central Park Level
;	14-Mai-98	BErnd: Missionbriefing Bild anderer Dummy
;	18-Mai-98	Stefan: gr??ere Map
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;	03-jul-98	Bernd: Briefingmaps
;	06-07-98	Stefan: Kraftersector an Startposition ausgetauscht
;--- Main Level Info                                      ---
    set  = 1
    sky  = objects/wowb.base
    slot0        = palette/standard.pal
    slot1        = palette/red.pal
    slot2        = palette/blau.pal
    slot3        = palette/gruen.pal
    slot4        = palette/inverse.pal
    slot5        = palette/invdark.pal
    slot6        = palette/sw.pal
    slot7 ......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L2525.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Machine Generated Level Description File             ---

;--- Original Header                                      ---
; Designed by : 	Stefan 'Opti'
; Gr?sse : 		3x10 
; Schwierigkeit : 	Turorium
; Gegnerrassen : 	Kyterneser
; Designed am :		Dez 96
; last changes :	09.02.98
;	09-Feb-98 	Bernd MissionBriefingMap aufger?umt
;	05-Mai-98	Stefan: neue Keywords
;	08-May-98	Bernd: neuer Himmel
;	11-Mai-98	Stefan: User Energie auf Central Park Level
;	14-Mai-98	BErnd: Missionbriefing Bild anderer Dummy
;	03-06-98	Stefan: Land / Fahrzeuge neu plaziert
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;	02-07-98	Stefan: 3 Wasp f?r User vorplaziert, Schiessende Dartboards
;	03-Jul-98	Bernd: Briefing Maps
;	07-07-98	Stefan: 1 Sektor gr?sser, mehr Feind HS, Delays	
;--- Main Level Info                                      ---
    set  = 1
    sky  = objects/wow1.base
    slot0        = palette/standard.pal
    slot1        = palette/red.pal
    slot2        = palette/blau.pal
    slot3        = palette/gruen.pal
    slot4        = palette/inverse.pa......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L2626.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;	Level Name    	:	NOMANSLAND   
;	Designed by   	: 	Steffen Priebus	
;       created       	:	10.07.97
;       upd           	: 	09.03.98
;	Gr?sse        	:	20x20	
;   	Gegner        	:	Myk + Kyt
; 	AI-Tuning     	: 	Steffen Priebus
;	27-Feb-98 	Bernd:  Neue Briefing Maps eingebaut
;	23-M?r-98	Stefan: H?henmap korrigiert, Squadron in MB versteckt
;	05_Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	06-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	08-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;	22-06-98	Stefan: zwei Kyt Flaks ersetzt
;--- Level Info                                           ---
;	info:
;	- one Ghorkov-and one Mykonian-host-station are in this city
;	- we know about a lot of power-stations in this city
;       - two tech-centers are in this city (small FLAK, Wiesel weapon power)
;       - take care of the enemy flakstations
;	primary-goal:
;	- found or build a power-station 
;	- destroy the enemy host-stations
;	secondary-goal:
;	- find and conquer the tech-centers
;       - build flaks for defence
;--- Main Level Info               ......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L3030.LDF,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;	Name          	:	Hurz
;	Designed by   	:	Didi
;       Designed am   	: 	Juli 1997
;     	last changes  	:	19.05.1998
;	Gegner        	:	Kyterneser
;	ehemals       	:	Level 93
;       AI-Tuning     	: 	Steffen Priebus
;	27-Feb-98 	Bernd Neue Briefing Maps eingebaut
;	05_Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	06-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	08-May-98	Bernd:	Neuer Himmel
;	19-Mai-98	Steffen: dem Ghorkov weniger Land gegeben und 2 Giganten rausgenommen !
;	18-06-98	Stefan: mehr Land f?r User, daf?r ein kl. Kraftwerk
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;	24-06-98	Stefan: Robobudgets alle -5
;	03-07-98	Stefan: 2. Kyt HS in MB sichtbar gemacht
;--- Level Info                                           ---
;	info:
;	- two Ghorkov-host-stations are in this city
;	- the enemy has two power-stations (a small and a 4-point-power-station)
;	- we know about two power-stations in this city
;       - two tech-centers are in this city (wiesel-weapon,KNUDDEL)
;	primary-goal:
;	- found or build a power-station 
;       - destroy enemy power-stations
;	- destroy the enemy host-stations
;	secondary-goal:
;	- find and conquer th......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L3131.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;       Name          	: 	Big Labyrinth
;       designed by   	: 	STEFAN "OPTI" KARAU
;	designed am   	:	Herbst 1996
;	last changes  	:	09.03.1998
;	Groesse       	: 	25
;	27-Feb-98 	Bernd Neue Briefing Maps eingebaut
;	05-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	06-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	08-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	11-06-98	Stefan: Sattelit auskommentiert
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;	01-07-98	Stefan: Fehler bei vorplaziertem Fahrzeug beseitigt
;--- Level Info	                                          ---
; info:
;- 1 Ghorkov-Station in the south
;- 1 Teartastic-Station in the east
;- a few power-plants
;- 3 tech centers ,
;- The Tearcasts are very offensive. If you don?t kill their sattelites,
;  they will start to attack you at once.
;- The Ghorkovs are very defensive for the first minutes, but thereafter
;  they?re attacking you too. 
; primary goal:
;- destroy the enemy-host stations
; secondary goal:
;- conquer the tech-centers
;--- Main Level Info                                      ......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L3232.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Original Header                                      ---
; 	Levelname     	: 	Stonehendge
; 	designed by   	: 	Stefan 'Opti' Karau
; 	designed im   	: 	September 1996
; 	last changes  	: 	06.04.1998   (Roboflakupgrate ge?ndert)
; 	Gr?sse        	: 	16x16
; 	Gegner        	: 	Taerkasten 
; 	AI-Tuning     	: 	Steffen Priebus
;	27-Feb-98 	Bernd Neue Briefing Maps eingebaut
;	05-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	06-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	08-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	17-06-98	Stefan: mehr Land f?r User
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;--- Level Info                                           ---
;	info:
;	- one taerkast-host-station on this city
;	- he has a power-station 
;	- we have a stonehendge-power-station
;       - 4 tech-centers are in this level( KNUDDEL,host-station-weapon,scout-shield,fox-weapon)
;	primary-goal:
;	- defence the power-station 
;	- conquer the key-sector to open the beangate 
;	- destroy the enemy host-station
;	secondary-goal:
;	- find and conquer the tech-centers
;--- Main Level Info                                      ---

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L3333.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;   	Name               	: 	ZWEI H?GLE
;      	designed by        	:    	Stefan "Opti" Karau
;	letzte ?nderung am 	:	12.03.1998
;	Schwierigkeit      	: 	Leicht		
;   	internal stuff     	:	Formerly known as Brust-Level
;	updated		   	:	Henrik Volkening
;	27-Feb-98 	Bernd:  Neue Briefing Maps eingebaut
;	23-M?r-98	Stefan: H?henmap korrigiert
;	04-APR-98	Bernd: Wenn man sich nich rausbeamt, wird im Prinzip nur ein Level ?bersprungen.
;	05-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	06-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	08-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;--- Main Level Info                                      ---
    set  = 3
    sky  = objects/nt7.base
    slot0        = palette/standard.pal
    slot1        = palette/red.pal
    slot2        = palette/blau.pal
    slot3        = palette/gruen.pal
    slot4        = palette/inverse.pal
    slot5        = palette/invdark.pal
    slot6        = palette/sw.pal
    slot7        = palette/invtuerk.pal
    title_default        = TWO_HILLS
    title_english        = TWO_HILLS
    title_deutsch        = ZWEI_HUEGLE
	ambiencetrack   ......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L3434.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;	Designed by 	: 	Stefan Warias
;       	created     	: 	27.05.1997
;       	upd	    	: 	06.04.1998   (Roboflakupgrate ge?ndert)
; 	Levelnummer 	: 	35
;	Levelname   	: 	Village...
;	Groesse     	: 	20x20
;	Stufe       	: 	schwer
;	Gegner	    	: 	Mykonier,Kyterneser
;	ehemals	    	: 	Level 35
;	ai-tuning   	: 	Henrik Volkening
;	updated     	: 	20.02.1998
;	29-Feb-98 		Bernd MissionBriefingMap aufger?umt
;	27-Feb-98 		Bernd Neue Briefing Maps eingebaut
;	04-APR-98		Stefan: Beamgate f?hrt jetzt auch nach 50, damit in 2 H?gle im Zweifelsfall nur 1 Level nicht
;				aufgeschlossen ist, und nicht der ganze Mykonierzweig.
;	05-Mai-98		Stefan: Reload Const
;	06-Mai-98		Stefan: Reload Const
;	08-Mai-98		Stefan: Reload Const
;	09-Mai-98		Stefan: Radarstationen
;	19-06-98		Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;	- 1 Ghorkov-Station in the middle.
;	- 1 Mykoniac-Station in the east.
;	- a lot of power-plants
;	- 3 tech-upgrades
;	- 1 stoudson-bomb with 3 keysectors
;	- both parties act the same way (very offensive).
;	- in the beginning you have to defense your station very brave, 

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L4040.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;   	Name          	:	Ein Weites Feld
; 	designed by   	:	Andreas Flemming
;      	created am    	: 	1996
;	last changes  	:	19.05.98	
;	Gr?sse        	:	40x40
;	Gegner        	:	KYTERNESER, Taerkasten
;	AI-Tuning     	:	Steffen Priebus			
;	23-M?r-98	Stefan: H?henmap korrigiert
;	30-M?r-98	Stefan: Superitem Zeit hochgesetzt
;	15-Apr-98	Stefan:	einige Upgrates im MB versteckt
;				Land f?r Kyterneser
;	05-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	06-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	08-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;			Bernd: Himmel
;	13-Mai-98	Stefan: Radarstationen
;	19-Mai-98	Steffen: mehr Land f?r den User gegeben
;				 dem Kyterneser ein Kraftwerksdelay von 8 min. gegeben
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Radarupgrate richtiger Sound, Ambiencetrack
;--- Level Info                                           ---
;	info:
;	- one Ghorkov-and one Taerkast-host-station are in this city
;	- we have no power-station in this city
;       - a lot of tech-centers are in this city 
;	- the taerkast has a stoudsen-wave and attempt it to activated
;	primary-goal:
;	- build a power-station 
;	- destroy the enemy host-stations
;	- conquer t......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L4141.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;	designed by   	:	Stefan 'Opti' Karau
;	Name          	:	PEACEMAKER  
;      	created am    	:	30.12.1996
;       last changes  	:	09.03.1998
;	Schwierigkeit 	:	7
;	Gegner        	:	Kyterneser, Taerkasten
;	ehemals       	:	Level 44
;	ai-tuning     	:	 Henrik Volkening
;	updated       	: 	20.02.1998
;	09-Feb-98 	Bernd:  MissionBriefingMap aufger?umt 
;	27-Feb-98 	Bernd:  Neue Briefing Maps eingebaut
;	23-M?r-98	Stefan: H?henmap korrigiert
;	27-M?r-98	Stefan: Fahrzeuge im Missionsbriefing versteckt
;	05-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	06-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	08-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;			Bernd: Himmel
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;--- Main Level Info                                      ---
    set  = 1
    sky  = objects/wow9.base
    slot0        = palette/standard.pal
    slot1        = palette/red.pal
    slot2        = palette/blau.pal
    slot3        = palette/gruen.pal
    slot4        = palette/inverse.pal
    slot5        = palette/invdark.pal
    slot6        = palette/sw.pal
    slot7        = palette/invtuerk.pal
    title_default        = PEACEMAKER

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L4242.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;	Name         	: 	Commandiere & Taerkastriere
;	Designed by  	: 	Stefan 'Opti'
;	Designed am  	: 	vielleicht 1996 oder 97
;	last changes 	: 	09.03.1998
;	Gr?sse       	: 	16x16
; 	Gegnerrassen 	: 	Taerkasten
;       AI-Tuning    	: 	Steffen Priebus
;	27-Feb-98 	Bernd Neue Briefing Maps eingebaut
;	05_Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	06-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	08-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	13-Mai-98	Bernd: Himmel
;	18-06-98	Stefan: linker Weg nun mit Schleife, Kraftwerk
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;	30-06-98	Steffen: Strassenfehler behoben		
;--- Level Info                                           ---
;	info:
;	- one taerkast-host-station in this level
;	- he has some power-stations 
;	- we have no power-station
;       - in this level we can find a secret technologie from the taerkasts (BRONSTEIN )
;       - 4 tech-centers are in this level
;	primary-goal:
;       - build and defence power-stations 
;	- find and conquer the secret tech-center
;       - destroy the enemy power-stations 
;	- destroy the enemy host-station
;	secondary-goal:
;	- find and conquer the tech-centers

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L4343.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;	Level Name    	:	Assis Way
;	Designed by   	: 	Stefan 'Opti' Karau   
;       created       	:	01.01.96
;       upd           	: 	09.03.1998		
;	Schwierigkeit 	:	na ja
;	Gr?sse        	:	5x50	
;   	Gegner        	:	Mykonier
;	05-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	06-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;--- Level Info                                           ---
;	info:
;	- there are 3 Mykoniac motherships in this area
;	- this motherships have many Powerstations nearby
;	- in the near of the beam gate the Mykoniac installed
;	  a new anti-tank building (flak)
;	- near of the start - point we are located an tech -
;	  center
;	primary-goal:
;	- destroy the energy-system of the mykoniac - motherships
;	- located the new anti-tank buildings and destroy this
;	  for save the next missions
;	secondary-goal:
;	- found the tech-center
;--- Main Level Info                                      ---
    set  	 = 6
    sky  	 = objects/nt3.base
    slot0        = palett......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L4444.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Machine Generated Level Description File             ---

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;	Designed by : Stefan Warias
;       created     : 30.05.1997
;       upd	    : 09.03.1998
;	Levelname   : Death Valley
;	Groesse     : 24x24 ?
;	Stufe       : mittel
;	Gegner	    : Mykonier 	
;	ehemals     : Level 36
;	ai-tuning   : Henrik Volkening
;	updated     : 23.02.1998
;	09-Feb-98	Bernd: MissionBriefingMap aufger?umt
;	23-M?r-98	Stefan: Upgrate versteckt
;	14-Apr-98	Stefan: MB Fahrzeuge versteckt
;	05-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	06-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	08-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;	07-jul-98	Bernd:	Himmel ge?ndert
; Info:
;- two Mykoniac- Stations in the south.
;- Two tech centers
;- 3 power-plants
;- the mykoniacs are protected by a lot of flak stations
;- they move to the same place in the south-eastern part of the city to fight 
; together against you.
; primary goal:
;- destroy the enemy host-stations
;- des......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L5050.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Machine Generated Level Description File             ---

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;	designed by :		Bernd 
;       created:        	09.11.1996
;	last changes:		09.03.1998	
;	Name :			DARKZONE
;	ehemals :		Level 06
;	ai-tuning:		Henrik Volkening
;	updated:		26.02.1998
;				09-Feb-98 Bernd MissionBriefingMap aufger?umt
;	13-Mar-98		Bernd: LevelMap eingebaut
;	05-Mai-98		Stefan: Reload Const
;	06-Mai-98		Stefan: Reload Const
;	08-Mai-98		Stefan: Reload Const
;	19-06-98		Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;	07-Jul-98		Bernd:	Himmel ausgetauscht
;- 1 Ghorkov Station in the east
;- 1 tech center
;- some power-plants
;- the Ghorkovs are able to build power-plants and flak-stations
;- And they?ve got a lot of energy, but they have no advance selling 
;- Perhaps they are also new in this part of the world.
;- There are 3 useable Ghorkov-Giants in the level. The user could have 
;stolen them from the Ghorkovs, or found them anywhere.
;primary goal:
;- destroy the enemy host-station
;- destroy the flak-stations......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L5151.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Machine Generated Level Description File             ---

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;       Name         :  Hamburger Hill
;	designed by  :	Andreas 
;	designed am  :	jaaa... hmmm ...
;	last changes :	18.05.1998
;	Gegner       :	2-Taerkasten ; 2-Ghorkovs
;	ai-tuning    :  Steffen Priebus
;	!!! Squads muessen noch von Kyt. in Taerkasten geaendert werden !!!
;	09-Feb-98 	Bernd MissionBriefingMap aufger?umt	
;	12-M?r-98	Stefan: Fehler in Laurin-Upgrate beseitigt, 3 Waffenupgrate st?rker
;	13-Mar-98 	Bernd LevelMap eingebaut
;	17-Apr-98	Stefan: Fahrzeuge in MB versteckt
;	05-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	08-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	13-Mai-98	Stefan: Radarstationen
;	13-May-98	Bernd: Himmel
;	18-Mai-98	Steffen: Level umgebaut
;	22-Mai-98	Stefan: Upgratesound
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Radargeb?ude = Geb?udesound
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;	info:
;	- the mission in this level is, to defend a hill with help of the stoudson-bomb
;	- 3 Taercast- and 2 Ghorkov-hoststations are in this level 
;	- w......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L5252.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Machine Generated Level Description File             ---

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;	Name         : Sulen in the Nigth
;	Designed by  : Stefan 'Opti'
;	designed am  : Anfang 1997
; 	last changes : 06.04.1998   (Roboflakupgrate ge?ndert)
;			13-Mar-98 Bernd LevelMap eingebaut
;	Levelgrsse   : 16x16
; 	Gegnerrassen : Sulogarn, Taerkasten
;	AI-Tuning    : Steffen Priebus
;	23-M?r-98	Stefan: H?henmap korrigiert
;	30-M?r-98	Stefan: ein Upgrade halb versteckt
;	05-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	08-Mai-98	Steffen: Reload Const
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;	22-06-98	Stefan: mehr Land f?r User
;	24-06-98	Stefan: Taerkasten-Budgets alle -5
;--- Level Info                                           ---
;	info:
;	- one Taerkast-and one Sulgogar-host-station are in this city
;	- we know about a lot of power-stations in this city
;       - 3 tech-centers are in this city 
;	- the Taerkast can build power-stations
;	primary-goal:
;	- found or build a power-station 
;	- destroy the enemy host-stations
;	sec......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L5353.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Machine Generated Level Description File             ---

;--- Original Header                                      ---
; 	Name          : Sulogs d?nnes Garn
; 	degigned by   : Stefan 'Opti' 19.03.1997
; 	upd		: 09.03.1998             
; 	Gr?sse        : 48x3	
; 	Gegner        : Sologarn
; 	AI-Tuning     : Steffen Priebus
;	13-Mar-98 	Bernd LevelMap eingebaut
;	05-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	06-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	08-Mai-98	Stefan: Relaod Const
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;--- Level Info                                           ---
; Info:
; 	- new Enemy on this city
; 	- near on the start positition is a heavy powerplant
; 	- on the end of the line is the gate to the next land
; 	- take care
; primary goal:
; 	- save the powerplant
; secondary goal:
; 	- look for the new enemy and destroy all
;--- Main Level Info                                      ---
    set  = 2

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L5454.LDF,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Machine Generated Level Description File             ---

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;	designed by  :	Floh
;	designed am  :	1996
;	last changes :	09.03.1998
; 	Name         :	Mykophobia
; 	Gegner       :	Mykonier
; 	ehemals      :	Level 33
;	ai-tuning:   :  Henrik Volkening
;	updated	     :  04.03.1998
;				09-Feb-98 Bernd MissionBriefingMap aufger?umt
;	12-M?r-98	Stefan: 3 Upgrade berichtigt
;	05-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	06-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	08-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	13-Mai-98	Stefan: Radarstationen
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;- 1 Mykoniac-Station in the middle
;- some power-plants
;- the Mykoniac is able to build flak-stations
;- there seme to be a lot of power-plants, but most of them are imitations
;- Perhaps you have entered a secret energy-storage of  the Mykoniacs
;- And they have build a lot of imitations to confuse you
;- 1 tech upgrade-centre
;Primary goal:
;- destroy the enemy host-station
;- destroy the power-plants 
;secondary goal:
;- conquer ......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L6060.LDF,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Machine Generated Level Description File             ---

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;       Name        :   Sibuna
; 	Designed by :	Didi
;	Designed am :	15.07.1997
;	updated:	06.07.1998
;	Levelgr?sse :	28x28
;	Gegnerrassen :	2 Kyterneser, 1 Schwarze Sekte, 
;	AI-Tuning:	Henrik Volkening
;	19-Mar-98 	Bernd:  MissionBriefing Maps
;	23-M?r-98	Stefan: H?henmap korrigiert
;	28-Apr-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	04-Mai-98	Stefan: Levelgr?sse ver?ndert
;	05-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	08-Mai-98	Steffen: Reload Const
;	13-Mai-98	Stefan: Radarstationen
;	13-Mai-98	Steffen: Radarstation f?r einen Ghorkonen freigeschaltet
;	13-Mai-98	Bernd: Himmel
;	05-06-98	Stefan: Changeplace bei Ghorkov auf 0
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;	26-06-98	Stefan: einige Squadrone geringer in Fahrzeuganzahl
;	06-07-98	Steffen: Beamgatefake rausgenommen - BS-flak ge?ndert
;--- Level Info                                           ---
; Info:
;- 1 Ghorkov-Station in the west
;- 1 Ghorkov-Station in the south-west
;- 1 Black-Sect-......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L6161.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Machine Generated Level Description File             ---

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;	Name          :	Maze of Death
; 	Designed by   :	Stefan 'Opti' Karau
;	Designed am   :	13.05.1997
;	last chages   :	27.03.1998
;	Levelgr?sse   :	32x32
;	Gegnerrassen  :	Taerkasten, Schwarze Sekte, Kyterneser
;	AI-Tuning     : Steffen Priebus
;	28-Apr-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	05-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	06-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	08-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;			Bernd Himmel
;	13-Mai-98	Steffen: Radarstationen
;	22-Mai-98	Stefan: Upgradesound
;	03-Jun-98	Bernd: MissionbriefingMap
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Upgrate Radargeb?ude = Geb?udesound, Ambiencetrack
;--- Level Info                                           ---
;- 1 Taerkast-Station in the south-east
;- 1 Ghorkov-Station in the south-west
;- 1 Black-Sect-Station in the middle
;- a lot of power-plants are in the near from you
;- 4 tech-upgrade-centres
;- all parties are able to build power-plants and flak-stations
;- the Black-Sect is also able to buil......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L6262.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Machine Generated Level Description File             ---

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;   	Name : 			Ghetto
;   	created by :   		Stefan'Opti' Karau
;	ceated am :		Januar 1997
;	letzte ?nderung :	13.05.1998 
; 	Levelgr??e :		25x25
;	Gegnerrassen : 		Taerkasten, Schwarze Sekte
;	AI_Tuning:		Stefan 'Metzel Hetzel' Karau		
;	07-04-98		Stefan: AI Tuning
;	16-04-98		Stefan: Schwarze Sekte in MB sichtbar
;	28-Apr-98		Stefan: Reload Const
;	05-Mai-98		Stefan: Reload Const
;	08-Mai-98		Steffen: Reload Const
;	13-Mai-98		Steffen: dem Taerkasten die Radar-Station freigeschalten
;	19-06-98		Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;--- Level Info                                           ---
;	info:
;	- 1 Ghorkov Sation in the South 
;	- 1 Black Sect Sation in the North
;	- save your Start-Position with one Powerstation for easy way in the middle of the City
;	- save the power satations in the north and south with flaks
;	primeray goal:
;	- destroy first the Black Seckt Station in the north the the Taerkast in the south


...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L6363.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Machine Generated Level Description File             ---

;--- Original Header                                      ---
; 	Name         :  Teer am schwarzen Wadi
; 	Designed by  :  Stefan 'Opti'
; 	Gr?sse       :  16x16
; 	Gegnerrassen :  Taerkasten, Schwarze Sekte 
; 	last changes :  16.03.1998
;			13-Mar-98 Bernd LevelMap eingebaut
;	AI-Tuning    :  Steffen Priebus
;	28-Apr-98	Stefan: Raload Const
;	05-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	06-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	08-Mai-98	Stefan: Relaod Const
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;--- Level Info                                           ---
;	info:
;	- one Taerkast-and one Black-sekt-host-station are in this city
;	- we know about some power-stations in this city
;       - two tech-centers are in this city 
;       - take care of the enemy flakstations
;       - the enemy can build power-stations and flak-stations
;	primary-goal:
;	- found or build a power-station 
;	- destroy the enemy host-stations
;	secondary-goal:
;	- find and conquer the tech-centers
;       - build flaks for def......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L6464.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Machine Generated Level Description File             ---

;--- Original Header                                      ---
; 	Name               : One Way
; 	Designed by        : Stefan 'Opti' Karau
; 	Gr?sse             : 3x32 
; 	Gegnerrassen       : Kyterneser
; 	letzte ?nderung am : 09.04.1998
;	AI-Tuning          : Steffen Priebus
;	23-M?r-98	Stefan: H?henmap korrigiert
;	28-Apr-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	05-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	06-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	08-Mai-98	Stefan: Relaod Const
;	03-jun-98	Bernd: Missionbriefing
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;	06-07-98	Stefan: vorplazierte Fahrzeuge im MB versetckt
;--- Level Info                                           ---
; Info:
;- two Ghorkow-Stations in the south.
;- one tech center
;- the Ghorkow are be abled to build flak-stations and power-stations
; primary goal:
;- destroy the enemy host-stations
;- destroy the flak-stations
; secondary goal:
;- conquer the tech center
;--- Main Level Info           ......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L6666.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Machine Generated Level Description File             ---

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;   	Name          :	Assimilation from Bor...Konier	
;       designed by   :	Stefan 'Opti'
;	designed am   :	20.03.97
;	Gr?sse        :	32x32	
;   	Gegner        :	Mykonier
;	AI-Tuning     : Steffen Priebus
;	updated       :	09.04.98
;	28-Apr-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	05-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	06-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	08-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload const
;	16-jun-98	Bernd: Himmel
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;	29-06-98	Stefan: weniger Land f?r User
;--- Level Info                                           ---
; Info:
;- two Mykonian-Stations in the North.
;- two tech centers
;- the Mykonians are be abled to build flak-stations and power-stations
; primary goal:
;- destroy the enemy host-stations
;- destroy the flak-stations
; secondary goal:
;- conquer the tech centers
;--- Main Level Info                                      ---

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L7070.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Machine Generated Level Description File             ---

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;	Name	      : SMILE      
;	designed by   :	Stefan 'Opti' Karau 
;	designed in   :	1996
;	last changes  :	13.05.1998  
; 	Gegnerrassen  : Mykonier, Kyterneser, Black Sekt
; 	Gr??e         :	32x32
;	AI-Tuning     : Steffen Priebus
;	28-Apr-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	05-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	08-Mai-98	Steffen: Reload Const
;	13-Mai-98	Steffen: Kyt-Radar freigeschalten
;	14-Mai-98	Bernd: MB Map eingetragen
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;	29-06-98	Stefan: weniger Land f?r User
;	07-jul-98	Bernd: Himmel ge?ndert
;--- Level Info                                           ---
;- one Mykonier-, one Ghorkov-and one Black-sekt-host-station are in this city
;- we know about some power-stations in this city
;- two tech-centers are in this city 
;- take care of the enemy flakstations
;- the Mykonier is heavy protected by a lot of Statics
;- the enemy can build power-stations and flak-stations
;- the Black-......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L7171.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Machine Generated Level Description File             ---

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;       Name         :  Industrial Centre
;     	created      :  STEFAN "OPTI" Karau 
;	designed am  :	Dez.96
;	last chages  : 	13.05.1998
;	27-Apr-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	28-Apr-98	Stefan: AI
;	05-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	06-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	08-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	14-Mai-98	Bernd: MB Map eingetragen
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;--- Level Info                                           ---
;	info:
;	- in the middle of this city there are technolgy 
;	  centrum and many power stations
;	- two Ghorkovian Motherships in this city
;	- Taerkasten Orden and Mykoniac also here
;	- we know about Pirates (Black Sect?)
;	primary-goal:
;	- save the centre of this city
;	- look and captured the thech centres
;	secondary-goal:
;	- destroy all enemys
;--- Main Level Info                                      ---

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L7272.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Machine Generated Level Description File             ---

;--- Original Header                                      ---

; 	Name :		Schlachtfeld 
; 	Designed by : 	Stefan 'Opti'
;	designed am :	September 1996
;	last changes :	20.05.1998
; 	Gegnerrassen : 	Schwarze Sekte, Kyterneser, Taerkasten
;	23-M?r-98	Stefan: H?henmap korrigiert
;	16-Apr-98	Stefan: AI und zus?tzliche Fahrzeuge
;	21-Apr-98	Stefan: AI
;	22-Apr-98	Stefan: Bombe
;	28-Apr-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	05-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	08-Mai-98	Steffen: Reload Const
;	13-Mai-98	Stefan: Radarstation
;	14-Mai-98	Bernd: MB Map eingetragen
;	29-Mai-98	Steffen: Fahrzeuge vorplaziert
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;	30-06-98	Stefan: Pico Upgrate Waffe modifiziert
;--- Level Info                                           ---
;	Info:
;	- we know about one Ghorkov Station  and Taerkast Station
;	- in the south is a black area
;	- we replaced many tanks for first fightings against the frontline in the south
;	- save the frontline in the west beetwen your and the Taerkast
;	pr......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L7373.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Machine Generated Level Description File             ---

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;	Levelname   	: 	Mission Possible
;	Designed by 	: 	Stefan Warias
;       created     	: 	05.04.1997
;      	upd	    	: 	13.05.1998
;	Groesse     	: 	26x26
;	Gegner	    	: 	Taerkasten, Sulgogaren, Schwarze Sekte
;	AI-Tuning	:	Steffen Priebus
;	28-Apr-98	:	Stefan: Reload Const
;	05-Mai-98	:	Stefan: Reload Const
;	06-Mai-98	:	Stefan: Reload Const
;	08-Mai-98	:	Stefan: Reload Const
;	12-Mai-98	:	Steffen: Level von 32x32 in 26x26 ge?ndert !
;	14-Mai-98	Bernd: MB Map eingetragen
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;	29-06-98	Stefan: mehr Land, Kraftwerke f?r SS / Sulg., User Flak / Kraftwerk raus
;--- Level Info                                           ---
;- one Taerkast-, one Sulgugar-and one Black-sekt-host-station are in this city
;- we know about a power-stations in the near of you
;- four tech-centers are in the middle of this city 
;- you have a radar-station on the central-mountain, but we don`t know how lon......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L7474.LDF,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes

;--- Machine Generated Level Description File             ---

;--- Original Header                                      ---
;	Designed by :	Floh & Steffen Priebus
; 	Level Name :	Loong Way
;	designed am :	uralt
;	updated :	11.5.1998
;	Gr??e :		26x26
;	Gegner :	Kyterneser, Mykonier
;	AI-Tuning :     Steffen Priebus
;	05-Mai-98	Stefan: Reload Const
;	08-Mai-98	Steffen: Reload Const
;	13-Mai-98	Bernd Himmel
;	14-Mai-98	Bernd: MB Map eingetragen
;	19-06-98	Stefan: Ambiencetrack
;	29-06-98	Stefan: mehr Land / Kraftwerke f?r Myk, Geb?ude freigeschalten, Budgets
;	03-07-98	Stefan: HS berichtigt
;--- Level Info                                           ---
;- one Mykonier-and one Ghorkov-host-station are in this city
;- a power-station is in the near from you
;- 3 tech-centers are in this city 
;- the enemies has a lot of Flak-stations
;- the Mykonier is in the north and the Ghorkov is in south
;- the enemy can build power-stations and flak-stations
;- found or build a power-station 
;- destroy the enemy flak-stations......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L7575.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

;#*+ don't edit the magic runes
;	DEMO LEVEL (= Level 1 ohne vorplatzierte eigene)
    	set 		= 	1                                        
    	sky 		= 	objects/wowd.base	; Bernd Himmel ohne Loch
	slot0		=	palette/standard.pal	; STANDARD !
	slot1		=	palette/red.pal		; ROT Standard-Feind-Einschu? 
	slot2		=	palette/blau.pal		; COLD!
	slot3		=	palette/gruen.pal		; NICE !
	slot4		=	palette/inverse.pal	; COOL !
	slot5		=	palette/invdark.pal 	; B?SE UND BRUTAL !
	slot6		=	palette/sw.pal		; More ! KontrastZeux kommt genial !
	slot7		=	palette/invtuerk.pal	; Gut f?r Feinde ! Mu? sehr stark sein !
	title_default	=	demo
	ambiencetrack   = 	4
;--- Beam Gates                                           ---
	sec_x		=	2
	sec_y		=	7
	closed_bp	=	5
	opened_bp	=	6
        	target_level    	=     	2		; Virgin Steel 
	target_level	=	3		; Skullalley
	keysec_x	=	5
	keysec_y	=	3
;--- Robo Definitions                                     ---
begin_robo              				; SPIELERROBO
    	owner   		= 	1
    	vehicle 		= 	56
    	pos_x   		= 	7763

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : L9898.ldf,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

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...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Trainers.nfo,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : yohuasgame.zip
Trainers City

Nom du fichier zip: yohuasgame.zip

Taille du fichier : 318 885 octets

Téléchargé : 5059 fois
Mise à jour : 2006.07.19

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